Hello! I hope your Thursday has been great so far. I spent the morning trying to catch up on life a little bit, and realized we haven’t really chatted much on the blog this week. I miss you guys!
That said, a Thinking Out Loud post sounds perfect. How about we catch up with some lighthearted chatter today?
I hope you enjoy the random thoughts and musings on what’s been going on around here lately!
1. I’ve been backing off from afternoon blog posts…
Did you notice? It hasn’t necessarily been on purpose, but I have been trying to focus on sharing more content-based posts over journaling my daily whereabouts. For this reason, my free time in the afternoons and nights has been devoted to getting the next day’s post ready, versus when I used to publish “live” every morning and afternoon.
It worked for a while, but ever since I started working at the nursery and picking up classes at the gym at night, the thought of publishing that often every week is exhausting. Also, I felt like I could never catch up on anything else when I consistently posted twice every weekday. I didn’t have much time in my days to respond to comments, organize and archive blog posts, check emails, or work on upcoming campaigns.
Moving forward, you can expect to see one blog post every weekday, and if there’s another up in the afternoons, that most likely means there is something really cool to share with you, or my schedule is lighter that week and I have more time to chat with you guys!
2. My barre membership ends tomorrow, and it makes me sad.
I’ve thoroughly been enjoying my time back at the barre over the last month and a half. My membership to The Barre Code ends tomorrow, and I just don’t think it’s the right time for us to spend extra income on fitness classes in order for me to renew. I’m super bummed!
It’s been so nice to have a studio to belong to and take an hour out of my days to just follow along in a class where I feel at home. I always walk out of barre classes feeling stronger, stretched, and relaxed. It’s something I’ll truly miss next month!
3. I’m dancing in the Christmas services at church this year.
Throwback to performing in The Singing Christmas Trees at First Baptist Orlando in 2011!
Photo Credit: Honor Photography
Dancing in the end of the year Christmas production was a big part of my life and schedule for three years. I grew up going to see the show with my family when I was little, and I was excited to be a part of the performances when First Orlando became Scott and I’s home church. This year, I am dancing in the Christmas services at our (new) home church in Michigan!
I will be dancing alongside my best friend, Alex, and I am looking forward to getting to perform and spend time in between all the shows with her this year!
4. I legitimately broke my toe Thanksgiving Day.
So, yeah… do you remember me mentioning that I hurt my toe during Thanksgiving Dinner? Turns out, it was a legit fracture. I never went to see a doctor because there isn’t much that you can do for a broken toe besides tape it to another one, ice it, elevate it, and repeat. So, that’s what I’ve been doing.
It’s back in line with the others, and I can (slowly) move it around now, but it’s still healing and the majority of the top of my left foot is bruised. Still. It doesn’t hurt to walk on it, but I’ve had to go easy in barre classes and back off from jumping around on it in dance rehearsals. Also, running is out of the question. Oh well, here’s hoping it heals by showtime!
5. Fun fact: I’ve never broken or sprained anything else in my body.
Speaking of broken bones, it’s crazy to think that before this, I’ve never sprained or broken a bone in my body. After dancing for over twenty years, that seems impossible, right? Just a little fun fact for you. Have you broken a lot of bones?
6. I think Roadie is getting depressed.
Not being able to go on our normal long walks and runs with Roadie sure is starting to get him down. I feel so bad!
I can tell that he’s starting to get anxious because he’s been extra sleepy and clingy to his toys. He usually goes through some kind of winter depression when I can’t take him running on a consistent basis, and I guess it hit early this year, thanks to my idiotic toe incident. Hang in there little buddy!
7. I think Cali is training me for parenthood.
On another note, Cali has been notorious for jumping on me first thing in the morning in order to try to get me up to feed her. Just me. She never goes for Scott, because she knows I’m a sucker and will eventually get up. But geez, it’s been extra annoying lately.
Every morning, she starts walking on my pillow/hair, across my chest, and plopping down on me to get my attention around 5 a.m. Sometimes it even starts at 4:30, and she does it for hours. I’ve been trying to hold off from getting up to teach her that she needs to wait until I get up around 7, but it’s really been affecting my sleep schedule. I swear, she’s prepping us for future children!
8. It’s supposed to get up to the 50s this weekend!
You guys! It’s supposed to be a high of 59 and low of 52 on Sunday. Can you believe it? In our neck of the woods, that would be a record high temperature for this time of the year. Last year, we were hitting record lows (literally), so I’ll take it.
There’s just so much I want to do outside. C’mon heat wave!
9. I’m still dreaming of a White Christmas.
While I will take all of the warm weather we can get right now, there is still a part of me that hopes it gets cold enough for it to snow over Christmas. I don’t want to eat my words, but if we’re going to live in Michigan and we are staying home for Christmas, it just doesn’t seem right without it. After putting up with the usual frigid temperatures and insane snowfall, we deserve to see snow this one day, right?
(Crossing my fingers and toes!)
10. I’m in need some Netflix series suggestions.
Now that my beloved TGIT shows are on a winter break, Scott and I are looking for a new series on Netflix to watch together on Thursday nights. It’s kind of like our end of the week treat that we both look forward to when I get home from teaching classes.
We started House of Cards, but it was months ago and we only made it through two episodes. Should we pick it back up? We’ve never seen Orange Is The New Black, so that’s on our radar. I’ve also heard American Horror Story, but I’m afraid of the goriness. Any other suggestions?
Questions of the Day
• What would you say if you were thinking out loud today?
• Have you ever do anything lame to break a bone (like me stubbing my toe on my couch? Seriously, that’s probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Leave it to me!)
Previous TOL posts: (Thanks for hosting the link-up, Amanda!)
• Thinking Out Loud #1
Have a great rest of your day, and I’ll see you bright and early for Friday Favorites!
House of Cards….yes!!! Best series ever!! Also, Homeland is very good if you haven’t watched it!
Ohh I’ve heard Homeland is good, too. Thanks!
Sadly I don’t think Homeland is available on Netflix.. only if you have Showtime/OnDemand! I’ve wanted to watch this for a long time but I haven’t been able to 🙁
I’ve only broken one bone. And it was a vertebrate! I fell 30 feet and landed on my feet, and when i landed I burst my L1…. So now I have (permanent) titanium rods holding my spine together. It’s been 11 years, and they’ll stay in there for as long as the doctors say! (forever, fixing them if they pop out. gross.)
Mary recently posted…Sister guilt.
Oh my gosh! That sounds so painful. I’m so glad you’re okay and that you were able to land on your feet!
I’ve broken several bones, but the lamest one was when I was walking all three of my dogs at one time and they were pulling in all directions. Their leashes got wrapped tightly around my fingers somehow and fractured the tip of my right ring finger. Hurt like crazy and I now walk each of them separately!!
Oh my gosh, I couldn’t imagine walking three dogs. Roadie seems hard enough when there’s a squirrel or other dog en route. I’ve burned my fingers on the leash before from him running and it quickly rubbing my hand, but man, that sounds like it hurt!
Definitely House of Cards! It took me a few episodes to get into it because I don’t follow politics and we had to pause it frequently so my husband could explain to me what was happening, but eventually I just stopped caring and got into the rest of the storyline. It ended up being one of those shows that we’d have to watch “just one more” of! You should look into an electric cat feeder! My husband got one when I was traveling and I thought he was so ridiculous for spending $50 on a cat food feeder when we can feed them for free, but it’s actually kind of nice. My big cat will sit at in nonstop though and stick his paws into it and disconnect the bowl from the feeder part, so it always feeds them onto the floor, but whatever. Still nice to have!
Liz recently posted…Lake Tahoe, Heavenly Village, & Virginia City
Haha, sounds like what would need to happen with us, too. Ohhh, does this cat feeder dispense food at certain times? That sounds awesome!
I think back to when I used to blog 3x a day and wonder HOW the heck I did it?!?
As for Netflix, YES you need to pick HOC back up. SO good! OITNB was also a favorite of ours. American Horror Story was awesome the first 3 seasons…starting in the 4th it got a little wacky and gross. But the first 3 were my favorite!
Have a great weekend, girl! 🙂
Courtney recently posted…What A Little Movement Will Do For The Soul
Good to know about HOC, thanks for the suggestion! Oh my gosh, 3x a day seems crazy! But, I remember when you and a few others used to post that consistently. Times have certainly changed! Have a great weekend, too 🙂
Amanda F
Well I’ve broken a finger, a toe, and I fractured the top of my foot. All from sports. Finger- basketball, foot- soccer, toe-also soccer. Not to bad, nothing that required a cast.
Ouch, the top of your foot sounds painful!
We had the same problem with our cats, too! Per our vet’s recommendation, instead of feeding them twice a day we tried feeding them three times a day (but still the same amount of food overall). It may sound like a lot but it has helped tremendously and now they rarely wake us up in the morning! We also joke that they are preparing us for future children 🙂
I’ve never broken a bone that I know of…I say ‘know of’ because I think I had a slight fracture on top of my foot once in college. But yeah…can’t do a lot about foot breaks except be careful and let them heal 😛 Hope you’re back in action soon!
It’s been warmer in western PA too…we’re supposed to hit almost 70 on Sunday!! We usually have a decently mild December (it was in the 60s on Christmas Eve last year) but this is crazy! Ok, El Nino, I see you.
As for Netflix series, they just put season 2 of Broadchurch on! It’s a BBC show and sooooo good if you love mystery and amazing acting! I think both seasons are only about 8 episodes.
This is totally different than any of the shows you named, but last week I became addicted to Parenthood. I’ve laughed; I’ve cried. It’s just light enough not to stress me out, which is kind of what I need at this point!
For TV show recommendations, I HIGHLY recommend Game of Thrones. It’s not on Netflix, but definitely worth downloading, borrowing from the library, or getting HBO Go to see it. My fiance and I just finished the last of the seasons that are out currently (5) and we are so hooked. Season 6 comes out in April. We sped right through them because they’re so good!
Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…Friday Favorites: ‘Tis the Season
Gilmore Girls on Netflix. That is all.
Amanda @ .running with spoons.
Aww your poor toe! I’ve never broken anything in a silly way, but I hardcore pulled a muscle in my shoulder/upper back by looking up from the bathroom sink while I was washing my face. I was literally out of commission for like 2 weeks because I tweaked something so bad. Just by looking up. I know.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…thinking out loud #160
If you are in the mood for something lighter – Hart of Dixie is really fun and easy to binge!
Somer @PupsOnTheBrain
I love Thinking Out Loud posts, what a fun idea! I know exactly where you’re coming from with the annoying cat behavior in the morning, that’s so fun at all! My suggestion (take it for what it’s worth) is to just start feeding her in the evenings instead. It takes some time to make the adjustment, but once they figure it out the pestering will stop!
Somer @PupsOnTheBrain recently posted…Life Update
Somer @PupsOnTheBrain
Oops, meant to write NO fun at all!
Somer @PupsOnTheBrain recently posted…Life Update
I laughed at that part about your cat and read it to my 13 year old dd, because we are crazy cat ladies! House of Cards, Homeland (is it on Netflix?), and OITNB are definitely worth the time. Other shows on Netflix I’ve watched recently and thoroughly enjoyed, that are not as dark/intense: Master of None, New Girl, Jane the Virgin, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and Parenthood. (My husband travels a lot which leaves me lonely in the evening after my kids are in bed so I’ve been a binge watcher lately.)
Nicole recently posted…Goodbye Summer
Julia @ Lord Still Loves Me
Pick up House of Cards again! It’s SO worth it!
Julia @ Lord Still Loves Me recently posted…What it Means to be a True Friend.
Patricia @ Sweet and Strong
I’ve broken a few bones, but the lamest story is that I was jumping on a pogo stick and fell off and broke my arm. Right at the beginning of summer vacation when I was in elementary school, that was the worst summer! I bet you’ll be so happy when you can get back to running again though! Enjoy the warm weather, it’s gonna be 60’s here on the east coast, so crazy! But doesn’t really feel like the holidays.
Patricia @ Sweet and Strong recently posted…MealEnders Review and Giveaway
I also suggest game of thrones (if you can get access to it), OITNB, Hart of Dixie, gilmore girls (personal favorite 🙂 ) and Madam Secretary was a new favorite (there is only one season.. Season 2 is currently on!).
My list of what to watch next includes Parenthood, Friday night lights, Bloodline, Blacklist, and American Horror Story, and though i’ve heard good things about all of them, I can’t vouch for them personally yet 🙂
I only got through two episodes of House of Cards too, but maybe I need to try it again after seeing these comments. I also love Hart of Dixie. Garth and I loved binge watching Dexter if you haven’t tried that yet and we are recently really into The Flash.
Lindsey recently posted…Weight Watcher Wednesday
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Loved reading everyone’s recommendations. I’m going to check out Gilmore Girls and American Horror Story. For House of Cards, I really loved the original one from the 90’s, which is also on Netflix. Even though Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are awesome, I just couldn’t get into the new version.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Banana Bread
I’ve never broken a bone before (knock on wood!). However, I did manage to punch myself in the nose 2 weeks ago and gave myself a bloody nose. I was putting my saddle on my horse, klutzy much?!
sarah recently posted…Recovery Luncheon
Courtney {Alkeks Abroad}
It took me a few episodes to get into house of cards but then I couldn’t get enough. Parenthood and blacklist are good binge watchers!
Jenn@Mark My Miles
Candles and coffee? Both are great computer companions!!!
Jenn@Mark My Miles recently posted…I didn’t always know that I wanted to be a mom or even a wife.
Love House of Cards!! Daredevil and Jessica Jones are Marvel series on Netflix and are both so good!
I prefer lighter shows. I loved Parenthood and we are just finishing up Friday Night Lights. My husband has loved Friday Night Lights. I don’t know what I am going to do when it is over! Hope you are well, Heather.
HollieMuscles&Munchkins recently posted…12 Days of Fitmas