Hello, and Happy Hump Day!
It’s Wednesday, and on Wednesdays, we usually talk about food. Let’s get right to it!
(Have no idea what WIAW is all about? This post breaks it down!)
What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday
I was feeling an old go-to for breakfast, which proved to be an excellent choice.
Nature’s Path Buckwheat (gluten free) waffles, Pineapple Greek yogurt, bananas &
I worked on the computer through the morning until I had to get ready for work at the gym at Noon. I didn’t make time to make lunch, so I grabbed a vitaminwater and snacks to hold me over for the next couple of hours.
I had a few appointments at the gym, and then I drove right back home at 2 p.m. I met Scott there, and we went on a secret adventure I’ll share more about later… if it goes anywhere. 😉
Hungry on the verge of hangry, I was thankful to dive into a bag of chicken jerky with a side of fruit & nut bar on the way.
Jack Link’s Chicken Jerky & Apple Pie Larabar
By 3:30 p.m., Scott and I were on our way back home, and I casually mentioned how great a stop at Chipotle for “linner” would be. Okay, I more than casually mentioned. I begged, and he was easily convinced.
Chipotle salad with rice, beans, chicken, all the salsas, and cheese
I changed back into my trainer clothes as soon as we arrived home, then I went straight back to the gym. I put together a couple of strength workouts before my next client appointment, and gave one a try during my break in night classes.
I’ll be sure to share one with dumbbells very soon!
I finished my day and arrived back home around 9 p.m. I was pretty tired, but more importantly… hungry! I usually pack a post-workout snack, but I totally dropped the ball this time. I probably would have eaten my hand if I didn’t need it. #fail
I went straight towards the refrigerator as soon as I got home, and I put together a delicious tabbouleh wrap with lots of peppers!
Tabbouleh, green peppers, red peppers, banana peppers, sprinkled black pepper, and feta cheese inside of a wheat tortilla smeared in pine nut hummus
I sided it with a large serving of cottage cheese (unpictured) and finished my time downstairs with the last of the Dark Chocolate Bark that was staring at me.
Gosh that stuff is good!
I made my way upstairs shortly after, then called it a night. I’ve been loving my sleep this week!
If you liked this WIAW post, head on over to Peas & Crayons and Clean Eats Fast Feets to check out plenty others or even link your own! Also, you can always find my latest What I Ate Wednesday posts by exploring the “WIAW” category on the right hand sidebar.
Please note: What I Ate Wednesday features an entire day of my unfiltered eats. In no way do I change what I eat just for the sake of documenting it. While I try to be mindful with portions, I don’t count calories. I do, however, take into account how much activity I am going to be doing that day, and I plan my meals and snacks accordingly.
Question of the Morning
• What is one snack you just can’t stop eating lately?
For me, it’s jerky! I’m not a big fan of beef jerky, but I’ve found a new (and addictive) love for turkey and chicken jerky. I could probably go through three bags of it a week if I let myself. I realize this is a problem, so I’m working on it!

Secret adventure? Colour me intrigued. I snack on peanut butter all the time…probably too much. I will eat it right out of the jar on a spoon, it’s bad!
Haha, sorry to be so lame there. Peanut butter straight from the jar is too good!
I think I’ve officially eaten my body weight in date balls this past week. I just can’t get enough of them lately! That dark chocolate bark is totally having my crave something sweet now! Hope you have a great Wednesday!
Ha, sorry. They were pretty hard to look at on my kitchen counter, too. Date balls sound interesting and delicious!
Allllllll the pistachios this week. Cannot seem to put down the salty goodness!!
YUM, I love pistachios! I would be in some serious trouble if they weren’t so expensive!
Frozen yogurt blueberry bites are what I keep reaching for!
Yum, I love any kind of yogurt covered fruit!
I miss toaster waffles!
I’m officially out of them and I can’t believe it. I used to keep like 5 boxes at a time! So good.
I went of a beef jerky kick last fall – hard core. I didn’t realize there were so many fancy flavors now. I found a cabernet-rosemary on that I was addicted to!
Love the tabbouleh wrap idea – will have to try that one!
Oh wow, that flavor sounds amazing. I’ve been all about tabbouleh lately – I forgot about it for a while and now I’m hooked again!
Like you, I can get addicted to some turkey jerky. I haven’t tried the chicken jerky yet but I may remedy that soon! By the way, I love your WIAW posts. We have similar eating styles in that a ton of meat is not included and your posts always give me great meal ideas, like that wrap. Yum!!
Aw, thank you so much for reading Suzanne! I have actually been on more of a meat kick lately (hence the jerky phase), but I don’t normally eat too much of it. I guess my body goes through spurts of wanting it after cutting back for so long!
I’m pretty sure I’m picking up on these subtle hints… But I shall keep my hypothesis to myself. 🙂
Ha, I’m sure there could be many hypotheses out there. Sorry for being so vague! That’s so lame!
I love love love the apple pie Larabars!
One of the best flavors in my opinion!
Oh man I love Chipotle way too much!!
Yay, you got chicken jerky!
YES!! Thank you so much for the suggestion. I browsed right over it for so long!
chicken and turkey jerky are so good, way better than beef!!!
I wholeheartedly agree!
You can never go wrong with Chipotle! It’s been far too long (aka probably a month – ha!) since I’ve had it…that needs to change pronto! 😉
I like turkey jerky (or any kind of jerky) if it’s not too tough. I like it a little softer and full of flavor. Krave Jerky is actually a favorite of mine! I tried it for the first time last year at Blend Retreat and was really impressed.
I enjoy Krave too… but I’ve never tried their turkey flavors! I’m assuming they have turkey. And yes, you need to get yourself to a Chipotle soon! 😉
Lately I can’t eat enough fruit! I have just been loving all the berries and melon available now. I have to keep myself together in the produce section so I don’t buy everything!
Fruit is so great right now! Scott and I have been on some serious fruit kicks lately. It’s crazy how much you want to throw in your basket around this time of year!
I’ve been into jerky lately too, and like it because it’s hard for me to come up with other snacks in the afternoon that are so good on the protein front. I recently tried the TJ’s bacon jerky, but unfortunately it was pretty disappointing. I had such high hopes for it!
Oh no… that’s sad to hear. Thanks for the heads up!
I’ve been hooked on jerky too. The lemon garlic turkey jerky from Costco. So addicting.
Oh wow, that flavor sounds really intriguing. I need to try it!
Well now I’m intrigued … what was the secret mission about? Tell us soon!! 🙂
Haha, sorry to be super lame about that! I honestly didn’t know what else to say there. I just hate throwing things out there that don’t surface be anything at all down the road… so I promise to share if anything does!
YES. I love seeing fellow jerky fans- Now that I’m here, I’m stoked at all the flavours! I need some of that bark in my life!