I woke up yesterday knowing I’m finally over the “hump” of being sick. This means I’m starting to feel better and function like an actual human being again.
I worked a retail shift at the studio and had a great morning.
Status Update Overload
Every morning I wake up, I have a routine.
I get up, wash my face, brush my teeth – but before I do any of that – I check my phone.
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Pinterest… that’s what I do before I even think about getting up. It’s part of my waking up process and I’ve been that way ever since I got an iPhone about four years ago.
Doing this gives me about five to ten more minutes to lay in bed, pretending like I don’t have to get up and I really enjoy that extra time.
Being a blogger, I realize how important it is to connect through social media. I know at least the people I’ve met through blogging communities or on Twitter understand the need to constantly check in and update people with what they are up to.
Who cares? Surprisingly a lot of people do.
That reminds me of the radio commercial I heard recently about McDonald’s iced coffee. Since I can’t seem to find it ANYWHERE, here is my best attempt to re-enact it for you:
Woman: Oh, I’m just updating my status that I got a iced frappe mocha.
Man: Nobody reads those status updates anyways…
Woman: Yea..(chime) (chime)….(chime) (chime) (chime).
Woman: See?
Isn’t that so true?
I rarely follow celebrities, but the few that I do follow will post one thing and get a hundred responses back, almost instantly.
It isn’t news that my family (besides Scott) thinks I tell too much personal stuff on my blog, Facebook statuses and tweets.
If you ask me, that’s why those platforms are there. The blogs that grab my interest that I read daily are ones I feel like I know the person writing it.
For that reason, I like to let you all in on my every day life by updating, tweeting and engaging in conversation by asking questions at the bottom of my posts.
Here’s a great example:
Speaking of Jason’s Deli, that’s where I had lunch yesterday with my friend Heather. I love that place and I get the same thing every time:
A ginormous (make your own) salad and a cup of soup.
This time I got vegetarian Tomato Basil soup and it was delicious. My favorite part of the salad bar at Jason’s is the hummus. I love getting a side of it to dip with veggies.
My salad of choice was made up of romaine, spinach, red and yellow peppers, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, a three bean salad, a little bit of shredded cheese, a hard boiled egg, a drizzle of house dressing and of course, red pepper hummus.
I’m obsessed.
Heather ordered a bowl of Chicken Pot Pie soup, and it was literally the size of my head.
Right?! She had about a third of it.
We had a lot to catch up on and ended up being there for two hours! While chatting, I went back to the salad bar for some cottage cheese and sliced apples.
…. and I couldn’t leave without getting a free frozen yogurt.
It makes me so happy.
Time for some social interacting!
How much do you update your status on Facebook or tweet? (Once a day? Ten times a day?)
Do you ever feel overloaded with friends’ feeds?

I got rid of FaceBook because I found I spent way too much time on it. Yes, I miss interacting with friends and family that I don’t see much, but, in the same token, when it takes away from my relationships, now- (like updating status or checking it at dinner time) it’s time to go. I am on twitter, but it’s not as big of a time waster IMO. Sometimes I update a few times a day, and then I won’t go on there for a few days…
Yes, I know what you mean with spending too much time on it! Scott and I will mandate no phones at the table when eating dinner, but not often enough!