Good afternoon, orrr evening?
Phew… I feel like today and the entire week is absolutely flying. Anybody else?
My Wednesday started on a very early note. As some of you were reading this morning’s post, I was attending a 7 a.m. community networking meeting representing the gym. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it went well, and it was also nice to meet people from fellow businesses in the area. I came home around 9 a.m. which was just long enough to change and head out to the gym afterwards.
It had been a while since I attended a group training class (without teaching it), so I wanted to get in a good cardio and strength circuit in the form of our Rockit class at 10 a.m. I had a couple of friends drop in and take it with me, and all three of us definitely left feeling the burn!
I usually like to wear my Polar FT60 heart rate monitor during workouts, and found it interesting to see that this one was an even forty minutes of rotating between Zones 1, 2, and 3. I love the intensity feature of this watch!
(This photo was taken later on in training apparel.)
I actually started feeling pretty nauseous after class. I felt myself getting a headache a few hours before, and being my normal stubborn-minded self, I put off taking medicine until I absolutely needed it. That was a mistake.
I ended up getting a slight migraine and was fortunate to have a break in the day to try to rest and knock it out. It’s amazing what couple of Advil, water, a healthy dose of carbs and sugar, and a quick nap in the dark can do for you.
I woke up around lunch time and hopped in the shower in order to look presentable for an afternoon appointment at the gym. By the time I got dressed and downstairs, I was more than ready for something to eat.
Lunch came together quickly, thanks to leftovers from yesterday’s eats!
Quinoa with spinach, tomatoes, and feta with sweet potatoes and grilled chicken
… and a cutie for the road!
On my way to the gym, I wasn’t sure I had much to chat about on the blog today, but then I started thinking about something completely random and intriguing as I drove.
I couldn’t tell you where this all came from, but I thought it would make for interesting conversations in the comment section…
Some of my answers might seem weird, but everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, as well as ambitions and fears. Personally, I think I am scared about some pretty odd things.
5 (well… 6) Things I Am Deathly Afraid Of:
• snakes
Bugs? I got those.
Spiders? no biggie.
Snakes? Absolutely not. No size, no way, no how.
• extremely crowded spaces
It’s not the amount of people that freak me out, it’s running into them and the feeling of being claustrophobic that gets to me. I will never be the one to suggest going to a theme park. I’ll tag along with Scott or friends, but if it were up to me, I would avoid them all together.
• dark and cold water
If it isn’t close to clear, I don’t trust it. I wish I wasn’t such a baby about this, but… I am. Also, extremely cold water just doesn’t seem necessary. I get enough cold during the winters up here, so if I have a choice of basking in the sun on a boat or on a beach, I will always choose that over taking a dip in freezing water.
Sorry, my snorkle friends… I won’t be joining you.
• touching fish (a vital part of going fishing)
I briefly touched on this one in my trip to Florida highlights, but I can’t… especially if they are alive. I have no interest, and I just can’t. The fear of things moving in the water is real, y’all.
• anchovies
I had a bad experience with a Caesar salad in college and can’t ever go back. Keep in mind that anchovies are fish. So… there’s that.
• skydiving
Scott surprised me with a skydiving trip on my 23rd birthday. It took me about two hours to convince myself to do it, and let’s just say… it wasn’t for me. I ended up getting extremely sick afterwards and screamed in fear the entire way down. Did it once, never again!
5 Things I Am Not-So Afraid Of:
• cleaning up after peoples’ (and animal) accidents
I swear… our pets are training us for children. That’s all I’m saying.
• flying
Flying used to freak me out a little, but not these days. I’ve been through some serious turbulence spells, and while it wasn’t enjoyable, I tend to remain pretty calm.
• dying
Obviously, this isn’t something I’m quite ready to experience… but I haven’t been afraid of dying in years. I used to have a serious phobia here. Since I started dating Scott, however, his comfort in his faith and lack of fear in dying has rubbed off on me.
• elevators
My sister has an extreme phobia of riding in elevators. She would much rather climb thirty floors of stairs before hopping in one, especially by herself. I’m not a huge fan of them, but they don’t bother me all that much.
• speaking in front of a crowd or camera
As long as I come prepared and know what I’m talking about, public speaking doesn’t really bother me.
I guess that works out… since I pretty much broadcast my life on this blog.
That’s just me!
So tell me…
What are some things you are deathly afraid of?
What are you not-so afraid of that might come as a surprise to others?

I totally share some of your same fears! Snakes : yup, dark water: definitely, touching fish: yes!! I also can never get myself to watch a mystery store when I’m alone at home. No way, not happening!
Like a scary movie? I do that, quite often actually… then regret it every single time!
Unfortunately, I have the same fear as your sister. Stairs please!
Oh no! Well, at least you’re bound to get some extra cardio in 😉
I am absolutely TERRIFIED of bees / wasps. I was Face timing a friend one day, and when a bee flew towards me I literally screamed and threw my phone across a field! I have never been stung and would like to keep it that way, hah!
Oh man, yeah those aren’t exactly fun to be around!
Deathly afraid of birds! I cannot handle them. I just feel like they are poised to attack and rip out my eyes with their beaks!
Not so afraid of speaking in front of large crowds. I used to be a tour guide in Hawaii and now am a teacher, so speaking in public is no big thing for me!
Birds actually freak me out too. I used to love them until a pack of aggressive seagulls hovered and swooped to get pretzels one day when I was minding my own business at the beach!
Heights! No way, never, ever sky diving, looking over the edge of a bridge or cliff. Not happening.
Ha, glad I’m not alone there! 😉
Oh my goodness I am with you on dark/ unclear water. I didn’t even know I was scared until I went snorkelling on Oman… As soon as I put my head near the water I realised I just couldn’t do it! And the water was pretty crystal clear but I felt like I ‘couldn’t see’ – if that makes sense! Haha!
The last time I went snorkeling was in the Florida Keys with Scott and his parents. The second we saw a shark, I was done. Yes, a shark. Ahhh!
I’m afraid of roller coasters. If I’m forced to go on one I literally start shaking in line. I stick to the little rides when I go to theme parks.
I like about 1 out of every 10 roller coasters. I enjoy the thrill… like once… and then I’m good for the day. I often sit out on them when I go to theme parks! Yup, I’m a peach to go with 😉
I have a phobia…and maybe you can help with this? It’s the fear of losing possessions and skills, and I blogged about it over the summer on how part of this life phobia is causing me exercise anxiety. Any help or reassurance?
Hi Linda! I just responded in more detail on your post, but my advice to you would be to really listen to your body and give it a chance to fully recover from whatever is holding it back! Rest days and even weeks are so essential for our bodies to heal properly from injuries and sicknesses, and they can happen when you’re least expecting it. I understand it can be frustrating (believe me… I’ve been there with lower back and knee pain before!), but you can’t let it stress you out. You eventually learn to deal with what your body needs. Sending hugs to you. Thank you for sharing your journey! <3
I’m going to blog about my rest week, thank you Heather!!
Woo hoo, I’ll be looking forward to reading it <3
I can’t believe you went skydiving! Even though it wasn’t the best experience for you I’m sure it’s pretty fun to be able to say you did it! Do you have any pictures or videos from when you did it?
Oh, I still can’t believe it. Never again, lol. I’m glad I can check it off from my bucket list, but other than that… I’m good! I have a couple of pictures… somewhere. I’d have to dig deep to find them since it was before I started blogging!
Deathly afraid of bees!! I will sprint for miles just to get away from them or change my route if I even see one hanging out somewhere just to make sure it can’t possibly see me and want to fly near me!! let me just say I have cause quite a few scenes over this!
Bees are pretty terrifying. And wasps!
I always wanted to go skydiving, well up until a few days ago when I saw this on the news….
I’ll pass on it now!
Ummm…. WOW!!! Point proved. Yikes! You just never know what can happen!
I’ll make you a deal… I’ll deal with your snakes, and you take care of my spiders.
Also, I can step in for your crowded space endeavors if you fly for me. Shake on it?
You’re on your own with skydiving… no way, no how. Not for a million dollars.
I’m not afraid of myself dying, per se, but I’m terrified of leaving loved ones behind to deal with it.
Sounds good! I got you, girl. Haha, I’d also be happy to travel anywhere you send me! 😉
I’m with you on the crowded spaces! I hate feeling trapped! I’m not scared of any kind of insect/bug and am happy to stomp on them (ok fine, I totally run away from bees though). Anchovies.. Haha love it! I don’t think I’ve ever eaten one. Have a great day!
Yeah… bees kind of freak me out too. Good call on the running 😉 And you’re definitely not missing out on the anchovies. Barf.
Not so afraid of snakes. I actually think they’re really cool. When you hold one, they feel like one big giant muscle (which is pretty awesome). I am also not really afraid of heights (I love climbing on things and roller coasters).
I’m probably most afraid of being alone/ no one wanting to be around me. I also am not the greatest swimmer, so deep water makes me nervous. Although I will swim in lakes and the ocean, I am always afraid of someone throwing me in the deep in of the pool or into a lake. I feel much safer with my pool noodle lol.
Ahh, just reading your response about the snake gave me the heebie jeebies! Good for you for embracing the beauty of the animal, because that’s certainly something I will never appreciate. Pool noodles are the best! <3
I am most afraid of dying young from some crazy random disease. It’s so strange.
I’m not afraid of heights or the dark.
I’m not afraid of dying from a disease, per say, but I do randomly go through phases thinking I’m going to eventually have to battle some form of cancer. It’s crazy. Maybe I’m crazy? Ha.
Spiders and birds. Irrational fears, to the point that it frustrates me because it can be embarrassing lol.. but I can’t handle either. I have a fear of a home invader.. like burglar, murderer, whatever just a scary man hiding in my house somewhere! Every strange noise sends my heart to my throat. Especially if hubs isn’t home in the evening. I hope I get over it some day, ya know? I’m almost 30 here!
Dark, cold water well… I’m Canadian so swimming in ice cold lakes in August is what we do 😉 😉 I actually LOVE being in a murky cold lake ha! Heights and flying I’m not too bad with.. though I have a 13 hour flight coming up this Summer that I am trying not to think too hard about :/ Sounds like a long time in a small space with recycled air…!
Everyone has their things! Yes, strangers and burglars scare me too. I always seem to hear extra noises in the house when Scott is out of town. It’s most likely my own brain, but it still freaks me out! Thank goodness for Roadie 😉
Actually, two of your “not so afraid ofs” are two of my big things I’m afraid of! I’m terrified of dying (though I’m getting better!) and flying (though I want to see the world, so I’m gonna have to get used to it!) I’m also not a fan of heights or elevators (mostly because my old apartment’s elevator used to get stuck all the time!) Oh, and bees.
So basically, I’m afraid of everything. 😉
Oh man… well, if it makes you feel better, I couldn’t have easily continued on with my list of fears. I figured I’d keep it short and sweet but I have several others!
I’m not afraid of public speaking or dying either (<–though I obv don't want that to happen soon). But I'm afraid of spiders (yuccckkkk) & heights!