Happy December! Holy geez, did I just write that? This year is officially the speediest.
Tonight I am coming to you pretty late. In fact, I’m sure ninety percent of you reading this won’t even see it until Monday morning or afternoon. But, I’ve always been a firm believer in better late than never so I’m stickin’ to it and taking you along for the ride.
Last week was crazy, ya’ll! Four home games, a visit from Scott’s parents, cooking for and hosting our very first Thanksgiving, extra rehearsals, and fun outings completely took over our lives for a good bit. As I am just settling down to type this at about 11:30 p.m. I have too much running through my mind and so much to share with you.
I want to highlight our Thanksgiving and preview a handful of yummy recipes I can’t wait to type up. I want to tell you a few funny stories. I want to get back to posting workouts, and I want to start sharing my eats in a more healthy and inspirational “hey, I can make that” way. But, for now I am saving all of that for this week and am sharing a collection of photos from the weekend instead.
To keep it on the short (and what I think to be fun) side, I am going to simply stick to photos and only use hashtags to describe them. Because I love them and still think they’re awesome.
#gamenumber3oftheweek #TLChalftime #noscrubs #chasingwaterfalls
#cutestkittenaward #bestillmyheart #wereinlove
(at my friend’s house after the game)
#birthdaycelebration #fridaynight #goodtimes
#movember #wedontknowthem #okayfinethatsmyhusband
#saturdaynmorningpractice #ishouldjustsleephere #nobutreally
#UofMvsOSU #GOBLUE #wehadtickets #had #didntgettogobutstillwatched
#gamenight #lounging #friends #fun #waytoocompetitive
#abbaabbaboo (<- for Nichole).
#whyRoadieisanut #whymydogthinksheisacat #hilarious
#Sundayafternoongame #daisydukes #bestroutineever #pistonsdancers
#swaggin #whyilovethesegirls
#celebratorydinner #hibachi #spicychicken #noleftovers #whoops
#christmaslights #downtownrochester #favoritethingaboutourtown #winter
#dessertoasis #decafmexicancoffee #chocolatepeppermintmoussecake
#likedplate #oops
#morelounging #readyforbed #wereout
This week should be less hectic and more normal for yours truly. I am looking forward to getting back to my healthy eating and workout routines in the biggest way possible. I hope you had a fabulous weekend full of fun hashtagging opportunities as well. (Feel free to share any below!)
See you again oh so very soon! 😀

Looks like an amazing weekend! Jealous you got to see TLC. That sounds just too awesome.
I always love getting back on track after a rather crazy week of not the healthiest eats and lack of workouts….which totally happened to me the past week/weekend. Oops.
Yeah, it was cool to see them. I didn’t talk to them or anything, but it was neat to be out there!
And I couldn’t agree with you more about getting back on track! Glad I’m not the only one who flaked last week… 😉
Looks like a fun, busy weekend! Roadie is so cute! My dog does the same thing. 🙂
I love when they do that! So cute 🙂
What a fun weekend, and Waterfalls?! My fave! Catch phrase is also on of my faves! It’s one of the only games I like to play because it’s so fast paced and intense, but when you start getting tired it gets more difficult by the minute..
Oh for sure! It’s great and then by the final round I just start sinking… 😉
I love those lights! Looks like you had a great weekend! 🙂
Wow, those lights are gorgeous! I can see why you like going there!
your pink blouse 😀 I just happen to have one ;)! It’s the best!
Ohh those lights are so beautiful! Who wouldn’t love them? They are gorgeous!!!