Good morning! It’s time for another What I Ate Wednesday!
(Almost) every week, I break down an entire day of my meals and snacks in an attempt to answer a popular question I often receive.
What does an entire day of eating look like for you?
The answer isn’t always the same, in fact, it’s almost never even remotely similar. A lot of what I choose to eat for the day depends on my level of activity, how much I am home vs. out and about, and what my current appetite is like. (It tends to change on me from time to time.)
The best way to answer it is to show you through these WIAW posts, so I will continue to share them as long as you all continue expressing an interest.
Thanks for hosting another week, Jenn!
What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday
I have been falling into a new habit for breakfast, and it involves anything topped in pumpkin and peanut butter.
Gluten-free waffles topped with pumpkin, SuperButter seed butter and a drizzle of agave nectar.
Coffee (this time with splash of French Vanilla Silk Soymilk Creamer) is an obvious, and the combo did a good job of holding me over until lunch. Well, lunch at 11:30 a.m. that is. Do you ever do that?
While browsing the refrigerator, I found white bean chili left over from the weekend and scooped a serving over a bowl of brown rice.
It tasted great like that, but didn’t keep me full for long.
About an hour later, I sliced up a Granny Smith apple and enjoyed snacking on the slices dipped into (more) seed butter as I worked on the computer.
I just love sour apples. Scott has always been more of a fan of the red ones so any green ones in the house are usually reserved for me. I’ll take ’em!
Around 2:30 p.m. I left the house to run some errands and popped by a Subway on the way home. I was already hungry again (whoa there, appetite) and ordered my go-to 6 inch turkey on wheat to save for dinner.
I got home around 4 p.m. and worked on the computer for a bit before I realized I needed to complete my training run and a workout to stay on top of my training plan. An hour later, I grabbed Roadie and ran down to the trails and back to cover a quick three miles.
But first, a protein pick up.
We haven’t been on the trails for a while, and I could tell he really enjoyed the scenery!
As did I.
Look at those beautiful leaves!
When we got in from the run, I took a short break before starting this dumbbell circuit workout in the basement.
I purposely chose one that included cardio at the beginning and only required an additional 20 minutes of work. It seemed easy enough at the time, but I definitely woke up sore today!
After a shower, I devoured my sub in about two minutes flat.
Turkey, American cheese, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers, banana peppers, jalapeños, black olives, and pickles sprinkled in pepper and drizzled with oil + vinegar on wheat bread.
I was also craving some sort of chips, so I dug into these Popped Wheat Thins Scott brought home.
Have you ever tried these? They remind me of baked chips, but way better.
I was supposed to go to the first Pistons Pre-season game last night, but I stayed in to study and finish up a few projects instead.
I ended up spending the entire night on one assignment, so I guess that was a good decision. Today I need to hit the books hard to make up for it.
Around 11 p.m. I wanted popcorn and heated up a bag of movie theater butter popcorn since that’s all I could find.
Honestly, it wasn’t all that good. I actually prefer the lighter, sweeter taste of SmartPop. (Mental note to re-stock on those.)
I turned in what I needed to for the night at 1:30 a.m. (!!!) and hit the hay.
So there you have it… an entire day of my unfiltered eats. This is just one of the many examples you can find exploring the “WIAW” tag on the right hand sidebar if you’re ever curious to see what another full day of meals and snacks looks like for me.
If you liked this WIAW post, head on over to Peas & Crayons to check out plenty others, or even link your own!
Questions of the Morning
• Movie theater butter (loaded) popcorn: yes or no?
• What is your current favorite “healthier” version of chips?
Yes to loaded with butter and seasoning movie theater popcorn at the movies, but not from a bag at home. I have been loving any kind of baked chip for years now. Can’t get off of them!

My current favorite chip is the Garden of Eatin Blue Corn Chips! They are so good with salsa.
Quick question – do you use your i-Phone or a camera to take your food pics? They always turn out so well. Have a great Wednesday!
I probably eat those exact chips with salsa every other day. They’re so good! I use a combination of my iPhone and Cannon point and shoot. I edit all of my photos in Picmonkey, so I think that’s what makes them look halfway decent. 😉
You sure do stay up late! I’m in bed by 10 most nights. 🙂 I’m actually not a big chip person, but I do love salty trail mix. Is that a Jambox I see up there? We have one of those we take on picnics. So fun!
I don’t always!! But yeah, Scott is quite the night owl. It’s always a challenge to turn in before him. Yes it’s a jambox!! I absolutely LOVE ours!
That might be the most prettily assembled Subway sandwich EVER. I didn’t even know that they made them like that haha!
I had some AMAZING Food should taste good Blue Corn Tortilla Chips after the marathon on Sunday. AMAZING. And then I used the Wasabi Soy Lays for a salmon recipe (coincidentally on my blog today) that were pretty delicious too.
Haha.. thanks? I don’t think I can take credit for it, lol. But it is pretty! Maybe it’s because I load it with everything possible! Mmmmm those blue corn tortilla chips are SO good! I had them today too 😉
I love popcorn, but find that the movie theatre varieties taste like they are wayyyyy too loaded with chemicals.
Hmm my favourite healthy chip right now? Coconut chips for SURE!! I know they’re not really chips, but they are so, so delicious and addicting…
Yeah… It’s a hit or miss for me. Sometimes it’s alright and other times is SO good! Interesting, I’ve never heard of coconut chips! Yum!
Quest chips ($$$, but so much pro that I can deal), Special K Cracker Chips (even though I am immaturely and irrationally quite embarrassed to buy them), microwaved puppodums (no oil necessary in the micro, great stats), and this one type of quinoa chip I occasionally find at Big Lots but can’t find on Google! I also sometimes pour egg whites onto a baking sheet and that bakes up nice and chip-y.
I love Special K cracker chips!! I don’t buy then often bc I could down an entire bag in one sitting 😉
Big Lots has them in 4-packs at a very inexpensive price! (insert spiel here about how that’s too much packaging and I’m better served to create my own single serve bags, blah blah, true, acknowledged and I often do!)I spend so much money on certain food items(….Exhibit A: the aforementioned Quest chips) that I try to balance it out by buying very cheap pantry staples at stores like Big Lots.
Also those egg white “chips” sound interesting!!
Hungry girl problems, right? 😉 I love my popcorn with some garlic and vinegar..totally wierd! Lately I have been trying to do spinach chips…not there yet..but I love the experimenting part..Ha!
Your food looks so pretty!!! Mmm, I want some popcorn tonight!!
Thanks!! I always vote yes on popcorn 🙂
It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Subway! Mmmm. Sounds so good right now. I’m not a huge chip person (or so I tell myself), but I do love Pop Chips, Sun Chips, and Trader Joe’s sweet potato chips for a “healthier” option. As for the popcorn, I guess it just depends what I’m feelin’. For a salty snack, I typically prefer the lighter stuff. But the whole shebang with loads of butter is a yummy treat sometimes!
Ahh I used to eat at Subway almost every day in college. Whoops. Pop chips are so good!
I love that you arranged your apple so pretty for a SNACK! LOL! I hope that doesn’t happen every day or else……….. I might feel really bad about myself LOL!
Haha, I know… I might have a problem. I don’t always do that, just every once in a while 😉
I’m obsessed with Kashi crackers…I am so bad at trying to only eat just a few!!!
I usually don’t mind movie popcorn just sans the extra melted butter! Though I DO love air popped popcorn! Cheap bag of kernels on the stove!!
Wow, I’m impressed with your bed time haha. I hate it when lunch does nothing to hunger!
I tried to bring back the kettle corn packets from America but they took it away from me lol- apparently popcorn kernels are contraband.
That’s not a usual bed time for me! Every once in a while though… I blame my night owl of a husband! 😉