One of this afternoon’s highlights involved a lot of veggies for lunch.
Spinach, spring mix, cucumbers, red, yellow and green peppers, chick peas, black olives, sprouts, Parmesan cheese, and ground pepper drizzled in oil and vinegar.
Another included this crazy guy tearing into a new toy out of my hands before I could even get the groceries out of my car.
He absolutely kills me.
Backing up to this morning, I spent the majority of it at Starbucks after I dropped Scott off at work. After blogging, I needed to do an email overhaul and study, and knew getting out of the house would be the only way that would happen.
I ordered a skinny vanilla late and an egg white, spinach, and feta wrap for breakfast. It’s so darn tasty, but looks pretty undesirable when I try to take a photo of it, so I decided to leave it in the sleeve this time. You’re welcome.
After a couple of hours, I packed up my things and ran some errands. The first stop was to make a return to Wal-mart (they will seriously return anything…), followed by a trip to PetsMart to get Roadie a new tag.
Apparently, he lost his while we were gone. He’s such a nut.
I also restocked in dental treats for him and the girls, since we all know how those pet teeth cleanings go…
After a trip to the grocery store, I came home to quickly put everything away before needing to get back out the door with Cali for an appointment at the vets.
I swear if it’s not one animal with issues, it’s another. She’ll be okay, but we have had some trouble with her using the litter box over the past couple of months. I thought it was behavioral until she started walking and acting weird the last couple of days, and as it turns out she has a bladder infection.
Poor girl. She’s at the vets right now getting some other tests done and I will be leaving to pick her up as soon as I publish this.
All of this animal stuff got me thinking… they’re kind of like children. People constantly ask us when we are going to have kids, and on some level I feel like we already do. Three furry ones.
Aspen, Cali and Roadie are all very needy and have had a past full of health issues. I feel like we are getting to know our vets office too well, and it gets me worried to think of how it will be to juggle them and children one day. Not counting the incessant need for attention all three of them seem to have, their bills make me want to get a job outside of the house sooner than later.
How do those of you with children and needy pets do it? Are there special money trees and extra hands out there that I don’t know about? Because I truly applaud you.
Anyways, there’s your answer… in case you were wondering about our timing for future family planning.
One day soon when we figure out how to kick the spontaneity and travel habit, we will revisit the thought. Maybe. For now, these guys feel like our children and keep us plenty busy.
Time to get back to the vets, then grab this one and head out for a run!
After playtime, of course.

KIND OF like children? You mean they ARE children. As are our husbands 😀 Between pets and the men, we are mothering from the day we meet them to the day we die, lol.
And we wouldn’t have it any other way, would we? PS Greenies are the best. Hope your fur babies get their acts together and stop giving you trouble!
Ha, I totally agree. Scott is equally as needy! 😉
I’m dying to get a dog (our building in SF doesn’t allow us to have them) but gosh, the responsibility makes me nervous! And don’t even get me started on kids 😉 Hope they’re all feeling better, though, it kills me when animals are sick!!
It’s definitely a responsibility, but I don’t regret any of the days after we took in all three of our crazy fur balls. They’re the best!
I feel the same way! Our vet’s office knows us too well. Our dog had back surgery last year and since then other things have continuously come up. I am so jealous of people with pets who go to the vet just once a year! I feel like we’re there all the time. It’s tough to think about a baby when we already have a very high maintenance fur baby!
Aw, poor pup. I know… I feel the same sometimes, but at the end of the day I’m just so glad to have them around!
Have you checked out value vets, mobile vets or weekend clinics at pet stores that offer less expensive care for routine stuff–such as no exam fees for vaccinations and inexpensive teeth cleaning? I know it’s not as personal and can take some calling around for pricing but it can save a chunk of change in some cases. Poor kitty and her bladder infection! It’s the worst that animals can’t tell you whats wrong.
I haven’t! I’ve never even heard of those options. I’ll have to mention them to Scott and give it a look. Thanks!
Poor Kitty 🙁 Our Skippy use to get UTIs. I feel so bad for them because they can’t tell us where they are hurting. Hope she feels better soon.
She’s already starting to feel better. Thanks!