Good afternoon! Wow, today sure flew.
I spent my morning working on some projects, including the wedding blog I cover for a Orlando photographer. I can’t even stand the cuteness of the engagement shoot we featured today. The backstage photos and props are so fun and creative!
Since then I have been trying my best to concentrate and get things done around here. It’s really, really challenging considering I just got confirmed for an exciting sponsored trip coming up next month. I’ll be sure to share more details about that when I can!
The rest of my attention span has been engulfed by dreams of sunny Orlando this weekend! I am going home for an extremely short and scheduled trip to dance with my fellow Orlando Magic Dancer alumni for a reunion. So much fun, right? I’m so excited for Friday to get here already!
So that is where my mind is. Anywhere but right here at the computer desk.
Just for you guys, I am forcing myself to tune in and share this week’s What I Ate Wednesday to hopefully kick start some healthy eating motivation. Per usual, I documented my entire day of eats yesterday.
What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday
Tuesday ended up being pretty eventful! It started with a 9 a.m. dentist appointment and knowing I needed to leave early, I quickly grabbed breakfast I prepared the night before.
Straight out of the Tupperware, I enjoyed a generous serving of overnight oats made of Stoneyfield Greek Super Fruits yogurt. Check out Julie’s blog for the recipe!
Directly after the dentist, I came home for a hot minute to chat with you guys about teeth grinding and shared my concerns about ordering a night guard. By the way, thank you so much for telling your stories and giving your input! It’s great to hear how different people handle the situation and it is very comforting to hear there are some successes because of it!
As soon as I hit publish, I refilled my coffee cup (whoops) and drove over to Royal Oak for a hair appointment. It’s always nice to escape the craziness of life and just sit in a hair chair for a couple of hours, isn’t it?
I made sure to pack a high-protein snack to hold me over at the salon.
Clif’s Builder protein bar in Chocolate Mint.
I arrived back home just before 4 p.m. to a surprise brown box on my doorstep. It was my StitchFix order, and you can read all about it since I am ridiculous and blogged about it right away.
I was so pumped, I completely forgot to eat lunch and figured I should then. Better late than never!
Quinoa with spinach, tomatoes, feta cheese and a mixture of beans.
Just as I was finishing up my post, I heard Scott come home and joined him upstairs for a few minutes. He told me about his day and knowing I had some work to do in the basement, agreed I would meet him back upstairs in an hour or so for dinner.
First, I had a workout to create and complete! (Aspen helped.)
Stay on the lookout for the workout and PUMA clothing review Monday!
Sweaty, I kept truckin’ along and learned one of the routines I need to know for this weekend’s reunion by video.
Since I was a dancer for four seasons in Orlando, I will be participating in two segments and can not WAIT to see and perform with my former teammates!
Now super sweaty, I came back upstairs and quickly threw together a monster vegetable salad for dinner. Literally, any good veggie that needed to be used up went into this one.
Romaine lettuce, baby spinach, broccoli slaw, corn, tomatoes, yellow squash, zucchini squash, black and green olives, Parmesan cheese, and fresh cilantro.
I drizzled mine in plain balsamic vinegar and topped it with freshly ground pepper. It was pretty tasty if I do say so myself!
I spent the rest of the night learning the other routine and booking flights for upcoming trips. (PS: I heard through the grapevine that occasionally cheaper flights will pop up on Tuesdays. Have any of you heard that before?)
I might have dug into a box of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies with my tall glass of unsweetened almond milk afterwards.
Sorry I’m not sorry about that. Not even a little.
And there you have yet another WIAW. I hope that from this one you can at least see how easy and healthy meals can be, even if you don’t necessarily take the time to plan them out ahead of time. Besides the overnight oats, the rest of my eats were more grab-and-go type of meals anyone on any schedule could prepare relatively quickly.
Now I am off to finish learning the routines, get them in my body, and will probably be doing the same thing reviewing ones for our Pistons court here before practice tonight.
See ya in the morning!
Questions of the Day
• What are some of your go-to “unplanned” quick and healthy meals?
• What are you looking forward to in the upcoming months?
I have a general rule I stick to when putting meals together. I start with some kind of side, healthy carb, or whole grain (quinoa, rice, sweet potato, pasta, etc.) add veggies, and make sure to include some type of protein. I am not a huge meat eater, so often times I make it up with beans and nuts. If you are ever needing something to bring it all together try a cheese! My favorites are feta and Parmesan.
• If you liked this WIAW post, head on over to Peas & Crayons to check out plenty others, or even link your own!
• Also, you can always find my latest What I Ate Wednesday posts by exploring the “WIAW” tag on the right hand sidebar.

Never be sorry for Girl Scout cookies 😉 I haven’t seen or heard anything about them over here which is bizarre. No girl scouts set up outside of grocery stores or anything!
Overnight oats are always a great, easy meal. Eggs are also a good go-to food for me. I like them cooked all different ways. And the answer to your question is yes – cheaper flights often come up Tuesday or Wednesday. Mid-week is best. Good luck getting a good deal.
I’m in Italy and am seriously missing my beloved Tag-a-longs at the moment, good thing I have gelato to satisfy me 🙂
I am seeing those overnight oats all over blogs and Instagram. I need to try that! Visiting from the WIAW linkup.