Hi friends! I have a busy day covering appointments at the gym today, but I wanted to pop in over lunch and share what my last week of workouts looked like.
Each week, I cover my Weekly Workouts and hope to inspire you to try something new at your gym or in your workout planning. Right now I am getting outside as much as I can and loving the fresh air on my runs through the trails and around my neighborhood. I guess you could say I’m getting in as many fall runs as I can before the winter shows up!
Today’s post also includes a new strength training circuit workout meant for the gym. I hope you like the sweat sesh if you decide give it a go!
If you’re not into running, check out my Cardio Workouts page for more cardio workout ideas as well as the Circuit Workouts page for more bodyweight, dumbbell, and in-gym workouts.
Weekly Workouts
(October 5 – 11, 2015)
• Monday – 5(ish) mile run with Scott
I had just enough time to ask Scott if he wanted to go on a sunset run with me when I got home from work on Monday. He wanted to go for five miles and the sun was already quickly racing down by the time we set out, so we stuck to a highly lit main road for the duration of our path.
I am starting to second guess how accurate my Timex Ironman tracker is. I feel like it’s occasionally off anywhere from a tenth to a third of a mile. That doesn’t seem like a big deal until you run five or more of them. I want credit for my full five miles, dang it.
Set in his ways, Scott ignored the distance I was updating him with from my watch, and we made our “2.5 miles” down and back to total “5” in about 45 minutes. It was a good run!
• Tuesday – (New) Total Body Strength Gym Workout
I felt like getting into the gym and lifting weights on Tuesday.
I invited Scott to join me for a strength training workout after my last appointment of the day, and I took him through a few circuits similar to what I instructed a 1-on-1 client to complete earlier that day. It was a doozie!
Equipment you’ll need:
A light, medium, and heavy set of dumbbells, mat, stability ball, light kettlebell (or dumbbells), medium resistance band, TRX (or dumbbells), bench, and box you can jump on.
Video Demonstrations:
kettlebell sit-ups (half of a Turkish get-up)
side-lying hip abductions or side plank with leg lifts
stability ball bridge to curls
TRX rows (or dumbbell rows)
Just like any workouts I share on this blog, please modify and rest as needed if you decide to give this one a try. I’m sure I’ll be pulling it out of the archives to complete again down the road!
• Wednesday – 3 mile jog with Roadie
The weather is so beautiful out right now that I have soak in the sunshine and and t-shirt weather as much as I possibly can. It’s practically a requirement when it’s consistently sunny and in the mid-60s, and somebody might be borderline spoiled with walks and runs right now.
(Haha, his faces kill me!)
I had a short day at work, so I took a free afternoon as an excuse to take Roadie out for a stroll. We definitely jogged. There wasn’t running this trip, and I was perfectly okay with it. We took a nice, easy pace down the trails, and it was the perfect mid-week pick-me-up.
• Thursday – REST
• Friday – Deuces Running & Circuit Workout
Now here’s a killer throwback. For whatever reason, I really liked the number two when I put this one together. If you don’t want to run, hop on an elliptical, bike, or StairMaster for 20 (or for the sake of this themed workout, 22) minutes.
It’s a great circuit for the days where you want to run (or do another form of cardio), but not spend your entire workout there. The bodyweight strength exercises take about ten minutes to complete, and you could easily take this one on the road when you travel!
• Saturday – 2 mile walk & 4 mile run
I wasn’t planning on running again on Saturday, but when my friend Alex suggested we take a loop through the trails, I couldn’t turn it down. Once again, it was gorgeous out!
We started with a 2 mile walk with the dogs (she brought her adorable Australian Shepard/Rottweiler mix named Macy over), and we couldn’t help but to stop and take advantage of the fall foliage in the neighborhood with a few photo opps.
Sweet Macy is 12 years old and, unfortunately, her best running days are behind her. She powered through an impressive two miles with us, and then we dropped the dogs off back at the house to set out for our run.
We caught the beginning of the sunset, hurried through our path to get home, and each foam rolled for about ten minutes afterwards. I was pretty sore from the workout the day before!
• Sunday – REST
I don’t have time or many meals to compile and share today, so we’re just going to roll with workouts this week. Here’s hoping you have a great week and get some time outdoors, too!
Previous Weekly Workouts recaps:
• Weekly Workouts & Un-Pictured Meals
• Weekly Workouts & Healthy Meal Ideas #2
• Weekly Workouts & (New) 12 Minute Core Strength Workout
• Weekly Workouts & (New) EMOM/Tabata Gym Workout
• Weekly Workouts & (New) Stability Ball & Dumbbell Circuit Workout
• Weekly Workouts & Healthy Meal Ideas #5
• Weekly Workouts & Healthy Meal Ideas #7
Questions of the Afternoon
• If you’re a runner, is the weather calling for you to run right now?
• What’s the next new workout you’d like to see featured on the blog… in-gym or at home?
Since a lot people ask…
Generally, I try to complete some kind of class, circuit, or strength training workout 3 days a week and get in at least a few (3+ mile) runs for cardio. There was point in time where I went the gym to exercise 4-5 days a week and completed a long training run (8+ miles) on the weekends, but that hasn’t been what I’ve been up to in quite some time.
In short, it is important for me to stay healthy and fit, but I am not planning on running races or pushing my body towards intense training right now. If you would like to know the longer version – read on.
Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietitian. Although I am a certified personal trainer, I am not necessarily your personal trainer. The workouts I post are what work best for me and might not be the right type of exercises for you. If you decide to give these workouts a try, please listen to your body and rest or modify as you see fit. I always recommend consulting a doctor or health professional before making changes to your diet or fitness routine.

Loving the Roadie photo. So adorable. I’m excited it’s getting cooler so I can get my dogs more exercise outdoors. They have such thick coats that it’s hard to really wear them out in the summer heat. Hope you have a great Monday, Heather! 🙂
Beth @ Sublimely Fit recently posted…Turkey Trot Training Plan + Tips for Beginners
This is my very favorite time of the year. I’m sure your dogs will love the extra outdoor time!
I am digging that deuces workout! This weather has making me want to run more. I’ve been taking a break from running and have been doing more boot camp/barre workouts, but the weather is too good to pass up for an indoor workout!
Sara @ Oats & Rows recently posted…Settling into My New Routine + Recent Eats
I agree! I’m pretty sure the weather is half the reason I get outside to run these days. Love it!
Hi Heather! Quick question for you- do you ever find yourself in a running block? I’ve noticed with myself I can never surpass 2 miles. Three miles is a huge success but after that, I cannot mentally push. Do you have any blog posts that specifically discuss this? Would love to hear your thoughts!
Julia @ Lord Still Loves Me recently posted…Extraordinary Desserts (Gaslamp Quarter)
Hi Julia! Definitely. I used to be great at running 4-5 miles, no sweat. Then I stopped training for long races and got into a rut. Now I prefer to run around 3 miles. I have to mentally push myself to go longer, and I know it’s just because I’m not in the habit of it. I don’t have a post on this, but it would make a great topic!
Such cute dogs! I always say I might be more of a runner if I had a furry running buddy, (but let’s be honest that’s just my excuse not to run) :). I’d love to see more at-home workouts!
Somer @PupsOnTheBrain recently posted…The Yoga Cure