Hi friends! It’s been quite a week already over here.
Since I last checked in, Scott and I have moved into our new apartment in Brooklyn! By no means are we anywhere near settled in yet (boxes are eating us alive), but we are slowly unpacking and navigating our way into our new lives in Park Slope.
I don’t know what the weather has been like in your neck of the woods, but we have been completely spoiled with clear, sunny days in the 60s, 70s, and even 80s. Spring has arrived, and I’m in love!
We won’t have a solid wi-fi connection until Thursday, so I have been using my time offline to unpack a box at a time and make some sort of sense out of our place. We found a railroad style layout apartment, which means that there isn’t a hallway, and one room leads directly into another. It’s not for everyone, but it’s charming, it’s filled with natural light, and it provides even more space for us and the animals than we imagined. Plus, we love the building and surrounding streets very much.
Location, accessibility to transportation, and safety trumps almost anything in my book!
This post is all about what we’ve been up to outside of boxes on boxes and messes on messes lately. My favorite highlight from the weekend has to be meeting my friend, Erin, and some of her friends in Central Park on Sunday.
It was the first truly sunny Sunday of the spring season, so I was delighted when I received the invite to join in on a full day of fresh air in the big city! It was gorgeous out.
Against my initial judgement, I could have easily switched my long sleeved shirt and jeans out for a bathing suit. Whoops. (Layers are key for being out and about all day while commuting!)
It was an easy walk and train ride into the city from Brooklyn, and I met Erin and her roommate, Rachel, in the Upper West Side to pick up bottles of champagne and snacks before we walked over to the park. There was a great selection of fresh fruit, chips and dips, homemade guacamole, and cookies that quickly became my lunch.
I had visited Central Park a handful of times before, but this was my first time getting a mini tour from a local. We skipped the ridiculously long wait for the bathroom at Le Pain and walked down to a less crowded area to use the restrooms.
Erin’s friend, Merri, went with us and took us to the famous Bethesda Terrace and Fountain. The architecture and detail on the ceilings is unreal!
It felt magical just being there as I instantly recognized it as a popular movie set background. It isn’t out of the norm for films to be in production right here in the park around this time of the year. To say that Scott and I are already completely smitten by the city is the understatement of the year.
After over five hours of snacking and basking in the sun, I left with a group of new friends and an optimistic attitude about living in New York. It’s already starting to feel like home, and that is a very refreshing and wonderful thing.
Thanks so much for inviting me, Erin!
While Scott and I have enjoyed exploring the Manhattan area, we have become equally as in love with our new neighborhood in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Like I mentioned in a recent NYC video update, we had been stalking a specific apartment in our friend’s building for months. Against all odds, we somehow managed to convince the landlord to lease to us, and we feel overly blessed to call Park Slope our new neighborhood. It is beautiful and has everything we could ever need.
We are just a few blocks away from Prospect Park, which is basically Brooklyn’s version of Central Park.
Roadie and I have thoroughly enjoyed our morning walks down to the running path that has easily become a new ritual that we both love.
When we decided to move to a popular city, we were worried that we wouldn’t be able to get Roadie to the amount of grass and trees that he’s used to. Not only has he seen more, but he has done better than expected with so. many. people. I’m a proud mom!
For those who are worried that we won’t have access to everything we need on foot, I can assure you that we will be just fine. Scott and I took an hour break from unpacking yesterday, and in that time we grabbed a quick lunch, I got my eyebrows threaded (for $6, by the way – the cheapest I’ve ever found), we went to the market, we went to a locksmith to get copies made of our keys, and we stopped into the post office. All of those errands would have taken me at least two or three hours in most cities.
I could really get used to having access to markets, coffee shops, gyms, libraries, convenience stores, pet supplies stores, and even juice bars in just a five minute walk or less.
I stumbled upon JuiceLand on my way to the train a couple of days ago. To be so close to this and at least three fresh fruit stands or markets makes me really, really happy.
(Berry smoothie and Mediterranean quinoa salad — yum.)
Of course, there are some drawbacks about living in a booming area like this. Pure Barre, for example, offers a monthly unlimited class package for just about three times the price of a Barre Code membership in Metro Detroit. *Sigh*
For now, I plan on taking advantage of the park and completing bodyweight and dumbbell workouts at home until we return from our trip to Orlando mid-May. Once we get settled and into a normal routine again, I will most likely pick up a gym membership and hope to find a way to afford barre classes. (ClassPass, I’m finally coming for you!)
Let’s see … what else … oh!
(A lot of these photos are from my snapchat: lifenleggings)
I’m finally feeling comfortable tackling commutes in and out of the city on my own. Google maps makes it pretty easy to find walking and transit routes around town, and there are several transit apps that I have yet to download. (Any suggestions?)
Thank you for being patient and walking with me through this journey of moving and craziness. I’m sure it will take several more weeks until we feel completely settled in, and until then, I am doing the best that I can to pop in as much as I can on the blog.
Our piles of boxes are rough to sort through until we have storage and furniture to help us organize. We rode the bus to IKEA last night to see what things look like in person, and we have an idea of what kind of order we will be placing later today.
It’s all very overwhelming, yet exciting!
As far as looking for jobs go, we have been searching and both have interviews with a temp agency tomorrow. Scott got hired as an assistant stage manager for an Off-Broadway show that will run until the first week of May, so that’s been keeping him very busy! Things are starting to pick up for me on the blog front, so I guess we will just see how everything pans out.
I am really looking forward to sharing more adventures and city life with you!
Thanks for checking in, and I will see you back in the morning with a total body workout you can do anywhere. (Also known as the the only type of workout that I can do over the next month …) 😉
» Linking these Weekend Snapshots up with Katie and Erin.
Question of the Day
• What has been the biggest highlight of your week so far?
• Any small space tips (specifically for the kitchen/bathroom) as we set up our new place?
Happy Tuesday!

If you join CP let me know as you get a special by using my CP Ambassador code and there are a TON of great BK options!
Ashley Diamond recently posted…Five Workouts That Improved My Half Marathon PR by 35 Minutes
I’ll definitely be looking into it! Thanks 🙂
Such exciting news! Love seeing that you have been enjoying your new home so much. Something that I have seen for small spaces is open shelving above the door frame. I was looking at a house and the bathroom was super small but just seeing that they had a shelf above the door frame made it really easy to store lots of stuff without taking up so much room.
Great tip Taylor! We are looking at installing selves in the bathroom and kitchen 😉
So excited for you! You guys were made for the big city!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Fabulous times with my Mom and my weekly workout recap
Thanks Ashley, we are loving it so far!
Sounds like you’re settling in nicely. Isn’t it freeing to not have to rely on a car? Saves a ton, too. My biggest piece of advice for small spaces is the basic less is more. Get rid of clutter and your place will feel bigger. With clothing and accessories go for quality over quantity. A small bathroom isn’t a big deal. The kitchen can be a bit more tricky. When I had a super tiny one, I ate out more and cooked way less, lol. Anyhow, you’ll make due and figure out what works for you. Congrats on your move!
While it can be annoying at times, I really don’t miss driving one bit. Thanks for the tips! We have been working on the less is more strategy for a bit 😉
I just found your blog and am so envious of your big city living! I love that you can just walk to everything or ride the subway. I will be following along as you transition into living in NYC!
Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts
Hi Sarah, I’m glad you clicked over! We are excited to share the adventures … thanks for following!
Living in a small space can be a challenge. Keep things simple and think before you buy! Enjoy your new home.
xo Lauren
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment recently posted…Secrets to Perfectly Baked Broccolini
Definitely! We are going the less is more route for sure 😉
Wow, so happy things seem to be coming together for you! My husband was recently laid-off and we are contemplating a big move as well. Getting our house ready to sell and all that is so stressful!
Aw, I’m sorry to hear that. I can tell you from personal experience (twice) that it’s not any type of fun. We moved up to Detroit for my husband’s job, so when that was taken out of the equation, we knew we wanted to move. We had both been applying to several jobs in several cities and NYC kept popping up with the most opportunities. It’s a scary leap, but it already feels like home. It will all work out the way it’s supposed to!
Happy you’re loving my city – the park was gorgeous this weekend, we spent a lot of time there as well!
renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Weekly Recap and the MORE Women’s Half Marathon
That we are – the city is amazing! Not that we didn’t already know that 😉 Can’t wait for more park days soon!
I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it’s free? Awemeso!
That sweater is really beautiful! Love the coat too,great pattern! You look classy and fabulous Here is not that cold so I'm enjoying those long walks everyday…But I'm really looking forward to winter,I wanna wear my coats too! Enjoy your weekend xx
The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
Can’t wait to see more of the apartment! Looks like you guys are having a great time so far.
Sam @ Barrister’s Beet recently posted…Healthy Taco Pizza {weeknight friendly}
Hi Sam! We sure are. The apartment might take a few months to really come together, but I’ll be sure to highlight areas here and there 😉
I’m so excited for you Heather!!!! I’m vicariously living through you–lol. I love NYC. I went to college at NYU and just fell in love with the city–It’s obvious you and Scott are already smitten! If you love outdoor markets–you must visit the Union Square Farmer’s market. OMG–it’s amazing and in the summer–I remember I’d just spend hours there roaming around. They have purple cauliflower; greens–uggh I’m getting so jealous–ha ha!
And if you get a chance at some point–I know you’ve been to Exhale before–but if you can–take Bergen Wheeler’s Core Fusion Cardio class–omg- it’s incredible–and she is probably one of the best fitness instructors I’ve ever had. Fierce and motivating! I’m so looking forward to following your journey.
XOXO–and have fun in Orlando!!! 🙂
Hi there! Thank you so much, we are really loving our time in Brooklyn as well as the city. That farmers market sounds awesome! We’ll definitely have to check it out. Thanks for the suggestions! And for following. <3 Have a great week!
Hi Heather! Totally random comment but Merri that you hung out with this weekend is also best buds with Julie from PBFingers! I like a little blog overlap! Love your NYC posts- my fave city in the world!
Yes!! I’ve met Merri before (she’s an absolute sweetheart and so much fun), and Erin is a mutual friend of Julie and I. Small world, right?!
So glad to hear things re going so well. Love following along with your adventure! ~xoxo, Hannah (www.HannahAtHomeBlog.com)
Hannah {Hannah at Home} recently posted…Crock Pot Chicken Curry
Thanks so much for following, Hannah! We are enjoying our time in Brooklyn and the city!
Download HopStop! That app saved my life when I lived in NYC. You just put in your destination and it tells you how to get there.
You should download NextStop app! I think its a $1 or 2 but its totally worth it. It gives you times the subway trains are arriving and works when you do not have service! Someone recommended the app to me when I first moved to the city and it really helped me when I was learning the subway system. I actually still use it to this day! Also CooCoo is a good app for the PATH train! Hope that helps and welcome to NYC 😉
I would absolutely love being close to all of those things! I live downtown in my city (not big at all) but my favorite thing is being walking distance to restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and the river. That’s super exciting you guys are getting settled in and enjoying everything!
Amanda @ Exploring Life & Things recently posted…Hot Chocolate 15k Race Recap
Love reading about your move! 🙂 NYC is such a fun city, and Park Slope looks gorgeous. I live in London and Citymapper is an amazing app for getting around, I can’t do without it! I’m pretty sure they have one for NYC? Have a lovely rest-of-the-week! xx
Soo Happy for you!! i cant wait to see more pictures of your apartment and area!!
Bisouuus sweet Heather
A magnetic wall knife holder (crate & barrel, $50) was such a space saver in our tiny D.C. apartment! Also, keep vaccum sealed bags of off-season clothes under the bed. Now that we live in an 1800 sq ft house, my husband and I actually miss being in less than 500 sq ft. After living successfully in a well organized, tiny space we feel like we have way too much room haha!
We saw those, and the bars that hold pots! I’m sure we will have to get creative to fit everything in an organized place!
i LOVE that you love city living! i too live in a city and absolutely adore it. while i can’t imagine living the life i used to live in the suburbs here, i love my daily routines. i also love amazon prime for deliveries of hard-to-carry things 😉 there’s a good promotion with prime pantry these days if you want to subscribe to things like laundry detergent, brown rice, canned goods, toilet paper, etc.
also, i just love not having a car as well! if you put together some kind of list or tips about comfortable cute sneakers i’d be interested to see it! and i’m all about body weight workouts too, looking forward to those.
We have been using Amazon a lot. We just got our first Prime Pantry delivery the other day! It’s also nice that most places around here offer free shipping! 😉
Central Park is one of my favorite places to go in the City and I love to see the changes that occur in the park every season!