My brain is all over the place today, but you know what it keeps coming back to?
The blog world is filled with perfect days, lives, and going through periods of what seems to be effortless weeks, months, and even years for some compared to the lives of others. It’s exhausting. Rarely do the majority of people on the web (bloggers and social media enthusiasts alike) address the “bad” days or struggles they come across, so I really appreciate when they do!
Can we just be real for a few minutes?
Nobody lives a completely perfect life, and everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses.
I love when bloggers actually address this, and I remember bookmarking a lighthearted post Courtney wrote about what she’s horrible at. I could relate to a lot of what was on her list, so I thought it would be fun to chime in with a list of quirks that maybe some of you can relate to as well. Feel like indulging in an easy-to-read afternoon post? Here we go!
12 Things I’m Admittedly Horrible At
• loading the dishwasher
I think I do a fantastic job of arranging dishes to sneak in as many as possible, but Scott cannot stand how I cram and load the dishwasher. He thinks I over-clutter and wait too long before running a load. I have to rinse all my dishes before putting them in the dishwasher anyways (a step he doesn’t feel a need to do), so I see it as being conservative and saving water.
To each their own.
• meal prepping
We’ve addressed this. It’s not that I’m bad at meal prepping, I just rarely think ahead and prepare ingredients for meals on the weekends.
To help me (and some of you!) get into the habit of attempting to stick to a routine of thoughtful meal planning and prepping, here are a collection of awesome ideas to try out.
• focusing on one thing at a time
My mind is always running fifty different places at once. Instead of focusing on one specific task at a time, I attempt to complete a handful of them. All this does is overwhelm me and take my concentration away from something I could actually be finishing. I don’t recommend this strategy, friends.
• being on time for non-work related events
If my professional work is on the line, or I am being held accountable for representing myself for a blog assignment, job, or event, you better believe I will be there on time or early. It’s the dinners with friends or outings with family I’m less timely for. I couldn’t tell you why. Oh, and church is the worst. We always get there right after the service starts, if not ten to fifteen minutes late! It’s super embarrassing, yet it happens week after week. I guess I should really start treating everything like it’s work event, right?
• putting laundry away
I’m really good at doing laundry and keeping our hamper on the emptier side. On the flip side, I’m horrible at folding it and putting our clothes away. More times than not, I’ll drop our clean laundry onto our bed and wait until I have to get in it to fold everything. By this point, it’s pretty much a guarantee our clothes have a layer of pet hair on them, too.
Sometimes I go as far as putting folded stacks on our closet floor, even though putting everything away would probably take less than a minute. It’s so ridiculous.
• getting up without pressing snooze
The snooze button was not made for people like me. If I snooze once, I’ll snooze five or more times and eventually sleep right through whatever I’m supposed to be getting up for. It’s awful! Knowing this, I’ve been trying to arise without snoozing… and I’m working on it.
• making decisions
If you read any part of my post yesterday, you already know this. Ironically enough, I’m pretty good at making important or life-changing decisions, but it’s the every day not-so serious decisions I’m horrible at. Where do you want to go to dinner? What should I wear to this event? What should I pack for this trip? Nope. I don’t like any of those.
• turning off
While I have no problem unwinding after a long day, it’s hard for me to actually put the computer or phone down and put what’s running through my mind or on my list of tasks on hold. In a sense, I feel like I’m wasting time if I’m not being productive or crossing things off. I’ve finally figured out that turning off is a big part of being on my game without getting burned out, so I’m getting better. Plus, turning off is essential to make time for friends, family, and other relationships!
• not eating chips every single day
Pretty much.
• having conversations on the phone
I love my friends and family so, so much, but it takes some serious self-talk to actually pick up the phone and dial a phone number to talk to one of them. That’s weird, right? Maybe it’s because I spend a lot of my day on the computer, but I just don’t talk on the phone a lot. I’m definitely more apt to texting and typing. Don’t take it personally if it takes me a little while to call you back!
• wearing pants that aren’t leggings
You’ve seen the title of this blog, right? I guess I have a free pass most of the time since I work at a gym and from home, and I stay pretty active. It isn’t really acceptable, however, when I sub leggings for pants for the majority of my outfits outside of work and home. Lately, I’ve been turning to my pull-on skinny jeans like they are the only non-legging option out there. It’s pretty bad.
• forgetting my pets aren’t children
I’m predicting this will change the day we actually do have children, but for now, I honestly treat all three of our pets as humans. I constantly talk to them, cuddle them, and feel bad leaving the house without them. I’m sure most pet owners feel me on this one… but I’m telling you, ours get away with wayyy to much. There are definitely a lot of lines that get crossed.
But really, how do you say no to these eyes?
You can’t.
I could go on and on, but I should probably stop there. Another day, another post, I suppose!
So tell me…
What is one thing you are admittedly horrible at?

I’m the worst at hitting snooze too! I set my alarm at least an hour before I know I HAVE to be up..and hit snooze repeatedly! Such a bad habit
The Lady Lawyer
That makes two of us, sister. If it’s something I really have to get up for and know I might snooze, I’ll set my wall alarm clock (twice) AND my phone. It’s pretty ridiculous.
Love the post!! I’m with you – it’s always so nice to hear when things aren’t always perfect. Always makes things that much more relatable!
Totally! And thanks for posting yours… I loved it!
The other day I told a friend I’d very seriously consider marrying a guy if he folded and put away my laundry. No joke. I haaaate it. Also phone conversations and I fully believe Merlin is my child. Oops.
Ha, that sounds like Mr. Wonderful to me! I somehow acquired the job of folding and putting away the majority of our laundry, but if I ask Scott to help on the nights I reeeeeally don’t feel like doing it, he’ll help out. I guess that’s a win! 😉
Yes to being late to everything but work! Time management is not my friend.
Is there an app for that? 😉
I can relate to almost all of these! I am terrible at drinking coffee without spilling it on some article of clothing.
OH how did I forget this one? I am the WORST at spilling food or drinks on myself. It’s a rare occasion that I don’t have a stain on what I’m wearing!
I definitely appreciate when bloggers can be real and vulnerable and share some of their life’s ups AND downs. It makes them that much more relatable!
This was fun to read … I can especially relate to the talking on the phone one, making decisions (particularly the small ones, like you mentioned), and the being on time one.
I agree! I feel like I could post more “hey, is this weird?” posts than tutorials. It is what it is!
Haha I’m with you on the leggings vs pants thing. I tend to lean toward dresses and workout clothes in the summer – I hate jeans! I don’t even own “real” jeans! I’m also horrible at focusing on one thing at a time – I blame my job for that. Another thing I’m horrible at is not thinking too much. I overthink situations WAY too much, especially if they’re including a guy I’m interested in. 😉
Dresses in the summer are great. I despise jeans when it’s hot out! Aw, I’m definitely guilty of overthinking as well. Good luck with the guy situation! They sure can be tricky… 😉
Haha, I think of my cats as children and even refer to them as my kids! I also live in leggings and never put away the laundry (sometimes I’m lucky if I even fold it). And I absolutely hate talking on the phone! In addition to that I would have to say I’m terrible at taking out the recycling. There’s only 1 location in my complex where we take the recycling and its not conveniently located to my building, so my recycling tends to pile up ( I think I have about 8 bags to take right now).
Glad to hear I’m not alone there… 😉 I’m not bad at recycling now… but I feel you. I used to do the same thing in my old condo. It took a conscious effort to drive my recyclables somewhere, and out of pure laziness, I would end up throwing them away more times than I should have!
I’m awful at doing too much at once and snooze! OMG the snooze has gotten to me so bad this week!
I should probably just pretend I don’t know they exist… we might be much better off that way!
I’m terrible at being a morning person, mainly because I always go to bed too late. So I suppose I’m terrible at going to bed at a decent hour, thus making me horrifying to deal with in the mornings.
I’ve been better at turning in earlier lately, but there was a time where I would wake up throughout the night in fear that I missed my alarm every single morning!
What are these pants you speak of?…Ha! I feel you, if I can get away with wearing anything but pants (including leggings) I will. Are those veggie chips I spot? I love those! I’ve been on a serious pistachio snacking craze lately when I get the urge to munch on something crunchy. I’m very bad at making decision as well, I hate having to be the one to decide. Don’t ask me, just surprise me or suggest something!
They’re genius I tell you! I thought they were maternity at first, but no. They’re heaven. I like that they have a thick material and aren’t just skinny jean leggings. They have pockets on the back and the only difference between other pairs is an elastic, higher waist. AMAZING! Details here:
These posts are so much better than my life is perfect look at me. Ugh, can’t stand putting laundry away (says the three loads still sitting my room), hanging up clothes, and turning the water off while brushing my teeth.
I’ve gotten better at turning off water while brushing my teeth, but it was a struggle for a while! Also, if I don’t drop toothpaste on myself during the process, it’s a miracle 😉
I’m very bad at eating my lunch on time and clocking back into work on time hahaha…..My new manager just isn’t too fond of this…I’m horrible at turning off my alarm and just going back to sleep haha. And I’m horrible at hanging up my clothes. I’m hoping this gets better when I move in with my boyfriend.
Oh man, I used to be the same way at my desk job! Why is it so hard? haha.
I am horrible at getting to work on time. I am five minutes late every day, even when I try to get up earlier. It’s like the earlier I get up, the slower I move; and the later I get up, the faster I move…but I am still late!
It’s a concept I’ll never understand. I’m the same way when I get ready!
Okay, first things first…. it actually sounds like you are a ROCKSTAR when it comes to loading the dishwasher. I am the same way. I can get just about anything to fit in that thing, and I pre-rinse everything. Learned it from my mama. haha. Second, I could pretty much relate to all of these. I can’t make a decision on anything non-important. Horrible. David and I actually have days of the week where it is our job to make the decision on what is for dinner, or else we would starve to death. I have a horrible time turning off. I will get in bed sleepy, and remember I need to check ONE thing on my phone…two hours later…it’s a sickness, I’m sure of it. Oh, and don’t get me started on my fur-babies… One thing you didn’t mention that I KNOW I am horrible at….gossiping. I love it. I hear a whisper and I am all over it. I hear news about someone’s life, oh man it makes my day. I never wish for them to be bad things, and I wouldn’t say I am a two-faced kinda person. But I do love some good juice. Horrible, I know. I really need to stop. haha
Haha, I like your way of thinking! I say us rockstars take over. 😉 Oh, the phone in best is the worst!
I was nodding my head at SO many of your points…turning off, loading the dishwasher – my husband can’t stand how jam packed I load it!- hitting snooze, putting up laundry…yes to all!
I’m also horrible at knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes, it’s ok not to go way over and above. Not everything has to be perfect to the nth degree…something I’m learning…
Great post! It’s nice to be honest and upfront about things we’re all probably feeling!
I completely get that. It took a long time for me to learn how to say no. Sometimes, you have to in order to be able to keep up with everything you need to! True friends and people in your life will understand.
I have always prided myself on being prompt – but I can’t really say that about myself anymore. No matter how well I think I’m managing my time, something always comes up and I end up running late to almost everything (including work – oops). Hitting the snooze button a few too many times may have something to do with that.
I’m with you on the laundry. I actually have clothes that are still in the dryer, and a stack of folded clothes still in my laundry basket on my bedroom floor. I know it’ll only take a few minutes to put them away, but like you, I’m terrible about it!
Speaking of the dishwasher – I’m horrible about emptying it! Just like the laundry, I will literally wait until dishes are piling up in the sink before I finally empty the dishwasher – which takes all of ten minutes. I don’t know why I do that…
It’s something I’ll never understand as well. I can wake up earlier and allow myself 30 more minutes than I need, but somehow, I still end up behind. Crazy!
I just wanted to say, I love your “realness” with the blog. With social media and blogs, it’s easy for people to read into what they think are perfect lives. I appreciate that you are a positive person, but you haven’t been afraid to admit that your relationship or life isn’t always a 100% great, but you love it anyway. I’m terrible at being on time, screwing on lids completely for refrigerated items and leaving the cap off the toothpaste lol