Hello! I was trying to focus on producing something content-worthy for y’all this morning, but I kept wanting to write about everything. I literally just drafted five post ideas. I’m a mess.
Since my mind is all over the place, I feel like a random list of thoughts and things is going to be our best option. Thinking Out Loud, if you will. I hope you’re up for reading them, and if not, check back this afternoon for something more healthy living related.
Grab a cup of coffee and let’s chat!
What’s been going on here…
1. It’s been snowing for over 24 hours.
Like, full on sideways windy blizzard snow. What gives?
Driving last night was a treat. For those of you who have never driven in snow, I can’t tell you how scary it can be in the dark when all markings of lanes disappear. It took me three attempts and misses to make a U-turn yesterday, and I almost got stuck on the turn around. Let’s just say I will be driving as little as possible over the next couple of months.
Roadie’s pumped.
2. Our household is filled with funny voices.
Both Scott and I are subjects of a cold and have pretty stellar coughing fits every now and then. This resulted in both of us losing our voices. I’m pretty sure I sound like the man, and he sounds like the woman. #ridiculous
3. I don’t know what’s worse…
Losing by a basket or a landslide?
The Pistons have been great at putting up a fight and then losing by a couple of points the last handful of games. It’s kind of heartbreaking. Hopefully Stan Van Gundy does his magic (<- pun intended) and takes us somewhere this season!
4. Scary movies are not for week nights.
Scott thought it would be a great idea to watch Saw IV after the game last night. He started falling asleep during the last half hour, and I was pleasantly annoying by waking him up every thirty seconds. You can’t put that kind of movie on and leave me to watch it by myself! No sir.
That series of movies is twisted, that’s for sure. After I stayed up half the night unable to turn off my thoughts, I decided we should save the horror films for Friday and Saturday nights only from here on out.
5. It’s taking everything in me not to decorate for the holidays!
Getting out the holiday decorations and putting up the Christmas tree makes me ridiculously happy. It’s taking every ounce of will power not to go grab the tree and put it up right now. There’s just something so calming and homey about having our tree up at night. I can’t get enough of it!
Black Friday, it’s happening. <3
6. I really want to see this movie.
I just saw the trailer for the new Cinderella movie and I’m already obsessed. It looks like they did such a great job of bringing my favorite (okay, one of my favorite) childhood Disney Princess and her story to life.
7. I sincerely hope we don’t turn into frozen popsicles.
I’m excited to attend my first University of Michigan football game this weekend with Scott! Our dear friends gifted us with their season tickets (thanks, Joseys!) and we are really looking forward to getting over to The Big House with some friends on Saturday!
The weather is predicted to crawl back up to the 40s with a little bit of sunshine. Please, please be right weather folks! *fingers crossed*
8. I need to make more soup.
This freezing weather has me craving hot soup something fierce. I’ve been itching to create a new recipe and hope to make a new soup or stew soon to share with you guys. Do you have any specific requests or recipe inspirations? Send ’em over!
Question of the Morning
• What is one thing you’d like to think out loud and share?
Here’s hoping you’re all having a great Thursday!

I need to make more soup too! Driving in snow is very scary. Be careful!
Will do! Thank you!
I also saw this morning the trailer for Cinderella and I am loving it so far! I just love when they make Disney classics with real actors cause it makes me think that these love stories can happen in real life! #stilllookingformyprince
I am not a soup girl because I usually like biting my food but I happen to be trying variations of mashed potatoes, squash, cauliflower, etc and if I eat them with a spoon it kind of makes the trick. It ends up being a very thick soup! 🙂
Me too! Ha, you’re not alone. A good friend of mine in Orlando used to always say “I don’t trust hot liquid food…” 😉
We have been under a state of emergency/no driving ban since Tuesday here in western New York. We have had about 70 inches of snow since Monday night. I have had it with snow shoveling.
I can’t believe how much snow has already come down! I’m sorry to hear that about NY. The west side of Michigan already broke snowfall records. Crazy!
Welcome to the Great Lakes region! I live in Wisconsin and know exactly what you’re saying about driving in the snow. I’ve lived here my entire life and every winter I have to essentially remember how to drive in it. At night is the worst! Roadie will love it though. Nothing like dogs and snow!
Chili is the big go to for me in winter! Or chicken dumpling although I leave the dumpling creation to my mom. Stay warm!
I feel like it might have been a little easier if I learned how to drive in it as a teen. Then again, maybe not. 😉 I do love seeing Roadie bouncing about in the fluff. It’s so cute! Then he realizes he’s cold and hauls it back inside!
I did a ‘thinking out loud’ post today too, isn’t it so fun??
One thing I want to share… I am beyond overjoyed that tomorrow is FRIDAY, YAY!!
Also, I can’t imagine being in that cold of temperatures… I’m in Florida & it’s in the 50s & I literally feel like I’m freezing 🙂
I know right, love Fridays. You should link up for Friday Favorites if you don’t already! https://lifeinleggings.com/tag/friday-favorites/ <3 Also, please.... for the love... enjoy the FL winter for me!
I swear- every direction I walk in on campus the snow is coming right at me… not cool! Stay warm at the Big House on Saturday, luckily it’s warming up a little bit!
Right? It just keeps attacking my face. Even with a hood and beanie on! #notforsissies
Love this post! 😉 Nice and A.D.D. like my brain.
Haha, me too. 😉
I keep looking at the forecast for the turkey trot and I think we are going to be above freezing!!!! It’s sad to get so excited about that
Right? It seems unreal to run in this… I just keep praying the worst of November weather is over! (here’s hoping!)
Scary movies are for no nights, I’m such a baby when it comes to anything scary.
haha, love that saying. It’s funny… I love scary movies but shut my eyes for half of it. I can’t handle the gore and blood!
Our tree has been up for two weeks. Unlike all the people on my FB feed that complain about Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving, I am perfectly able to celebrate and enjoy two holidays at once. And the horror! Peace AND joy on top of thankfulness?! Oh, and kudos to you for living in Michigan. I’m counting down the days until retirement in Florida and I only live in Virginia!
That’s a funny way of putting it. I say the more the merrier! I’m sure Virginia isn’t all that warm at times, either.
I hope it stops snowing there soon! I’m already over winter. haha
I want to see Cinderella too! I think it looks really good!
Me too sister, me too. 😉
I put my tree up last weekend! It felt a little early, but it was either this past weekend or Dec. 6 – that’s too late! I love the ambiance of the lights on the tree in the early morning and evenings. I live in Georgia, so we don’t have snow, but we had two cold fronts come through that put our lows in the teens and twenties, and we had one day where the high was 34.
Oh, and I’m coming your way for Thanksgiving! I leave tomorrow for Jackson, Michigan and then on to Au Gres. All of my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins live in MI! My parents moved down here to GA for a job well before I was born. 🙂
Oh wow, welcome to the mitten!! I’m sure you’ll see plenty of snow. 😉 I’ve never been to either of those areas. Have fun!
I grew up in Upstate NY where they are also getting POUNDED right now with snow. All I can say is better you getting snow than me. Sorry, I’m not sorry 🙂
Boo… 😉 But yeah, I heard they are getting the worst! Poor guys.
Yes, Yes and Yes! I love this post but I might be al ittle bias because I just love chats blog post in general. Horror movies are one of my faves, but when the husband falls asleep during said movie, I’m scared for the next 72 hours , at least. Also, I as well will be not leaving that house for the next 2-3 months. 🙂 This east coast weather is brutal!
Oh, I don’t let him fall asleep. Ha… (clearly). Especially if it’s his idea!
I like the idea of share out loud. My share out loud for the moment would be we are having Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixing over for dinner tonight. The issue is no one has ever had Thanksgiving dinner, so I hope I don’t fail and make them all think Thanksgiving dinners are bad. http://www.eatallovertheworld.weebly.com
Aw, I bet it will be great! Love that you’re cooking dinner for everyone. <3
Layers layers layers! I was at the Winter Classic hockey game at the Big House last year – it snowed the entire time and I don’t think the temperature got out of single digits. It took HOURS for my legs to warm up! Despite all that, it was a great experience. There’s really nowhere else like it to watch a sporting event, though. Have an amazing time!!
Oh man, that sounds nuts! Good for you for sticking it out!! Hopefully it doesn’t get anywhere near the single digits this weekend.
I have been craving hearty tomato basil bisque but can’t seem to find a healthy recipe! Please help!
This was one of my very first recipes! Sorry for the weird spacing, but you can still get a great low-fat, healthy tomato soup recipe here: https://lifeinleggings.com/healthy-eating/fresh-tomato-soup-with-whole-grain-croutons/ 🙂
Thank you! AND a cucumber salad recipe that I’ve also been wanting to make, what a bonus!
Awesome! I hope you enjoy the recipes 🙂
The snow looks so pretty but definitely to be enjoyed on a staying inside basis! I’ve never driven in snow but it would definitely scare me- I hate driving anywhere when it’s completely pitch black outside and there aren’t street lights! I’m right there with you about the Christmas decorations! I’ve been holding off so far on Christmas music but my resolve is weakening!
Haha, exactly. 😉
I know exactly what you mean about having a ridiculously hard time not busting out the Christmas decorations! I try to wait until December 1st to put mine up, but it’s been super hard this year, especially seeing pics of everyone bringing out their trees so early. Gah! Just a little over a week left!
I knowwww…. I have a feeling it will for sure be happening next week. Most likely pre-Thanksgiving 😉
Brrrrr! Chilly here in Philly too! My family and I LOVE this recipe….so easy to pick up the McCormick packet or make using similar spices! http://www.mccormick.com/Recipes/Main-Dishes/White-Chicken-Chili
YUM – I love white chicken chili!
I’m in MI as well, and I have already had it. it’s shaping up to be a repeat of last year, but sooner. No bueno! Go Blue! Have a blast on Saturday. 🙂
I’m still trying to be optimistic… I keep telling myself that we HAD to have paid our dues last year, right? 😉
You should probably go to an MSU game. Wayyyy more fun! 🙂 (I’m a Spartan). I have an 11 mile run on the books tomorrow. Hope the weather is as “warm” as promised.