Good morning! I hope you have had great start to your Thursday.
For those of you who are newer to the blog, you should know that I am quite the music lover. Any genre, any decade, or anything I can dance or chill out to, I am totally about. I continuously stalk iTunes, local radio stations, Spotify, and Pandora to bookmark songs and create new playlists to listen to in the background of pretty much anything I do.
Every season, I roll out a new batch of fun songs and create a workout and running playlist I always listen to, and guess what? It’s Spring. Time for a new one!
By the way, you can always stream my workout playlists (along with all the others) online through Spotify. I hope you enjoy the tunes as much as I do!
You can listen to this specific playlist here, but for some reason I can’t find how to embed it into my post this time. Bummer.
As usual, I also included a slower jam to cool down to at the end. You can watch that video here if you’re looking for a preview. (I’m obsessed with that song even more than the upbeat ones!)
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some running and listening to get to. Only… I won’t be at the beach like yesterday. Double bummer.
Eh, you win some you lose some. Enjoy the tunes and I will see you back here in just a bit!
Previous Running + Workout Playlists
• Summer 2014 Workout Playlist
• Spring 2014 Workout Playlist
• Winter 2013-14 Workout Playlist
• Summer 2013 Workout Playlist I
• Summer 2013 Workout Playlist II
• Spring 2013 Working Playlist
• Winter 2012-13 Workout Playlist
• Summer 2012 Workout Playlist
And even more on the Workout Playlists page!
Question of the Morning
What is your favorite song to rock out to on your workout playlist right now?

Uptown Funk always gets me moving! Thanks for the post always looking for new tunes!
That’s a good jam!
My new favorite workout song is this song:
You can buy it on iTunes. Such an empowering song.
Great list! I wish I was in Florida running right now too!
I realized I didn’t put the title of the song “Rule the World” by WOTE
Right every time Party Hard pops up on my play list I run just a bit faster. My kiddos seem to be enjoying that one as well. (The clean version of course)
I don’t know if I’ve heard that one, I need to check it out!
I love this playlist! I have been needing to update my workout playlist before my long training run on Saturday so this is perfect!
Woo hoo, enjoy the jams! And good luck with your training!
I’m in need of some new workout music. I have an old nano that I usually use to listen to music when I work out since it is little and stays out of the way. However, it does not have pandora or spotify. What do you use to play music on I’m looking for birthday ideas…
Oh my gosh, the iPod nano. Yes! Honestly, I just use my phone. I can pay $10 a month download any music I want and stream all of my Spotify playlists on my workouts and runs. I love it!