Hi friends! I hope you all had a great weekend. Today’s post is very lighthearted, and is something that I wanted to share for two reasons.
One, I thought we could all use something to distract from everything going on as we enter Week 20 of quarantine. And two, it dawned on me that I haven’t been recording most of the funny phrases that Skyler has put together over the last several months or even year. I verbally tell our families these things, but just like pregnancy updates and Skyler updates, I personally like to look back at posts like this down the road. So here we are!
I hope you enjoy the glimpse into what life with our toddler is like, as Skyler turned two in March. I’ll be back with a full Skyler update when he hits the 2.5 mark in September, but for now, I hope this brings a smile to your face and a bright start to your week!

Sky: *coughs dramatically for attention*
Me: Oh no, do you need to go to the doctor?
Sky: I don’t need a shot, I don’t not want it.”

[Pointing to his stool and asking to play in the sink.] “Help mommy cook? Mommy cook. Sky King wash toys and play water tavle.”
[Makes muffled breathing and growling sounds as he falls to the floor] “Zombie.”
“Mommy and Daddy. Cali and Roadie. Coco and Cow Cow. Peanut Butter and Jelly. Macaroni and Cheese.” (randomly naming pairs in bed when we thought he was sleeping.)
“No way, gross.” (his automatic answer to everything since he started talking.)
“Kick a soccer ball! And play sticks! And play water! And play tree stump! And eat snacks! And chase birds! And play bubbles! And kick a soccer ballllllllll!” (when I ask him what he wants to do as we are walking to the park.)
“I’m a moooooonel.” (as he strokes his hair and hits a model pose.)

“Good morning, Mommy. I sleep good.” (the first thing he says in the mornings now since I always ask him how he slept.)
“Bye bye.” (then runs away and out of the room for no reason.)
“Brook-lyn Bay-beee-yah” in a very low voice (how he says Brooklyn Baby, the title of one of his favorite books).
“Sky King do it. This is Sky King’s.”
[Walking at the beach] “Naked booties everywhere.”

“It’s almost time for Mommy’s workout.” (he’s gotten to know my afternoon routine pretty well over quarantine!)
“I toot, I toot, I toot again,” and “I toot all day.” (kid you not.)
“The birdies are talking. They say ‘Hello Skyler, I love you, I miss you tooooo!'”
[Mimics what his bath toys would sounds like eating a barrel of apples] “Yum, yum, yum. Make sure you eat all your dinner!”
“Do you wanna go outside, take Roadie for walk?”
“Sky camera is funny, it makes us laugh.” (referencing his video monitor.)

“Elmo’s a silly willy.”
[Holding an AirPods case] “This is where the music goes.”
“Big boy underwear, I so essited!” and “This is a-may-zingggg!” [while throwing a new package of underwear over his head over and over.]
“Elsa and Anna and Olaf and Sven and Kristoff and Sven and Olaf and Sven.” This can also be “Woody and Buzz Lightyas and Rex and Bunny and Duckie and Forkie and Gaby Gaby and Benson and Ham and Slinky Dog and Jessie and Bullseye and …” just randomly.
[Quickly tip toes across the room in a hurry with his arms out …]
Me: What are you doing?”
Skyler: “Meerkat!”

[Screams gibberish to the plant in the corner for several minutes, for literally no reason at all.] This happens every few days.
“Aspen is up in the sky in the clouds. She’s in Heaven with Jesus.”
“It’s got worms in it,” and then that turned into “we don’t have worms,” and “no worms,” which came after almost everything for a few days.
“You tooted!” — very loud every time he does. (Doesn’t understand the you versus I concept, or the need to keep it private. It’s not embarrassing at all in public. Ha!)
“HULK SMASH!” (As he smashes anything with power and a determined face.)
[Runs as fast as he can and then freezes.] “Runnnnnn fast do-do-do-do-do-do. Run fast do-do-do-do-do-do. Run Fast do-do-do-do-do-do. Run Fast!

[Hopping in a circle.] “Hopity hop, hopity hop, hop, hop.”
“Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-DATMAN!” (like the Batman theme song.)
“Do you want to …” any time he wants to do something or ask for something.
[Standing in front of the air conditioner.] “That feel good. Makes you feel better.”
“That’s a lot of ice cream for a little dude!” (To be fair, I said it to him when I got him a cone a few weeks ago, but he’s been repeating it non-stop with different things filling in the blank for ice cream. It makes me laugh every time.)

“You’re a toot box.”
“Vitas, mommy! Vitamins please.” (Asking for his gummy vitamins every morning.)
“Dickers? You love dickers.” (Asking to play with stickers.)
[With a thumbs up looking at us.] “Duuuuuuude.”
“You in there, bro?” (hugging all of his stuffed animals and covering himself.)
“No Mommy, No Daddy!” (Any time we try to help him with anything as he is Mr. Independent … especially on the playgrounds right now.) Also, “Mommy, you can sit there,” as he now wants to play on his own like a teenager.
“Whoa, that’s a big one.” (to almost anything.)

“The playground is open! Let’s go for the playground!” (Doesn’t understand the to versus for concept.)
[Riding on Scott’s shoulders as he walks.] “It’s HOT today. It’s too hot. Daddy is soggy.”
“You want some MULK?” (his “milk” sounds like “mulk” and he says it very loud with excitement every time.)
[In response to getting Batman and Robin figurines] “Ironman coming soon.”
[Hides under the blanket on the couch and we pretend that we don’t see him. He starts to roar as we “look for him” to give us clues as to where he’s at.]
“That’s a good one.” (Every time he hears a song he likes or sings Amazing Grace before bedtime.)
I’m sure there are plenty that I am forgetting, and I’m sure that I will have another full page of them in a few days. Parenting has taught me a lot of things, and it’s far from an easy job. It’s nice to take a step back and look at the funnier moments to remember and share, so thank you for taking a stroll down through the memories with me.
If you liked reading this post, please let me know!
There is always family-related content floating around in my brain that I would like to add into the rotation around here, but I don’t know if it’s something y’all like me to feature.

I’d love it if you would to hear if you’d like to see more posts like this one, and thank you so much for checking in today. I hope you have a great week!
You Might Also Like:
- Skyler’s Two-Year-Old Update
- 15+ Easy Mommy & Me Toddler Meals
- Thoughts On Raising a Baby in New York City
- Life With a Newborn, Recovery, and Q&As
Now, I’d love to hear toddler-isms from you.
Do you have a funny toddler-ism from your little one?
Do share below!

So cute!! Yes to all family posts!
Hi Rachael! Yay, thank you!
I love posts like these- they’re such fun to read ♡
Hi Shelby! Thanks for stopping by. Good to hear — they’re fun to write!
Skyler (Mr. Model) is adorable!!! I always enjoy seeing your posts especially the one that including Skyler and Scott! I really like when toddlers learn to identify animals and learn to pronounce their names. Sometimes you just have to keep a straight face when they are trying so hard to get it right. LOL
Aunt Sandy