Hello, and Happy Hump Day!
Today I am jumping right into the content for What I Ate Wednesday.
As soon as I publish this blog post, I will be on my way to cover a 7 a.m. class at the gym. It’s kind of nice to get up early for work. I might kick myself later for saying this, but there is a part of me that misses teaching 6 a.m. barre classes three days a week. There’s just something about that sunrise crew that is so inspirational. They don’t get up that early to be lazy, that’s for sure!
Before I start rambling, let’s get into covering an entire day of unfiltered eats. Below you will see everything I ate yesterday that exemplifies a typical Tuesday for me these days.
(Have no idea what WIAW is all about? This post breaks it down!)
What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday
Breakfast started later than normal around 9 a.m. I wanted to get right to working on the computer, so I turned to one of my very favorite boxes of cereal for an effortless kick-start to the day.
Nature’s Path Pumpkin Raisin Crunch with raspberries, almond milk & coffee
I love that cereal. I can’t always find it, as most pumpkin flavored things are seasonal, but when I do… it’s over. I’m buying it in bulk. And I’m not feeling bad about it.
I briefly mentioned that I experienced some server issues (again) yesterday. Luckily, the error I was getting trying to access through links to archived posts eventually went away on its own.
For good measure, I spent about a half hour on the phone talking with support… just in case. I also upgraded my hosting plan and renewed my domain rights to lifeinleggings.com and housewifeglamour.com. I can’t believe it has already been (close to) a year since I first came up with the concept of Life In Leggings!
To my blog tech friends out there: I should keep housewifeglamour.com until further notice, right? I mean, it was mine for so long. Right now, if someone types it in a search for it, they will automatically be redirected to this blog. I think I just answered my own question. Regardless, (even if that wasn’t the case) I’d hate to see someone else using it! Is that weird?
Anyways, a few small platefuls of this snack got me through the morning and well into the afternoon before lunch!
Reduced-fat Triscuits and snap pea crisps dipped in Greek-style hummus
I swear I could eat hummus every single day. And I usually do. #sorrynotsorry
By 2 p.m., I was ready to get outside and took Roadie around the neighborhood for an easy-paced 2 mile run. It was hot out, but we found plenty of shade along the way. I also stumbled upon a patch of leaves that looked like an early sign of fall.
I’m just… not ready yet. Given the fact that I eat pumpkin things pretty much throughout the year as it is, I could definitely soak in another month or so of summer weather. Plus, I absolutely love spending time on the trails when they’re so bright and green!
I took Roadie past the entrance we normally run through, but I decided to loop him back around towards home instead. Like I said, it was hot! I brought him inside, chugged a ton of water, then set back out for another 2 mile loop before coming in for good.
Taking my time, I clocked my 4 total miles in just under 44 minutes. A 10:48 pace isn’t usually normal for me, but I’ll take it. I then completed a quick 12 minute bodyweight circuit after I returned home that I plan to share with you later this afternoon!
Since Scott is now home during the weekdays, we take turn making meals. This is very much appreciated when I come in from a run or evening at the gym and am ready to eat close to anything in sight. Thankfully, he had this awesome summer-inspired berry salad ready for me when I returned! What a guy.
Romaine lettuce, green and yellow peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, blackberries, raspberries, hard boiled egg slices, and feta cheese drizzled in blush wine vinaigrette dressing
Oh my, was that delicious. I will for sure be making it again for lunch today!
Still a little hungry, I sliced up half of a mango and enjoyed it as part of a healthy snack before my shift at the gym.
low-fat cottage cheese with mango slices
I trained my 5 p.m. client, then taught three back-to-back strength training classes. I grabbed a handful of almonds on my walk back to my 8 p.m. class and couldn’t wait to get home for dinner.
a handful of raw, unsalted almonds
I walked in the door right after 9 p.m. with a raging appetite. Once again, I was so, so grateful to see my next meal already prepared. I asked Scott to brown the ground turkey meat while I was gone, and I was pumped to see dinner plated and ready for me as soon as I got home!
whole wheat angel hair pasta with turkey meat sauce
I originally laughed at the extremely generous portion on my plate, but what do you know… I ended up practically licking the plate clean. (This happens every single time we make pasta!) It was fantastic.
I was pretty tuckered out after dinner, so I watched an episode of America’s Got Talent with Scott while I typed up this blog post and then called it a night shortly after.
Well… after dessert, obviously.
Equal Exchange Dark Caramel Chocolate with a glass of almond milk
All right! There you have another edition of WIAW.
I hope you enjoy these sneak peeks into my daily eating habits, and I’ll see you later today with that bodyweight circuit workout. Happy Wednesday!
If you liked this WIAW post, head on over to Peas & Crayons to check out plenty others or even link your own! Also, you can always find my latest What I Ate Wednesday posts by exploring the “WIAW” category on the right hand sidebar.
Please note: What I Ate Wednesday features an entire day of my unfiltered eats. In no way do I change what I eat just for the sake of documenting it. While I try to be mindful with portions, I don’t count calories. I do, however, take into account how much activity I am going to be doing that day, and I plan my meals and snacks accordingly.
Question of the Morning
• What is one snack you eat (or could eat) every day?
If I’m not eating some kind of cracker dipped in hummus, I am most likely eating corn tortilla chips dipped in salsa or guacamole. Every. Single. Day. What can I say? I like my salty snacks!

I need to stop commenting on how large my food portions are because then when I end up eating it all I’m like whoops! That salad looks so good!
courtalkek recently posted…RiverRun and a 30 Before 30 Update
Haha, I feel ya there! Thanks Court, have a great day!
oh my gosh that salad looks out of this world!!! How lucky you are to have a husband who likes to whip up something so delicious!
kaitlin @4loveofcarrots recently posted…Marvelous Monday
While he isn’t always crazy about my healthier substitutions, he does have a great adoration for fruit and veggies. I love it!
Berries! They are so perfect right now!
Sabrina Alexandra recently posted…WIAW: School Day Edition
I know, and they’ve been on sale everywhere! Must. Stock. Up!
Turkey meat sauce is the best! I’m that way with pasta too, I can eat a huge plate of it. Isn’t it so nice to have a husband who cooks? I hate cooking, so my husband is almost always working on dinner when I get home from work!
Kelly @ Kelly Runs For Food recently posted…Squeezing in workday meals {WIAW}
It’s definitely a perk I look forward to from time to time. Scott doesn’t always have time to cook, but he really does enjoy it!
I’m not ready for fall at all. I see people already talking about pumpkin and fall stews and I’m like NO. I want to be in denial a while longer.
I mean, I’m all for stews but not the cold. Just, not yet. C’mon summer, stay strong! 😉
I’m right there with you on hummus. I could eat that every day!
Alexandra @ My Urban Family recently posted…Top Activities in Chicago to Enjoy Before It Snows
It’s an addiction I tell you!
I’m wondering…. what ground turkey meat (brand?) do you buy and where from? I had an epic fail a while back with ground turkey burgers and have been hesitant to try again, but this looks delicious!
Hi Elizabeth! I almost always pick up Jenni-O lean ground turkey. They have original, light, and seasoned flavors I like to try from time to time. I haven’t had a bad experience yet! You can find it at most grocery retailers. http://www.jennieo.com/products/collection/65-Ground-Turkey
Thanks so much!
I eat gluten free tortilla chips and salsa all the time!!! Almost every day!
Julia recently posted…Pregnancy Weeks 14, 15, and 16
Hehe, same. They’re incredibly addicting. And I’m okay with it 😉
Everything just looked so so good! I too often scoff at my serving only to realize that it did not even make me full ;). I really want to try those veggie chips now too.
lifewithniki recently posted…WIAW | A Day Of Perfect Eats and Zac Efron
The snap pea crisps are delicious and may or may not show up again in this week’s #FFavorites 😉
I always have a way of eating way too much pasta when I make it! It’s so easy to put a lot on your plate. But once I get going, I can’t stop 🙂
Haha, the struggle. I feel ya!
I could definitely eat chips and salsa every day haha. I’d say daily though, I usually have an apple (sometimes with peanut butter) or some carrots & cucumber in hummus!
Liz @ I Heart Vegetables recently posted…A Vegetable Filled Day
YES! Apples dipped in peanut butter make an appearance in our household often as well. We love almost anything dipped in hummus!
I could definitely eat peanut butter and … peanut butter for a snack everyday. Ha! Right out of the jar is perfection. 😉 Looks like a tasty day of eats!!
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries recently posted…Sweet & Salty Dessert Trail Mix
Haha, I’m totally with you there. Peanut butter, almond butter, chocolate almond butter, cookie butter, the list goes on and on… 😉
Yes, definitely keep it! It stinks having to pay to renew an extra domain every year but that’s what I have to do with Girl Gone Veggie.
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul recently posted…Woodstock Inn & Resort
Well hello, cottage cheese. There you are! 🙂 How nice of Scott to make some food for you. Dave usually has the grill fired up for my late-nights at the gym when he’s not in season. Glad you made that server upgrade, hopefully that will help! Happy Wednesday, Heather!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…My mostly healthy meals on a weekend day
Yes, I am very grateful for all of the extra time I have been getting with him. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s been enjoying getting back in the kitchen!
I just cannot get into raw almonds… I’ve tried, but it’s just not happening! I do love the Blue Diamond flavored ones, especially the wasabi/soy sauce flavor. I also love Kind bars as a an easy snack on-the-go.
Kelly recently posted…Me x4 – Quiz
Nothing really compares to the flavored ones. You’re absolutely right. I have to be in a certain mood to like the raw ones. But, I do like them 🙂
I could totally eat chocolate covered pomegranate berries every single day. It’s too bad a serving size is so small 🙁 Haha.
Jamie recently posted…Say What #MIMM
YUM… those are so good! (And so is any kind of chocolate covered fruit.)
I’ve made a goal to wake up earlier and I kind of like it. I hate saying that because then that means I have no excuses, but I feel less rushed and like I actually have a morning, so I’ll take it!
Can Scott come to my house and make me salads? That looks amazing!
Ange @ Cowgirl Runs recently posted…SeaWheeze 2015: The Race Recap
I’m in the same boat. I have never had a problem being a morning person if I am getting up to go somewhere like to work or to teach. It is harder, however, to motivate myself to get up just to go downstairs and work at home. I’ve been getting better at getting up earlier this week, so I hope to stay in the habit!
Oh my goodness I am so with you girl on loving all the things pumpkin, yet still wanting it to be summer! The struggle is real!
sarah recently posted…Thinking Out Loud #1
Hahaha #firstworldproblems 😉
One snack that I could eat every day is dates, on their own or dipped in almond butter… They are so amazing! Even though they are a great healthy snack I try to avoid eating too many, unless I need a massive energy boost! For that they are awesome!
But a snack I do actually eat every day are apples… Nothing better than that first crunch of biting into one!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…What I ate Wednesday! Airplane Edition!
I’ve never really kept many dates in the house. Maybe that needs to change? Interesting to know they are great energy boosters. Thanks!
I’m with you on wanting pumpkin year round but also summer! I love the edy’s pumpkin spice ice cream but wish they would just make it in august when I want ice cream most 🙂
renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Pond Hopping Part 3: “Second Degree Fun” in the Lakes
Right? It’s the best of both worlds! 😉 And you’re absolutely right… that ice cream is DREAMY!