Oh boy, do I have an exciting giveaway for you guys today!
Have you ever tried a juice cleanse? How about a raw foods cleanse?
What about… a juice and raw foods cleanse? I know, mind = blown.
I have a feeling that your answer can be summed up as:
1) No thanks, I like my cheeseburgers and unstructured eating schedule.
2) Nope, but I’m interested to hear more about it (and win the giveaway!).
3) I tried one to lose weight, but couldn’t commit and/or didn’t see results.
4) YES! I love cleanses. They are a great way to kick off the start to a new year or important season in my life!
Throughout my years of dancing professionally, and having to pose in front of a camera in what I can only describe as a bikini, I tried a handful of cleanses. The most popular one I heard about back then (and successfully completed several times) was the Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade Diet. This was back in my crazy two-a-day workout days when I also had a shockingly high amount of will power. Basically, I put myself on a liquid diet of fresh lemon juice, organic maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water from three to a maximum of seven days once to twice a year.
To be completely honest, it was horrible every time. I hated it. I didn’t mind the taste the first day, but any length of time after that was pretty much force fed, or in this case, force swallowed. For that reason alone, my last experience with a detox or cleanse was back in 2011.
Over the past few years, juicing has become a popular way to cleanse. I have been interested in detoxing with a juice cleanse over the last couple of months, so I enthusiastically hopped on the opportunity to review a 3-Day juice and raw foods cleanse from Urban Remedy.
Urban Remedy offers a variety of cleanse options, as well as four different kits that are pre-packed with a 3-day supply of nutritionally-balanced juices, snacks and meals.
Since I am not looking to lose weight, but rather kick start a new year of (mostly) healthy, clean eating, I picked the Beauty Kit for the focus on antioxidants, fiber and essential fatty acids to support glowing skin and hair.
I received a big brown box on my front door that contained the following goodies packed into a cooler:
• 6 packets of beauty tea
• 3 Green Berry shakes
• 3 Time Machine juices
• 3 Glow juices
• 6 Youth Spikes
Kale Chips
• 1 Sour Cream & Chive
• 1 BBQ
• 1 Cheesy Italian
• 1 Zen Salad
• 1 Shredded Kale Salad
• 1 Tabbouleh Salad
• 2 Zucchini Fettucini Marinara
• 1 Zucchini Fettucini Pesto
• 2 Raw Chocolate Mousse
• 1 Raw Tiramisu
You would have thought it was Christmas morning, y’all. I was so pumped to read about the entire process and get started!
Since I had never previously tried and enjoyed the experience of a plant-based foods cleanse, I wanted to commit myself to it one hundred percent. For three full days, I completely stuck to the Beauty Kit plan and cut out all other clogging foods and drinks from my diet.
There were times (especially in the second and third day) where I felt like I needed more calories. If you are staying really active or need more to eat, they suggest choosing items from the cleansing foods list (like organic fruits, organic vegetables, quinoa, buckwheat, wild rice, etc.) included in the brochure that comes with the instructions.
Each day followed the same pattern of food and juice intake and offered a variety in menu items.
I started every morning with water. They suggested to drink a glass of warm water with lemon, but I opted to skip over it and went right for the beauty tea. That was the only way I was going to get through my normal habit of grabbing coffee right after I roll out of bed!
The herbal tea is made with Chinese herbs that strengthen digestion, reduce bloating, and curb the appetite, so I drank my cup of tea 10 to 15 minutes before anything else.
I started all three mornings with a Green Berry shake with 1 Youth Spike.
(The Youth Spikes are tiny vials of probiotics that promote healthy detoxification, aids fat digestion, and rejuvenates the liver.)
I loved the shake, and you couldn’t taste the spike at all. I was surprised that it filled me up until my mid-morning snack: kale chips with a Time Machine.
I could taste the cayenne pepper in the juice right away. I squinted a bit at that, but thoroughly enjoyed all three flavors of the seasoned kale chips. I was instructed to eat when I felt hungry, so I usually ended up nibbling a small portion of the chips here and saved the majority of the bowl for later.
Kale chips really are a hit or miss with me. I was ecstatic that all three flavors tasted great!
I kept my workouts on the low side during my cleanse, so I wasn’t too hungry for lunch until well after Noon. Each day called for a different salad and they were all colorful, extremely fresh, and delicious.
I worked my way through all three of the afternoons and almost forgot about my mid-afternoon snack: Glow juice with another Youth Spike.
This was also the part of the day where I wanted to inhale kale chips, so I polished those containers off pretty easily.
Dinner came around the normal hour, and I was definitely ready for it. The first and third nights had Zucchini Fettucini Marinara on the menu.
It was actually my first time trying zucchini noodles! They were good… but it was just… too raw for my liking. Scott gave me the idea of heating my “pasta” up the second night in the microwave. I’m not even sure you’re supposed to do that since this kit provides raw food, but it made the biggest difference.
It was so much better and tasted great! I also really liked the Zucchini Fettuchini Pesto the second night.
(Photographed cold, but consumed heated up!)
Dessert couldn’t come soon enough and easily became my favorite part of each day. The first and third nights topped my night off with a light but rich Raw Chocolate Mousse.
The middle night did not disappoint with the Raw Tiramisu, paired with another Beauty Tea to wind down each night.
You better believe I licked every one of those containers clean.
They were incredible!
Overall Thoughts
Like I mentioned above, this was my first time doing a juice and raw foods cleanse. I’m not going to sugar coat anything… it was a challenge for me.
I am a huge snacker, and while this kit provided me with plenty to keep me satisfied, I simply missed the foods I usually snack on. Oh, and COFFEE! Wow. It’s a good thing that I was at home alone for the majority of the first day because I was super irritable. I craved my usual morning cup of coffee for a solid two days. It was awful.
I almost gave in a couple of times, but Scott reminded me that I owe an honest review. And, (dangit) he was right. So, just for you guys, I pulled through and awarded myself thirty gold stars.
Guess what? I didn’t even miss my coffee on the third day. Seriously. I went the entire day feeling on top of my game and more focused than ever. It was an awesome feeling.
I knew I was going to go right back to drinking coffee the next morning, since it’s something I truly look forward to every day. That’s my one thing I don’t think I will ever want to give up, and I am okay with that. But, it is nice to know that I can take caffeine out of my diet and still function properly!
The shakes were delicious. I actually started craving those and missed them when they were gone. I could have done without the Time Machines, but the Glow juices were right up my alley. I really liked the salads and could tolerate the zucchini pastas once I (cheated? and) heated them up. The beauty tea was light and refreshing too.
I didn’t feel too hungry throughout the cleanse until the final day. I think my body just wanted warm food again. I ate extra fruit and made some plain quinoa to hold me over!
Can you guess what my favorite part was? If you know me at all, then you immediately thought of the desserts. They were ON POINT you guys.
I had Scott try each one and he was incredibly shocked at how good they tasted. 100% raw. Who knew?
So… would I do another cleanse? Absolutely!
Yes, I missed eating my normal foods and snacks for a few days, but I came out of it feeling wonderful. Cleanses are a great way to detox the body from the inflammatory, maybe not-so-healthy foods common in our diets. I loved starting the new year off with a goal or focus, and am so glad I completed the three days without wavering!
Urban Remedy Kit Giveaway
I was elated when I found out Urban Remedy was on board to help me host a giveaway. You guys know how much I like to try and share the goods!
I am obviously a fan of the Beauty Kit, but one lucky Housewife Glamour reader has the chance to win a Kit of their choice (a $195-$250 value)!
To Enter
Leave a comment on this post sharing which kit you would pick!
You must also enter at least one additional entry into Rafflecopter for it to count.
You have until Midnight Thursday, January 22nd E.S.T. to enter the giveaway. Winners will be announced first thing on Friday morning.
Good Luck!
Disclosure: I was gifted the Beauty Kit cleanse by Urban Remedy for review and compensated for this post. As always, all opinions remain my own!

The cleanse that I am most interested in is the Beauty kit.
The immunity kit sounds great 🙂
Beautify kit I want to try it so so bad!!!
The metabolism kit would be perfect for my upcoming beach trip!!
I love that these include food, I would not survive on juice alone! I think I’d try the metabolism kit.
I would love to try the metabolism kit…still have some baby weight to lose. I’ve been wanting to try a cleanse for a long time and I really like that this company includes raw food as well as the juices. Everything looks delicious!
That actually doesn’t sound too bad- since actual food is involved!
I would love to try the Immunity kit, seems like the perfect way to nourish my body while everybody seems to be getting sick! Especially if it involves dessert 🙂 Great post
The beauty lot sounds fabulous! Would love to try a cleanse one day!
I would love to try the beauty kit! Everything looks so good, especially the dessert!
I’d like to try the metabolism kit!
I’d love to try the beauty kit 🙂
I’d be most interested in the metabolism kit! Think it would be such a great restart to my system!
That’s a tough choice. I am between the beauty and metabolism kits!
Metabolism kit would be so wonderful!
The beauty and metabolism kits look great!!
Ive done some cleanses, but never a raw cleanse. I would LOVE to try that! I would probably try the beauty kit also. I am wedding prepping, so having a jumpstart would be great 🙂
I would love to try either the beauty kit or metabolism kit. I could benefit from both for sure.
The metabolism kit would be perfect considering I just got back from a study abroad trip and didn’t exactly stop myself from gorging on any and everything 😉
they all look fantastic!
Thanks for the review! This seems like something that would actually be doable!
And I would probably try the beauty kit as well!
I would like the immunity kit. I’m trying really hard not to get sick while everyone around me has the funk.
Everything looks great! The beauty kit for me. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
So hard to choose, but I think I would go with the beauty kit!
Hard choice, but I think I’d try metabolism!
I would pick the metabolism kit. Thanks for the review!
I’m most interested in the metabolism cleanse!
I would love to try the Metabolism Kit! I need to lose a little weight and this could be just the kick start I need!
I’d love to try the beauty cleanse!
Metabolism please.
I’d love to try the Metabolism kit!
i would definitely try the metabolism cleanse!
I would like to try Cindy Crawford’s Essentials! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway…
I would like to try the Metabolism kit!
I would like to try the Cindy Crawford’s essentials kit! But all look amazing – thanks 🙂
Thanks for sharing your experience . I have been wanting to try something like this. I would love to try the metabolism kit!
I would love to try the beauty kit!
I would love to try any of the kits as I could use a boost in each category. I think my biggest struggle is beauty, so if I had to pick one, it would be that.
The Metabolism kit!
I would love to try the beauty kit!
The metabolism kit sounds great.
Love that these include the salads and snacks, along with juices! I’d love to try the metabolism kit!
I would like to try the Cindy Crawford Essentials Kit.
I would def. try the beauty kit!!!
I would love to try the metabolism kit! I have heard so many great things about this program and would be delighted to give it a shot : ) Thanks!
I think I’d choose the beauty kit like you! …or maybe the metabolism. Both sound good!
I think I’d try the metabolism kit…been wanting to try a juice type cleanse for ages!!!
I would love to try the Metabolism kit.
I’d probably go with the beauty kit! I’m intrigued!
I think they all look great, but would love to try the metabolism kit.
The beauty kit or metabolism kit sounds awesome!! 🙂
The metabolism kit…but really they all sound great.
I would pick the beauty kit. I love the idea of do a cleanse with food. Food is my everything so I have always steered clear of cleanses because I knew I couldn’t do without. The Urban Remedy kits are a genius idea
I would choose the beauty kit, everything looks soooo good
Yum! The salads look delicious.
This looks like a cleanse I could actually handle! I would do the beauty kit!
The salads look delicious! I’d love to try the metabolism kit!
The beauty kit!
High five for hangin in there! I would love the Essentials!
The metabolism kit sounds awesome!
That food looks really good!
Thanks for sharing your experience . I have been wanting to try something like this, but just haven’t wanted to pay for it myself :). I would love to try the metabolism kit!
This looks awesome!! I think the Metabolism kit looks great. Thanks so much for the giveaway!!
I have tried the master cleanse and juice cleanse and they leave me so unsatisfied. This one seems more doable!! I might have to give it a shot right before I go on a beach vacation!
All about the look of that Metabolism Kit!
I would try the Metabolism kit!
Cleanses are intimidating, but your honest review is giving me the courage to enter this giveway! I’m getting married in August, so the metabolism kit would be a great way to jump start the “get fit in 2015” plan for my wedding. 🙂 Thanks!
I’ve been intimidated before by them as well. I loved this line because of the addition of raw foods. Also, 3 days felt like the perfect amount of days. Congrats on your wedding! Enjoy the planning process <3
The fact that it’s not a pure liquid cleanse gives me confidence that I could get through it!
Thanks! We’ve done really well with all of the planning thus far. Honestly – the hardest part is the guest list!
I’d love to do the Metabolism Kit
I’ve never done a cleanse but would love to try the Beauty kit. All of the items sound amazing!
I would probably choose the beauty kit. I’m one of those weird people that actually likes kale, so I’m dying to try those chips!
Those were so good!!! You can order them directly off of the website too – https://www.urbanremedy.com/snacks 🙂
I’d definitely use the same one you did!
I’d pick Beauty!
Id love to try the Metabolism Kit!
With cold and flu season in full force I’m thinking the Immunity kit but then again Cindy Crawford looks amazing for her age so maybe I’d try that.
I would love to try the cleanse you did–beauty!
The metabolism kit looks good, but I think I’d choose the Beauty kit! Thank you for such a thorough, honest review. 🙂
I think Lauren Conrad did a similar cleanse. I would choose the Beauty Kit to try. I know it would be a struggle for me too, but I would give it a go.
I would love to try the Beauty Kit. I am starting a plant based diet and I would love to get more inspiration! Thank you for the review:)
The Beauty and Cindy Crawford cleanses sound interesting. Great giveaway for the start of the year!
The metabolism kit would be the perfect motivator!
I would love to try the metabolism kit!
I would LOVE to win this I would like the metabolism or beauty… hmm! 🙂
That’s such a hard choice! Probably the metabolism or beauty kit 🙂 Sounds like an amazing cleanse!
They all look so great! I think I would choose the essential kit though. I know back in college I tried to do a juice cleanse for digestion and man it was so painful haha, I quit the first day around dinner time!
I would do any of the cleanses, but the metabolism kit seems cool! Your beauty cleanse also seems pretty great too… everything looks delicious but also clean and natural!
I would pick the metabolism kit if I win!
I would love to try the beauty kit… but the no coffee would be killer!
I’d like to try the metabolism kit, but do they ship to Canada?
Dessert on a cleanse? Say whaaat? I would choose the beauty kit. The Cauliflower Tabbouleh sounds tasty! 😉
I would also choose the Beauty Kit because it includes DESSERT!
The Beauty Kit – my dry hair needs all the help it can get!
Sounds wonderful!
would love to try the immunity kit!
Metabolism & beaUty!
I have never done a cleanse but would love to try the beauty kit!
I would love the beauty and metabolism!!
I would choose Cindy Crawford’s Essential kit, but they all look amazing!
I would try the metabolism or beauty kit!
The Metabolism kit sounds great! A great way to reset the cravings. 🙂
I would love to try the Metabolism kit just for the Spring roll!
The beauty kit looks so good!
Metabolism or beauty!!! Both look great!
I would love to try the Metabolism Kit! This sounds absolutely amazing; thank you for the chance to win!
I would want to try the Metabolism kit it sounds amazing!
This is certainly very different than any other “cleanse” I have seen before. I think I’d like the metabolism one.
My mouth is watering! I would choose the Beauty Kit.
I’ve never done a cleanse, but I might just to have all my food supplied for the duration! It looks amazing–I think I’d pick “metabolism.”
I would love to try the beauty kit! I love that this cleanse includes some food as well as juices.
I’d try the metabolism kit!
Beauty kit for sure!
I just left this comment on today’s post. OOps! I’m most interested in the metabolism cleanse.
I would like to try the Metabolism Kit!
The metabolism kit sounds ahhhh-mazing!
The metabolism kit sounds awesome!
beauty kit definitely looks most appealing to me!
The metabolism kit!
I’d love to try the Cindy Crawford essentials!! The desserts look amaaaazing
The Beauty kit looks like the very first cleanse I feel like I would be able to successfully complete! It actually looks delicious!! Fingers crossed!
I would love to try the kit you just reviewed! The zucchini noodles look intruding and lately I can’t get enough juice…so I would love the opportunity to have those as well. Great giveaway, thanks 🙂
I would love to do a juice/raw cleanse to jumpstart my healthy eating! I’m still enjoying way too many treats after the holidays.
Metabolism Kit
I would definitely try the metabolism kit. I’m almost back to my prepregnancy weight, and this could help to get me there !
Wow, awesome giveaway! I would love to try the metabolism kit!
metabolism 100%!
The Beauty Kit!
Beauty!! I started drinking a gallon of water a day a month ago, and I can tell a huge difference in my complexion and endurance. I think this beauty kit would compliment that so well!!! Great review, btw
metabolism kit!
I would be most interested in the Beauty Kit!!
The beauty kit looks so yummy! Thanks for the chance to try it out 🙂
The beauty kit! Your cleanse sounded amazing!!
I’d love the beauty kit to clear up my skin!
I definitely want to try the beauty kit!!
Oh my gosh, I tried the Urban Remedy kale chips one time and loved them! I would be all about the Cindy Crawford kit!
I would try the kits with the food as well as the juices, since i wouldn’t want to just do a juice cleanse. i need my sustenance 🙂 they raw desserts make it look worthwhile, though!
What a great review! I’d be most interested in the metabolism one!
I was just reading another review of this on another blog and I thought “I really want to try this but I cant afford it right now”. I would love to win this!!
All of them sound amazing but the Beauty Kit looks great. I was raw vegan for a while and swear by its benefits and effects on your body, metabolism, and energy levels. I attribute a raw diet to naturally balancing my hypothyroidism.
This could be great for me, post baby #4!
Such a toss up between the Beauty and Metabolism kit – but since it’s a new year, the metabolism kit for sure!
I would try the refresh cleanse. I would love love love to try this!
The metabolism kit would be perfect to get me ready for my Honeymoon! Would LOVE to try it!!
I am most interested in the Metabolism kit. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
The Metabolism kit sounds great! I’ve always wanted to try a cleanse, but heard about the slightly unsettling side effects that come with a natural/raw diet (i.e toxins releasing from the body in forms of acne, head aches, etc.) I’d love to take the first step!!!
I would love to try the Cindy Crawford kit. Thanks for the great giveaway!
The beauty kit for sure!!
I’m most interested in the Metabolism cleanse.
The Metabolism kit for sure….thanks so much for the great giveaway. I live in Windsor, right across the r iver from you, and it’s so cool to see you blog about places i have visited before…
I would love to try the Metabolism kit or the Cindy Crawford kit!
I have heard great things about the Cindy Crawford kit!
I would love to try the Beauty kit!
Sounds like a great experience! I would love to try the metabolism Cleanse for sure!
the metabolism kit.
I would love to try the metabolism cleanse for a nice boost : ) Those desserts are probably the savior for making it through the cleanse! Looks yummy.
I would love to try the beautify kit!
I would like to try the Metabolism Kit!
I’m curious about the metabolism or beauty! Both look delicious 🙂
I would try the metabolism kit! I think it sounds like a great way to start the new year with healthy habits!! Crossing fingers!!!
The Beauty cleanse looks amazing!!