Good morning! Brrr. It’s a cold and snowy one up here. Can you believe it? I sure can’t. I guess winter showed it’s freezing face early this year!
I hope your weekend was filled with lots of fun and relaxing activities. After galavanting around Chicago earlier last week, Scott and I decided to take it easy the past couple of days and we both enjoyed some much needed downtime at home.
I spent Friday how I normally do these days. I shut the computer down early around 3 p.m. and got to work cleaning the house. Roadie helped me sort through the ties Scott is putting in his give away pile…
Or he just laid there and stared at me with his puppy eyes. Classic.
I took a break from cleaning around 5:45 p.m. and drove over to a long anticipated massage appointment. After training for and running two half marathons in the last month, I thought it well deserved.
Scott had an event on the other side of the state (er… mitten), so I had another “me” date night in the works. I bundled up after my massage ended (ahhh, so much better!) and drove right across the street to stock up on groceries.
It was a good trip! Great even. I got to use some coupons and felt really proud of myself for sticking to a budget… until I left the parking lot, that is. I don’t know if I was tired, hungry, or what, but I completely missed a “right turn only” sign, turned left, and got pulled over right away. I don’t think I should drive in Michigan anymore. Seriously. After my ticket incident back in August, I think I should just turn in my license and call it a day.
So yeah, that was fun. I saved all that money couponing, and now I get to turn right back around and pay it to the city. Perfect.
I got home around 9 and quickly whipped up something for dinner to make myself feel better. I found leftover pita wrap ingredients from the day before, and revived it by adding tomatoes, olives, rotisserie chicken, and a side of hummus for dressing.
It was delicious and held me over to finish cleaning and catching up on emails until Scott got home a few hours later.
We slept in Saturday, per usual. That’s usually our “no alarms allowed” morning as many weekends as we can swing it. We kept breakfast light since lunch wasn’t too far behind. It was nice to catch up on the Zs.
Scott headed out to the office to catch up on work he missed while we were out of town, so I thought I should check in to the blog. To answer a handful of reader requests, I posted my first Grocery Haul showing what I typically buy on my trips to the grocery store.
If you like reading those types of posts, let me know. I’d love to do more!
Scott originally planned to return home before sunset so we could go on a family run, but that didn’t happen. He stayed later than expected and got home right before dinner.
Rotisserie chicken (again), Amy’s mushroom risotto, and Cascadian Farms organic winter squash puree for two.
Tasty and effortless, just how I like it.
As soon as I got done making tea (sweet, per request of the husband) it was time to tune into the Arkansas vs. LSU game.
If there’s one thing you should know about Scott, it’s that he is a die-hard Razorbacks fan. He went to the school, so I guess the obsession is warranted. He insisted that I go change my shirt to something “Hogs” before we sat down to watch the game, so I borrowed an old throwback from his college days circa 1995.
That’s right. He’s my 41-year-old wooo pig sooie callin’ child checking the updates and #LSUvsARK tweets on his phone, all the while watching the game and drinking his sweet tea out of a mason jar. I’m so glad I could help him connect with his routes there.
Cali was snuggling (and secretly laughing) with me.
The University of Arkansas won, so maybe the old school (chocolate milk stained) sweatshirt was a good luck charm after all!
After the game, we had just enough steam to watch a documentary on Netflix. We chose The Woman Who Wasn’t There that tells the infamous story of a 9/11 “survivor”. I quoted survivor because she was really never there, hence the title of the film. It was an interesting watch for sure!
We slept later than usual on Sunday too. What’s wrong with us? It must be the cool weather allowing us to sleep in sweatpants.
We left just in time to make it to church and stopped by Kroger to pick up a few (more) items from the grocery store on our way home. Everything we bought went towards putting together snacks for a football watching party, so it doesn’t really count in this week’s haul. Technically.
I remade my go-to light and healthy veggie pasta salad and Scott made his crowd favorite queso dip.
I’ll be sure to share the chips and dip recipe next week! Sorry for the tease, but my mom is going to be in town then, so that is a post I am preparing now to share later. You’ll all be fine.
It was a delicious/random looking counter of food if I do say so myself.
A surprising highlight was this Le Roule cranberry cheese spread. We served it with pita chips and it was so good!
I definitely recommend giving it a try if you happen to stumble upon it during your next trip to the grocery store.
I left the boys and the Lions game watch party around 6 p.m. to get to church. I volunteer as a high school small group leader and am enjoying the community and study every Sunday night!
Just after 9 p.m., I walked out to my car and saw a solid layer of snow on the ground and on my car. Really?
I’m still… just not ready. I feel like we should get another full month or so of fall first. Amiright? I called it a night soon after I got home and snapped this last photo of the outside to share with you.
It’s the beginning of the end, I’m afraid. Time to bring out the coats and snow boots, y’all!
All right, friends. I’m off to an early morning strength training session at the gym. I am trying out the small group classes and am looking forward to sharing the details with you soon. Have a marvelous start to your Monday!
Questions of the Morning
• Would you be ready for winter or snow in your area?
• Name one highlight (fun or relaxing) from your weekend!
My answer: Obviously not. Fall, where are you?

I am SO not ready for snow, but I woke up to it today anyway. Bah.
That looks like a great weekend! Some friends of ours stopped by on their way from Philly to Indiana yesterday (long drive for them!), and that was so nice.
Also wanted to mention that I really liked your grocery haul post! We really need to be better about sticking to a food budget.
Thanks, Jess! I’m glad you enjoyed reading it. I love when friends make it over to our area. Glad to hear you had a great visit!
All your food looks amazing. That totally sucks about your ticket! I’m notorious too. I think I’m like one offense away from getting my license suspended. Whoops!
I think some people are just made to live in bigger cities where you don’t have to drive. (Me!) 😉
Too bad about your ticket! That always happens to me too. You save a lot on xyz and something up inevetiably pops up! Looks like a fun weekend. We had a low-key one too. The weather has been super cold. No snow yet, but very cold!
Haha, Murphy’s Law. Glad to hear you had a good weekend! xo
I am never ready for snow but once it sets in it gets so beautiful that I just can’t but love it! I am looking forward to that recipe! I am always ready for a comforting dip..:)
It’s definitely a crowd pleasure, he’s been making it for years!
You have a commander?! It is my FAVORITE car. I had one but got rid of it right before i moved to Chicago. I am sad they don’t make them any longer 🙁
I really want to try that cheese with cranberry – I am going to keep my eye out for it.
Actually, that is Scott’s Jeep Commander! He’s had it since 2006 – before I even met him! He’s actually in the process of selling it and we are both getting new cars. Well, technically I’m leasing my friend’s Jeep Patriot… but it’s basically the exact same body shape and color just way smaller. We are sad they don’t make Commanders anymore too. It’s a great car! It’s just time for a new one with all wheel drive living up here in the snow!
That dip looks SO good! Looking forward to that recipe. I’m the queen of dips.
Oh man, we don’t get snow here in Phoenix, and I’m not complaining. 😉 I noticed all my Utah friends posting photos of snow this weekend, and I am not missing it at all. I missed the fall season in Utah, but now that they have snow, I’m happy to be enjoying our mild winter. I think I’ll miss it just a little bit around Christmas, but that’s about it.
Yeah, fall makes up for the snow… somewhat. Now that I’ve had a taste of the seasons I would probably miss them around the holidays, but other than that it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to be surrounded by sunshine all year long (ahem, Florida.) 😉
I also once watched The Woman Who Wasn’t There on a random evening at home. So interesting! I love Netflix documentaries.
HECK no, I am not ready for snow, and we sure had it this weekend. I never used to dread winters until I moved to Chicago!
I still can’t believe it. Scott and just kept looking at each other with confusion the entire time. Crazy. Aw, I feel you on the harsh winters. Chicago is such a cool city though!
mmmm love all the food spread!!!
Thank you!
Yay for a good weekend { minus the ticket! }!! And yay for Hummus! I had a meeting at work and was really hoping someone would bring hummus, but no one did haha….And I don’t think I would be ready, but I would be happy if we got snow 🙂
I have a pretty serious love affair with hummus. Any flavor. <3
Sounds like a healthy and restful weekend, with nearly all your meals at home. Nice work! The weather in SF is perfect right now, just about 70 during the day and 60 at night! Love it:)
Thanks! Ha. Ahh, I’m jealous. I’m literally listening to holiday music as I look out my window at the snow falling. Crazy how different hundreds of miles can make! Have a great start to the week, Ashley!
I don’t think I can ever be ready for winter or snow lol! I’m really trying to see the beauty of it though! I just wish that winter was no longer than 3 months which…. uhemmm… is never the case 😀
PS. Roadie is tooooooooooo cute!
Right. I absolutely agree. I do love the sights of winter! For like 2 months… then I’m ready for sunshine and flip flops again. The good news is I now have an excuse to listen to Christmas music! 😉
I’m sorry to hear about the ticket. I just got a parking one right outside my building. But yay for massages! They’re the best!
And random but I’d love if you shared this post on my new Weekend Snapshots link up. The link-up just went live today!
Ugh, parking tickets are also pretty annoying. Especially when they are right where you live! Thanks for sharing the link-up! 🙂
Ahhh snow already? Bless you! That just doesn’t sound right! Sorry you got pulled over – that really sucks. I blame the massage lol!
That could have definitely been the culprit. 😉 Whoops.
We have way more snow than that already. Those chips & dips look yummmyy!
Woohoo for the Razorbacks winning against LSU! You can tell Scott I was cheering right alongside with him! My boyfriend nd I both were glued to the TV screen the whole time, I even have some of it written up in a weekend recap that will be up on my blog tomorrow. It was a win that was much needed and a long time coming. I like how you rocked the old school Arkansas sweatshirt!
That’s awesome, Kaylin, I’m sure he will be happy to hear that!
Great article Heather! Love the pictures! What restaurant have you had the best Veggie Pasta? Remember to add it to your Besty List!
I love rewarding myself with a massage after a race….it’s so much deserved 🙂 And that food looks pretty amazing, you are making me hungry! lol
Ha, thanks! I guess that is a compliment 😉
The woman in that documentary is insane. It was entertaining for sure but my boyfriend and I were left sitting there like, “hmm ok…people like that exist” at the end haha
Yeah… I was trying to be nice, but she really bothered me. Scott and I kept hitting our foreheads like “WHAT?”
I love that your family is a Razorback fan! I grew up in Arkansas, I have had to teach Australian’s how to call the hogs. My husband went to Mississippi State though, so we have also had to teach how to ring a cowbell. The Hog game was amazing! So glad we have broken the streak. We watched it live on Sunday morning, and were so happy! That would have been an amazing game to go to.
It was a great game! So fun to hear you’re from Arkansas. Glad you were able to tune in across the world 🙂
That wrap looks yummy!! And don’t worry, when I first got my driver’s license I got pulled over 19 times in Warren- Farmington-West Bloomfield area. Then again when I moved to the Kzoo area. I am getting so tired of what’s on netflix but I am glad you are enjoying the new stuff.
19 times? Yowza! So these Michiganders in the police department really don’t kid around, huh?
I am so not ready for winter, but I don’t think I have much choice. We have the cold temps here already. No snow… yet. 😉 Your dog is so cute!! {Stopping over from Katie’s MIMM link-up.}
Aw, thank you! And welcome! xo