It’s been quite some time since I shared a Thinking Out Loud post, so how about we catch up?
Enjoy the random thoughts and musings thrown into one awesome post!
1. Are you a potpourri person?
I love potpourri, but I don’t always display it like this.
, , (<- current seasonal scents)
I purchased this meadow potpourri from the outlet ages ago, and finally broke it out this week. Scott doesn’t mind when I put it in vases or out of sight, but I prefer to keep it out in the open in a bowl or vase like this.
Tacky? Pretty? I’m not exactly sure what it is, but it sure smells heavenly.
2. Life In Leggings is on #Periscope!
I finally bit the bullet and signed up for a Periscope account last weekend. You can find and follow by searching: lifeinleggings. I’m still getting used to how everything works, but I’ve posted a few videos that have already gone up and expired.
One was on my typical order at Chipotle, and how to cut the calories of your standard chicken burrito in half.
I’d love to scope and share more. What would you like to see? Any scope subject ideas?
3. I’ve been loving country music lately.
Are you a fan? Most people love or hate it. This week, I’ve been revisiting some of my favorite older albums from Rascal Flatts and Kieth Urban. I’m also really digging Sam Hunt‘s tracks right now. This type of music makes me want to go to an outdoor concert and rock out in my cowboy boots!
(Flashback to that time I danced with Big & Rich in concert! What?)
Here’s hoping the weather would allow such a thing this time of year…
4. Speaking of weather, it’s been gorgeous out.
I started the week complaining of being able to “see my breath” on my morning walk with Roadie, but I guess I should eat my words. The temperatures have certainly turned around, and it has been sunny and beautiful all week. As I mentioned yesterday, this is the time of year that Michigan actually wins in the weather department.
Summer, stick around for just a little while longer, will ya?
5. Do any of you use ?
Scott mentioned that some friends of ours use it and were talking about it with him last weekend. I mean… I use Amazon, but not nearly enough. With a Prime membership that offers free 2-day shipping, I couldn’t tell you why! I need to check into this Amazon Prime Pantry service sooner that later.
You can order anything from groceries and pet food to toilet paper and cleaning products. This would be extra convenient in the wintertime!
6. I haven’t had a pumpkin spice latte yet.
Who am I? I know. I’m disappointing everyone who expected this basic white girl to run out at the first chance to indulge, most likely dressed in leggings, a high bun, and UGG boots. What can I say… I’m waiting for the perfect fall day, and I’m just not there yet.
(Ha, this picture was from this exact time last year. I guess I was ready!)
I have, however, already enjoyed pumpkin soup. Yum!
7. Speaking of not being ready… my friend Carissa shared this today.
Are you getting excited for the upcoming holidays or freaking out?
Yeah, me too.
I actually really love this time of year. I adore everything about the fall season, and will even take the stress of cooking around Thanksgiving and holiday shopping soon after that. While I was walking Roadie this morning, I couldn’t help but to wonder what the holidays will look like for us this year. Will we be in Michigan? Will we be in a new home across the country? There’s just so many possibilities. Wherever we are (and as silly as this may seem), I just hope we are able to settle in and have a tree up right before or after Thanksgiving Dinner. Too soon?
8. Big Brother fans…
I know there are several of you out there! Ahh. I can’t believe the live finale is on next week. Who do you predict will go to finals and win it all? I predict that Vanessa will win HOH and then take Liz to the finale with her since she’ll probably only have 2 votes from the jury house. As much as everyone felt betrayed by her, I think they’ll come around and realize her game was on point the entire time!
9. Tabbouleh = <3
It’s no secret that I’m a hummus lover. I would guess that I have it as part of a snack at least 3-4 times a week. Last week, I remembered just how delicious tabbouleh is, too. Scott and I ordered it as an appetizer mixed in with hummus, and I practically spoiled my entire appetite right then and there by eating it all.
So flipping good!
Well, I guess that’s it for now. What would you be thinking out loud today?
Previous TOL posts: (Thanks for hosting the link-up, Amanda!)
Have a great rest of your day, and I’ll see you bright and early for Friday Favorites!

I love Big Brother. I really dislike Vanessa because of how much she cries but I think she played an awesome game and definitely deserves to win.
She cries more than anyone I’ve ever seen! You can’t deny that she knows what she’s doing though. At least there’s been some great game play this season!
Soooo…..since the ‘scope is gone…how can we slash calories at Chipotle. I don’t add rice but I’m curious for other ideas.
Hi Jennifer! Basically the Cliffs notes version is:
– leave the tortilla off and order a salad (you can still load it with everything, it just starts with a base of lettuce)
– substitute extra salsa instead of the salad dressing
– add fajita veggies
– get rid of the sour cream
– light on the cheese!
All of those tips will have you around 640 calories and includes brown rice, black beans, and chicken 🙂
I just added you on Periscope! I’m herheartlandsoul on there and am still trying to figure it out too! haha
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul recently posted…Strawberry Honey Crisp
Woo hoo, I added you back. Happy Scoping!
I have had a pumpkin spice latte. And now it feels like summer again. Haven’t signed up for Periscope. Do you like it?
Darlene recently posted…Think Out Loud Thursdays: Weekend Plans
I like it, but mostly because you can share videos and talk to people viewing them live! If you share you will be scoping at a certain time, people will log on and view your chat live, ask questions, and like what you’re saying by adding hearts. It’s pretty neat!
I have not done the whole Periscope thing yet, but I am super curious about it. And, I cannot believe it is 100 days till Christmas!?!?!?!?
hmtroupe recently posted…The Yow not Ow
I’ve heard really good things about Amazon Pantry but haven’t tried it out yet. I don’t even have Prime, so I play that game where I add things to my cart and then check out every time I hit the $35 free shipping threshold. Once we move to the city I think I’ll have to invest in Prime and try out the pantry part then! If I’m going out in the cold I’d rather it be for fun than for groceries! I’d love to hear if you end up trying it!
Alexandra @ My Urban Family recently posted…FREE Chicago Museum Days 2015
I hear ya sister. That sounds like a great strategy! 😉
I absolutely love this time of year. So sad to see summer go but I love fall weather. It brings back such great childhood memories and like you brings on a craving for a latte. It’s funny how a season can bring on such a variety of mixed feelings!
I havent had a PSL yet either…but its still 80 degrees here in LA. Mornings are finally cooler though, so that’s a start I guess! And yessss for Flatts. They are seriously my favorite. Their old music never gets to me!
Kat recently posted…Thinking Out Loud #52
Me either! Any time I need a break from stress, I get in the car, roll my windows down, and sing along to one of their old albums. Love them!
Big Brother talk…I’m a Johnny Mac fan all the way. The guy is so quirky and hilarious. I honestly hope him and Steve make it to the final 2.
Me too! He kind of bothered me at first, but I like him. And he’s a great player! Did you see the extra Tuesday/Wednesday episodes this week?
I have not had a PSL yet either, however I believe this weekend will be a perfect time. I don’t watch Big Brother. The weather has been really nice in Memphis, hopefully this weekend will be the last heat wave we have. Thanks for sharing
Heather recently posted…bakingrunner: Thinking out loud ~ Thankful edition
Yay that’s exciting you are on Periscope ! Another blogger that I follow uses something called Katch…..and it stores all of her scope’s permanently so that viewers can always go back and watch if they miss ! 🙂
Ohhh is Katch an option on Periscope or another app? Thanks!
Not exactly sure I think it is another app!
You have to sign up with this website, and then I believe just type a certain phrase when you’re broadcasting and it will save it.
I am a huge country music fan! I actually am going to see Luke Bryan tonight- so pumped! Especially looking forward to wearing those cowgirl boots 😉
sarah recently posted…I’m a Sorority Girl!
FUN – I heart Luke Bryan. I hope you had a great time!
It’s funny that you mentioned Prime Pantry on Amazon – I just ordered my first pantry box seconds before I read your post! 🙂 The reason I did is because I was wanting some Grove Square Pumpkin Spice Cappuccino k-cups, and you can only get them through Amazon Pantry. So I added a couple of other random things – soap, peanut butter – and submitted my order! I didn’t want to spend too much money, but you can add so much for a flat rate of $5.99 shipping.
Today, I’m thinking out loud several of God’s promises – I work at a school, and we lost one of our teachers in a freak accident this weekend. He was very young, only married a year. Very hard to swallow, but trusting in God’s sovereignty and control.