Hi friends! Gosh, I really can’t believe we are already well into the afternoon. Today is flyinggg.
My intentions weren’t to take an absence from the blog this morning, so I wanted to make sure and at least check in to share last week’s recap of my workouts and un-pictured healthy meals. Thank you for your patience and (whoa…) Happy September!
In case you missed it, I introduced this series on the blog last week. My point in sharing these posts is not just to recap my workouts, but to also hopefully inspire you to try something new in the gym or in your workout planning, too.
I realize that a lot of readers don’t like to run, so if you are creating a similar workout plan to mine and would rather skip over it, substitute your own form of cardio (jump on the elliptical, bike, or Stair Master) on the running days. I generally recommend 3-5 days of cardio (30 minutes per session) to the majority of my clients, depending on what their personal goals (staying fit, losing/maintaining weight, dropping body fat, etc.) are.
Check out my Cardio Workouts page if you need some motivation to get moving!
Weekly Workouts
(August 24 – 30, 2015)
• Monday – 4 mile run with Scott
I have been doing my best to log in at least one four mile run a week. Every now and then, Scott will tone down his pace to run with me. I always enjoy the extra company, and we had a great run through the trails. I love kicking off the week with a scenic route.
I feel really good running four miles and am slowly building my endurance back. Who knows, I just might get crazy and shoot for longer distances next week!
• Tuesday – Total Body Strength Circuit Workout (For the Gym) & Jump Rope Tabata
There are three different circuits within the workout, and then entire thing took me about 40 minutes to complete. After the circuit, I rounded out my workout with a 4 minute Tabata (:20 work/:10 rest 8x).
I like to throw in some kind of metabolic Tabata exercise at the end of my strength training workouts!
If you enjoy Tabatas too, have you seen my Tabata Training playlist? Each track perfectly times out one full round (4 minutes), and I turn to it often so I don’t have to worry about staring at a clock or counting. It’s so much easier!
• Wednesday – 2 mile run with Roadie
I planned to also knock out a short circuit of push-ups, sit-ups and squats, but I ended up running out of time before I needed to take a shower and head out to work.
Next time I’ll probably do:
3 rounds
20 sit-ups
20 push-ups
20 air squats
• Thursday – REST
• Friday – Power Gym Circuit Workout (NEW!)
I made up an different kind of workout for my client who requested an extra session filled with cardio, core, and power moves. She said it was pretty challenging, so I gave it a try after I was done with work for the day. She was right!
This workout requires a variety of equipment from the gym. If you don’t have access to a slide board, you can use paper plates or simply do the move without it. You can also sub band rows or dumbbell rows for the TRX rows.
If you don’t have , perform regular air squats or make it more challenging by performing them on an unstable surface like a folded over mat.
It needs to be noted that this workout was designed for someone who has been working with me 1-on-1 for six months and is at an advanced fitness level. For that reason, the reps are set high and there isn’t much rest besides in between the two circuits. Please modify, feel free to lower the reps as needed, and always listen to your body if you decide to try the workout!
Exercise Video Demos
medicine ball jams (I can’t find a video, but it’s very similar to the one below)
(medicine ball slams are overhead, jams are pushing from the chest to the floor)
disc squats – listen to these cues for bodyweight squats
(If you feel comfortable, perform squat on unstable surface like discs or airex pad.)
(I prefer to use two.)
stability ball bent leg bridges (or floor bridges)
TRX rows (or dumbbell rows)
(you can also use or paper plates)
(or try squats with side leg raises) – 10 per side
jump ropes (<- I love these variations)
Like I mentioned above, this workout is designed to challenge you.
Quote of the week: “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!”
• Saturday – REST
• Sunday – easy-paced 2 mile run with Scott and Roadie
With all of the delicious (and indulgent) food we ate over the weekend, it was nice to sweat a little on Sunday evening.
We made a quick loop around the neighborhood in just under 20 minutes. Roadie loved it!
Generally, I try to complete some kind of class, circuit, or strength training workout 3 days a week and get in at least a few (2+ mile) runs for cardio. There was point in time where I went the gym to exercise 4-5 days a week and completed a long training run (8+ miles) on the weekends, but that hasn’t been what I’ve been up to in quite some time.
In short, it is important for me to stay healthy and fit, but I am not planning on running races or pushing my body towards intense training right now. If you would like to know the longer version – read on.
Healthy Meal Ideas
In this series, I also take a look back and feature some of the eats that didn’t make it to the blog. A large majority of readers enjoy seeing What I Ate Wednesday posts, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to feature more food throughout the week and in this round-up.
Here are some easy and healthy meal ideas from the week…
My version of a healthy burrito bowl!
Romaine lettuce topped in quinoa, black beans, corn, ground turkey, salsa & cheese
In this smoothie (serves 2):
1 peach
1/2 mango
handful blueberries
handful blackberries
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
splash of almond milk
Scott though it could have used a sweetener, but I loved it the way it tasted as is. If you’re looking to add sweetness, try adding honey or agave nectar to taste.
Amy’s organic chili over whole wheat noodles, topped in shredded cheese and cilantro
Chili over noodles, quinoa, rice, or even a potato is becoming a weekly (and much anticipated) staple in our home!
I’m so glad that enough of you expressed interest in this Weekly Workouts & Healthy Meal Ideas series to make it a regular feature on the blog. I’m now planning on sharing the latest edition on a weekly basis!
Previous Weekly Workouts recaps:
• Weekly Workouts & Un-Pictured Meals
All right. I better run, but I will see you back here in the morning with more eats for WIAW.
Have a great night!
Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietitian. Although I am a certified personal trainer, I am not necessarily your personal trainer. The workouts I post are what work best for me and might not be the right type of exercises for you. If you decide to give these workouts a try, please listen to your body and rest or modify as you see fit. I always recommend consulting a doctor or health professional before making changes to your diet or fitness routine.

Your chili + pasta combo is making me HUNGRY! Love the looks of those circuit workouts you completed too!
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries recently posted…Tropical Breeze Smoothie + Workouts/Meals
That chili-pasta combo is yummy looking!
Love the other workout ideas… I have been so unmotivated with running lately, so other cardio ideas are great! 🙂
Hannah @ Sprints & Scones recently posted…Weekending {8/31}
I had the pasta chili for lunch today! Though we had farfalle instead of spaghetti, but still basically the same 🙂
Alexandra @ My Urban Family recently posted…The Best Apple Picking and Donuts in Chicagoland
Your trail looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing your workouts. It’s always nice to get some motivation to try something different.
Loving the look of that homemade burrito bowl!
renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…California Here I Come
Yum that chili pasta combo looks so good! And we are always eating healthy burrito bowls here almost every Taco Tuesday.
Patricia @ Sweet and Strong recently posted…5 Squat Variations You Need to Try
I pinned the Power Gym Circuit Workout to try sometime soon. Looks like a nice, challenging workout 🙂 Have a great day!
To see just how easy—and delicious and healthy—it can be, use the grocery list and meal plan below. No crazy ingredients or complicated recipes here! And if you make the recipes when you have time on Sunday, you can toss together the rest of the week’s meals in minutes by combining staples you have on hand with leftovers.