Hello! I hope you all had a great weekend and that your Monday is off to a great start so far.
Last weekend was very chill for Scott and I. He had a few work events that kept him busy, so I was able to make a lot of progress organizing and typing up things on the back-end for the new site. My biggest goal is to make it super easy to find content and informational archives through pages and sub-pages. Slowly but surely, they are coming together.
(By the way, I finally finished an Orlando & Florida page!)
So yeah, I didn’t do much off of the computer until Sunday. Such is life.
Scott had practice in the late-morning, so I stayed home and streamed our church service online with Roadie. He loves snuggling with me while I sip coffee and watch from the couch. He’s kind of a 60 pound lap dog. #itsfine
As soon as the service ended, I changed and got ready to go for a run outside. You know you’re living in the Michigan when…
“…you look at the weather forecast for the week and think you can sneak in one more run before it gets ‘too cold’ (anything under twenty degrees).”
True story. I couldn’t find Roadie’s coat, but I just couldn’t leave for a run outside without him. He loves going just as much as I do!
A lot of our normal sidewalks were covered in snow, which wasn’t surprising at all. As challenging as it can be, I really want to stay committed and keep running with him this year. No excuses.
So, off we went, running on snow, pummeling through ice patches, and searching for as much pavement as we could find!
I probably just sound really dramatic. The truth is, I hate to love running outside when there is snow on the ground. It’s beautiful, and I actually do enjoy running when it’s chilly out (hence the word chilly, not cold), but gosh… running through snow takes another kind of motivation, y’all.
I shared some of my thoughts on Instagram, but here are some of the things I realized while running with my main man in the cold yesterday…
1. You can’t really stop, just keep pushing through the ice patches.
2. Less stops = less time you have to be outside. Just. Keep. Running.
3. Roadie loves any run I take him on, snow or shine.
4. Gloves can also double as tissues. #sorrynotsorry
We made a quick 2.5 mile loop around the neighborhood in just under 25 minutes, then headed back inside. I don’t like to keep him out too long without his coat when it’s that cold!
Since it had been a couple of days since my last workout, I went down to the basement and pulled up my Fitness Pilates Circuit Burner workout to lift some weights. It was a good one that had me burning for sure!
Yes, you can perform the entire thing in socks, and yes, you will be sore the next day. (I seriously can’t wait to foam roll later!)
I hopped in the shower and couldn’t wait for lunch when I got out. I filled up my water bottle with to tie me over. It was fantastic and, surprisingly enough, tasted like birthday cake.
As soon as I got back downstairs, I turned to the refrigerator in hopes of finding something worth eating. I found a tiny portion of chicken, steak, and shrimp fajitas leftovers, so I rolled with that.
I only had enough to fill one corn tortilla, so I layered three with spinach, cucumbers, and red peppers first. It was the perfect plan and did a great job of filling me up!
A friend of ours came over with his pup right when Scott got home, and the three of us drove over to Downtown Rochester to see if we could catch the end of the Fire & Ice Festival.
We were about an hour too late, which was a bummer. We noticed that there were still ice sculptures lining Main Street, so we took a lap down and back to see the creations. They are always neat to look at!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots
Each business has a sculpture outside that describes something about it.
A ballerina jewelry box in front of a jeweler.
A chess set in front of a chess set (in a furniture store).
Woody from Toy Story in front of a jeweler.
(Okay, fine, that’s just random.)
Since the festival was officially over, a lot of the sculptures were cracked or broken. Don’t worry… Scott’s got it covered.
We stopped into The Cupcake Station on the way back to the car and picked up a few treats for later on!
I really don’t know if I was more excited about the cupcakes for us or the pupcakes for Roadie. Hehe, pupcakes. So freaking cute.
Ours were absolutely dreamy. I had the Samoa flavor (as in the Girl Scout Cookie) on the right, and it might have been the best cupcake I have ever eaten. The cake portion was light, fluffy, and reminded me of a sponge cake, while the icing had a toasted coconut taste with a crispy edge. It was so good!
Roadie loved his as well, obviously. We gave him one last night and I’m looking forward to giving him the other one tonight.
Is that sad? Do we need children? Ha.
Right before we got back to the car, we stumbled upon Thomas the Train and I couldn’t help but to stop and get in for a ride.
Hahaha. Sorry. That’s me laughing at myself.
I’m ridiculous.
And to answer my own question, yes, we clearly need children.
Does anyone want to let us borrow theirs for a weekend? We’d really love to go see Frozen on Ice when it comes to town in March and need an excuse. Thanks in advance. <3
» Linking up my Weekend Snapshots with Katie and Erin.

I can’t say that I love or hate running in the winter, because I haven’t actually tried. Yesterday was a much better day in terms of temperatures and I will admit I was a bit envious of the runners I saw along the road on my way back from the gym. You may have just inspired me to take it outdoors for a run but AFTER this blizzard in the Northeast! 🙂
Oh man, yes… after the blizzard would be ideal! You got this girl. Most of the fear is in your head. Just remember to layer!
What a cool post!! I found you on the Weekend Snapshots LinkUp.
Those ice sculptures are amazing, I loved the Furby.
I need to tell my cousin, Danielle, about your blog. She’s looking to start one about health and fitness etc. She’d love yours 🙂
I’m hosting a linkup over on my blog. Its based in the UK (Scotland, to be exact) and I wondered if you wanted to come and share your post. I’d love to have you on the linkup (runs every Monday), maybe you’ll find some new UK readers also. 🙂 Linkups are new to the UK so I really want to try and promote it with some great bloggers that I know from US LinkUps. If you’re up for sharing your post, u can do so here – http://www.atouchoftartan.co.uk/
Laura xx
Aw, Hi Laura! Welcome! I’m so glad you found my blog. Your link-up sounds fun! Thanks for sharing the info 🙂
Ugh, I’m cold when it’s like 40 outside. I don’t think I’d survive in Michigan! I’m super impressed by the ice sculptures…they’re like sandcastles of the north. Ha! Sounds like you had the perfect mix of fun and productivity this weekend.
Living up here has definitely made me thicken my skin!
Hi! those ice sculptures are amazing, I would love to go to an Ice sculpture festival I don’t think they have one here in New York. Those tacos looks so yummy!
I’m sill bummed we missed the whole festival. We will definitely have to make sure to get there earlier next year!
That looks so cool! I love ice sculptures. It amazes me what people can create.
I know! Anything remotely out together out of ice or wood is amazing to me!
I love the sculptures! So cool. Just go to Frozen – no one will judge. 🙂
Haha, we just might! 😉
My running gloves actually have a soft nose wipe part on them – best thing ever.
haha, that’s genius!
We just had ice sculptures in our town too! It’s a big winterfest thing here. Yeah for winter…I say Blah! I’m looking forward to sunshine and spring. Your running gear is cute. I just ran a night race last weekend and it was 9 degrees out…my contacts were literally freezing to my eyes as I ran!
Thank you! Oh my goodness 9 is just a little to cold for me. Great job toughing it out!!