Today was one of those days I really didn’t want to do much. I know… just call me the spokesperson for Lame City. I’ll take it, but for the record, I have been thrown through a handful of unconventional loops this month, both mentally and physically.
Before you start thinking, please don’t read too much into this post! I am okay and I am still very much here to pop in and share daily inspirations and musings with you. But, at the same time, you all know I like to keep it real and tell you if I am having one of those “meh” days.
We all have them, and today is most definitely a “meh” day.
It started off very productive, if you count getting a spray tan and trip to Target in before 9 a.m. productive. But when I got home, I put on a pot of coffee and couldn’t help but to notice the snow storm going on outside. I hate to be that person who keeps bringing it up, but I am going to.
There’s only so many days you can take gloomy, cold and snowy weather outside before winter depression sets in. (I really, really, really can’t wait for the spring to get here!)
There I was, sitting down eating breakfast and thinking about what I needed to get done today. A lot. And I had zero motivation to do any of it.
Instead of loathing in my lack of self-motivation, I turned it into motivation to share this post with you today.
Losing motivation is something I think we can all relate to. Whether it is having a case of the Mondays, a temporary absence from the gym, Senioritis at the end of the school year, or – in my case – Danceritis (what I like to call the month of February in the NBA season), we all struggle with staying on top of what we are supposed to from time to time.
I don’t know about you, but I hate that no motivation feeling. I mean, it’s nice on a Saturday morning and all, but smack dab in the middle of my work week? Ain’t nobody got time fo dat.
So what can you do about it? Lots of things, and below you will find my go-to moves to battle those days where I feel less than motivated!
Tips for Staying Motivated
• Make a plan.
As soon as you get the day started, make a list of things you want to accomplish before you go to bed. (I really need to start doing this again!)
Map out your day and try to stick to your schedule. These are the types of days I always get the most done, including workouts!
Although it might be tempting to cross of the easiest tasks first, take more time and effort crossing off the challenging ones. Those, in completion, are what feel the most accomplishing and will give you even more motivation to keep moving!
• Baby steps.
If you have a million things going on and become easily stressed out about everything you need to accomplish in a short amount of time, resort to baby steps. Don’t think about what you need to do next or tomorrow, but what you need to do right now today.
Go back to that list you made in the morning and start crossing off one thing at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself!
• Set attainable goals.
Hey, I want to say I have run a marathon one day as much as the next guy. (Okay, I might be fine topping out at the half distance.) But, if that is just something you already know isn’t in the cards or not important enough for you to personally work towards in the future, look forward towards other goals you will actually follow through with.
Personally, signing up for my second half in October is an attainable goal for me. It won’t be easy by any means, and I will have to train again for it, but I know I can and will accomplish that goal. Knowing this gives me the motivation I need to stick to my plan of getting it done!
• Get out of your comfort zone.
We can all easily get caught up in what feels like Groundhog Day. Doing the same things day in and day out until your life feels slightly monotonous. The best way to shake that feeling is to get out of your comfort zone and do something out of the ordinary.
For me, it was joining a monthly Book Club I only know one person in. I haven’t picked up and finished a book in quite a while, and making a commitment to read at least one a month forces me to get back to it!
• Mix things up.
I guess this one kind of piggy backs off of the previous point.
A sure fire way to always keep life interesting is to go out of your way to try something new.
Don’t think you can pull off that fashion trend? Know for sure you won’t like that film? Positive you don’t like seafood (as opposed to just saying it?) You will never really know until you actually try it.
(Mini flashback to that 80s roller skating party!)
When I started dating Scott, he introduced me to his rule about going out to dinner and traveling:
We don’t go to chain restaurants unless there aren’t any other options available, and we both have to try anything and everything at least once. I found that outlook on life really attractive and strive to be as open minded as he is in that regard.
If I ever get tired of doing the same type of workouts at the gym, I will try out a new group fitness class or choose the elliptical instead of the treadmill. I will ask a friend to join me to hold myself accountable or even rock a new fitness shoe or outfit to feel like something is different.
When it is all said and done, you will then have more options to turn to the next time you need to spice up a weekend: dinner, movies, activities, workouts, recipes, etc.
• Keep inspiration handy.
I started a Quotables board on Pinterest for this very reason. Whenever I need that extra push of motivation or inspiration to start my day or handle something challenging, there it is.
Also, if I am ever feeling a bit womp womp about getting around to writing a blog post, I take a quick scan of blogs I find to be inspirational. Are you on Bloglovin’ yet? I highly recommend it and enjoy getting an email update filled with motivational people every single night!
• Schedule breaks.
I can’t tell you how many times I have been too “in the zone” to eat lunch at lunch time or answer a phone call. Finding the right time to take a break is great, but make sure you never get “too busy” enough to take one!
Whether it is enjoying a cup of tea next to a snowy window, going for a twenty minute walk outside, or meeting a friend to catch up over lunch, do yourself a favor and include those moments into your life.
Coming back to everything you need to do will feel a lot easier if you allow yourself at least a few minutes to unwind and refresh!
• Find your social support and hold on.
Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Reach out to friends and people who are equally as motivating, listen to each other and share ideas.
Ever wonder why I use the hashtag #FitFluential religiously? It’s basically the best inspiration I could ever ask for in the healthy living and fitness blog world.
If it’s school work you are having trouble with, talk to your peers or counselors for course suggestions. Frustrated at work? Isn’t that how Happy Hours with co-workers started? 😉
Help people help you.
• Rock out.
This might not apply to everyone, but if you are anything like me you need music to keep you going. Whether it is during a workout or while I am blogging, I go through multiple stations on my Pandora radio throughout the day, depending on what I am doing and what kind of mood I am in.
I have noticed that I am the most productive when I am listening to upbeat music and that is why I create and share workout playlists with you!
If I am ever in a writing slump, I crank one of them up for a song or two, then turn it down and get back to work!
• Acknowledge your accomplishments.
When you complete something big off of your goal, to-do, or even cleaning list, reward yourself! Why else do you think “healthier” desserts were created? It’s like an accomplishment and a treat all in one!
My favorite trips to the gym always include a recovery protein smoothie from the cafe afterwards. It’s like my little way of treating myself after the hard work I just put in.
Also, I really look forward to getting pedicures. I used to get one every two weeks when I was a server and dancer in Orlando, and I always had that reward in my mind during a physically hard day at work.
If you attain a notable goal in your professional career, don’t let it go unrecognized! Finally purchase that iPad or upgrade from your point-and-shoot camera (not hinting here or anything, Scott!) to help you stay on top of things and further your successes.
I hope you have acquired even a little bit of motivational gain on some kind of level. If not, then all I have left for you is…
Coffee. Drink lots of coffee.
Kidding! (Kind of.)
See you all bright and early with tomorrow’s Friday Favorites!
Question of the Day
• What is one thing you have done lately to help you stay motivated?

These are great tips!! And I am SO ready for spring too!
great tips! When I am lacking motivation I set some goals (attach ‘deadlines’ to tasks) and, it sounds cheesy, but I just do it. If I am pouting about something I give myself a quick “snap out of it!” talk then just start doing whatever it is I have to do. Usually once I start I stop feeling so meh.
Tips anyone can apply!!! Thanks for sharing!
I definitely tell myself it’s okay to take breaks if I’m lacking motivation… just giving myself permission is normally enough to get me going!