Hi there! Today’s post is one that I’ve waited a very long, long time to write. I wasn’t quite sure how to start or finish it, and to be honest, I still can’t believe that we’re here. But, we’re here, and it’s awesome.
Those of you who have been following the blog for a while know that the years following our wedding haven’t been easy ones. Scott and I have experienced our fair share of bumps along the road over the last six years including job layoffs, relocations, and moving our lives across the country — twice!
Throughout this journey, we waited until what felt like the right time to start a family. Most of you also probably know that our desire to become parents has been on our hearts for years. Almost three years, actually.
After all of those countless hours, days, months, and years of praying, we finally have some very exciting news to share!
Baby Hesington will be here in March 2018!
I’m currently 14 weeks pregnant and have been dying to share the news with you all. We wanted to wait until the time felt right, and after four ultrasounds, a few looks at a strong heartbeat, genetics testing, and all healthy and happy results … the day has arrived, my friends. I’m feeling good, and things are moving along in such a positive and amazing way.
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that our baby will be here early next year, and I cannot wait to share this experience with you!
Check back for more stories about the first trimester and feel free to leave questions below! While I don’t plan to solely turn this space into a pregnancy diary, I do intend to cover the highlights and document this special time for myself, my family, and all of you.
Thank you for all of the love and support we have felt already.
More updates to come!

Yayyy! I’ve been waiting to hear this great news. So happy to hear you will finally get your ‘rainbow’ baby!
Congratulations to you & Scott! I am so happy for the two of you 🙂
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie recently posted…Life Lately: September
Congratulations. This is such wonderful news. I’m incredibly happy for you both.
Zoe – Paleoinheels
Congratulations!! So happy for you two and your new adventure!
you already know this but i am so, so thrilled for you and scott and your little one who is already so loved and one lucky little baby to have parents like you two! sending so much love and prayers for a continued healthy pregnancy, baby and delivery in march!! <3
julie @ peanut butter fingers recently posted…A Peek Into the Weekend
Congratulations!!! That is such wonderful news.
Congratulations!!! SO exciting!
Congratulations! I’ve been following your blog for years and throughout my own fertility struggles. We were blessed with a healthy baby boy last fall and I am so happy and excited to follow your journey! Congrats!
Congratulations!! That is wonderful news!
Heather, I’m so so very happy for you and Scott! ❤️ I look forward to following your journey amd wishing you nothing but the best!
Sending lots of love and hugggssss!!!!
Congratulations! Long-time reader and I am so thrilled for you. I hope you are feeling well.
Congratulations! We may have never met in person, but I have been following your blog for years! So I found myself tearing up as I read your post. I am so happy for you and Scott!
I am literally crying tears of joy for you. I’ve been praying for you and Scott since your first loss, and I’m so, so happy for you both. Can’t wait to read all of the baby updates! 🙂
I am so excited for you and Scott! My heart broke reading about your struggles prior to this and I am so joyful for y’all that you are expecting! It will be the best journey of your lives!!
Congratulations! I’m a newer reader, and also trying to get pregnant myself, so I look forward to your updates 🙂
So, so excited for you and Scott! Congratulations!!!
Oh my gosh, CONGRATULATIONS Heather! I rarely comment, but feel like I need to on this one. I was hoping your reference to taking time off from intense workouts was for this reason haha. SO incredibly happy for you <3
Congrats!! I saw your insta story this morning and I knew right away this was going to be the announcement. I have been following for years and I am beyond happy for you and Scott!!!!
OH MY GOSH! Ive been waiting to hear this moment from you. SO SO happy. Big congrats!
Carrie this fit chick recently posted…Fun Fitness Products You Need Right Now
Your blog posts regarding your miscarriages and everything pregnancy related (I especially love the pregnancy envy one) have helped me tremendously with my own battles. I admire your candor and ability to share the most private of experiences. So many people would choose to stay private about such sensitive matters, but you sharing yours is helping people in ways you can’t even imagine. I am so extremely happy for you and your husband. Thank you for everything that you share and may God continue to bless you and your family.
This makes my heart so happy!!!! I was literally just thinking about you yesterday and hoping for this news soon 🙂 So excited for you Heather! Congratulations!!!!!!
Heather!!! I am so so happy for you and Scott! I cannot WAIT to read all the updates – this is the best news ever!
Yayyyy!!! I’ve been following your blog for years and have been waiting to hear this news! I’m so very excited for you two! Many prayers for continued health for you and your sweet baby!
Ahhh congratulations! So so happy for you two!
Sara @ Oats & Rows recently posted…My 5 Favorite Healthy Treat Recipes from Fellow Bloggers
Congratulations!!! I have been following for many years ( I found you based on your old wedding posts!) And I am so thrilled to hear this news!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!
Yayyyy Heather! I’ve been reading your blog for years and I’m so incredibly happy for you and Scott!
Ahhhh congratulations! So so so happy and excited for you and your family ❤️
Kayla recently posted…How I Balance Teaching Yoga, Grad School and Freelancing
I was having a terrible day, but your news really brightened it! It’s funny how invested we can get in strangers’ lives on the internet, but I’ve been following you for a long time and am so happy for you! Congratulations! I can’t wait to read about your pregnancy journey and then about your new little one.
Congrats!!! I had a feeling this post was on its way after you mentioned cutting back on high intensity withouts!
I have both a boy and a girl so either way, you can’t go wrong. Will you be having a gender reveal party?
YAYYYYY!! When you posted recently about having not done OTF workouts lately I was secretly hoping it was because you were pregnant. SOOOOOO thrilled for you and Scott. Cannot wait to see Baby Hesington!!! <3
Allison Keskimaki recently posted…Adapting to Change
When I saw this title pop up on Bloglovin just now I was SO excited to click on it and hopefully see the news that you are expecting! I am so happy for you as I’ve followed along on your journey to get here 🙂 Sending you so much love from Iowa. So happy for you guys! I would love to follow along on your pregnancy journey and also would love to know what you guys did to get here!
Long-time reader, first-time commenting (I think?)…. BUT congratulations, could not be happier for the two of you! Really looking forward to the updates along the way.
Hi Heather! Congrats on the wonderful news!! I have to ask….. as someone who has been trying for awhile too, is there anything you did differently that you think helped you? I feel like there is so much info out there and was just curious as to your thoughts! Any advice would be great and thank you 🙂
THE single best thing I have read today! Congratulations do not seem like enough. You fought hard for this announcement and you will be rewarded a million times over for your bumpy journey. Being a parent is the BEST thing about adulting. 🙂
Love from Florida
The Ebanks
Yayyy!! Congratulations! I had quite the feeling last week when you said you were going back to working out. I’m thrilled for you guys!
heather @Lunging Through Life recently posted…Nolan: 4 Months
I have been reading your blog for quite some time now and I was so happy to see this today! 🙂
Thrilled for you!!! Such great news. Praying the rest of your pregnancy journey is uneventful and you both remain healthy ❤❤
I (obviously) don’t know you, but I BURST into tears when I saw this post, haha. I had a miscarriage with my first baby (and then just had a healthy baby boy in January!), so every time I read one of your posts about fertility I just wanted to reach through my computer and hug you. Fertility issues are the worst, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I am so incredibly happy for you! Best wishes!
So very, very happy for you guys!!!! God bless all three of you! God is so good and gives us what we need at just the right time!!!!
Congratulations! I really look forward to reading your pregnancy updates 🙂 I am 31 weeks myself now with my 1st and have been following you for years, I am excited for you. It’s been an awesome and sometimes humbling journey so far.
Oh my goodness! I’m super excited for you two. I think I very first started following along about the time you made your first move but I haven’t stopped by in a bit and I’m so glad I did. So happy!
So happy for you both!!!!!!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…A get-it-done weekend and my weekly workouts at 36 weeks pregnant
OMG OMG YAY! Huge congratulations to you and Scott!! Big hugs! I’m so so happy for you guys! I remember leaving you an anonymous comment last time about this – where I too was struggling. The world plays out in funny ways – I too am pregnant due in February!
Congratulations! Enjoy this special time. Baby I will be here before you know it! Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
My phone autocorrected Baby H to Baby I, sorry!
Wow!!! BIG Congratulations Heather & Scott!! !! This is truly special, no couple deserves this gift more then you two. Very happy for you 😀
Congratulations! I’ve been following your journey and I am so happy for you and your husband!
Congrats!!! Been following you for a few years and I’m so happy for your little family on this journey!
I have a 5 month old (woah, so fast!) and my goodness is it a (wonderful!) rollercoaster!
Congratulations! Jess at Just Jess
Ah! Long time reader, and I’ve been waiting for this WONDERFUL news! Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations!!! When you are ready to share I would love to hear anything you did differently to get pregnant this time….:)
That is such amazing news! Congrats to you & Scott. I am so happy for both of you!
I’ve been reading your blog for the past couple of years and have always admired you in the sense that no matter what trial you were facing, you never came across as bitter or whiny. You really are the epitome of a faithful Christian woman and I am happy for you and you give me hope that everything eventually happens the way it should and that with patience, God will work it out. Thank you for being an inspiration and for just being an authentic person in this online world. Praying for you and a healthy pregnancy and baby.
Yaaayyyy! Congratulations, that’s such exciting news!
Kelly @ Kelly Runs For Food recently posted…Free food is my favorite food
I got chills all over this morning when I saw your IG story, I just knew it! I am beyond beyond happy for you and Scott. You are both SO deserving and I can NOT wait to go through the journey with you! I’m all for turning this into a pregnancy blog!!!!! Can not wait to read about everything. XOXOOX
Ahh! Could not be happier to see this news for you! Ive been reading since u lived in Michigan and following your story all thru BK! Congrats! I hope youve been feeling ok! Xo
I am over the moon happy for you!! I thought this might be coming due to some recent posts and pictures and every time I check your blog I have said a prayer for you because I know how much you have wanted this. My daughter is about this far along in her pregnancy too. So, so happy for you!!!
Congrats!! I am a long time reader (from MI) and so happy to hear this good news.
Congratulations! I am sending all the good vibes for a healthy journey for both you and the little one. As a longtime reader, I am SO happy to be reading this post today <3
Congratulations!!!!! So, so happy for you guys. Hope you are feeling good!
I seriously squealed out loud when I read this! I am so thrilled for you…oh my goodness. I can’t wait for updates and to follow along with your pregnancy. What an amazing time for you. Congrats!!
I almost started crying tears of joy as I read this!!! I’m so, so happy for you guys! Congratulations!!
Congratulations – so happy for you and your family!
Congrats! I hope you enjoy your pregnancy!
Omg yay yay yay!!! Congrats!!! So exciting!!
Amanda – Create N Plate recently posted…Connection – Letchworth State Park
Congratulations Heather and Scott!!! Many blessings for a healthy & happy baby.
Congratulations!!! I am so so happy for you, Heather! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and this is the best news!! You are going to be an amazing mama <3 Sierra, Beautifully Candid
As someone who has read your blog for years and also suffered through my own fertility problems, I literally started crying and cheering as I read this post!!! Congratulations to you and Scott!
Hooray!! So happy for you. This will be the most loved, wonderful rainbow baby.
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! So very happy for you both! 🙂
Congratulations! That is such exciting news! Praying for a happy and healthy pregnancy!
Congratulations! I have been following your journey and hoping to see an announcement like this soon! So happy for you I even teared up reading this!
Kristin recently posted…Fall Fashion For Boys That Won’t Break The Bank
Congrats! So happy for you and can’t wait to follow along through your pregnancy!
Patricia @ Sweet and Strong recently posted…Friday Foodie and Fitness Favorites
Congratulations!!!! I am SO happy and excited for you!! I have been reading your blog for a long time, so I feel like I know you 😉 this is the best news ever!! You are going to be the most amazing Mama!! Xoxo
I have been following you for awhile and so ecstatic to read the joyous news. Congratulations to you and Scott!! This sweet pea is going to be so loved. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy journey.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a long time reader and VERY THRILLED FOR BOTH OF YOU. So happy. Such a beautiful blessing. You both will be amazing parents.
Congratulations! March babies are great 🙂 !
Lovely news. Congratulations!
jac recently posted…Yak Italian Kitchen
Congratulations! Such fantastic news xxx
Congratulations! I have been following your blog for several years and am beyond excited for you guys! By all means, if you want to turn this blog into a pregnancy diary; you go right ahead!!!.. it is your space and we will all stick beside you!