Good morning! Wow, can you believe that New Years Eve is here? I can’t. While I could spend the next couple paragraphs talking about how crazy that is, I’ll refrain.
I thought it would be good to get in one last What I Ate Wednesday post before 2015. Yesterday was anything but normal, but I since I usually cover Tuesdays, I stuck to the pattern and documented everything I ate on-the-go.
There was a lot of improvising and not much planning, but I gave a solid effort at eating the best I could while spending the day traveling in the car and at a sporting event. It happens!
What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday
I revisited an old favorite for breakfast: overnight oats!
I always eyeball everything, but if I had to measure out I what went in my bowl, it would be something close to Julie’s recipe starting with a 6 oz. container of low-fat Vanilla Greek yogurt, then adding 1/2 cup rolled oats, 2 Tbsp. chia seeds, and 2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk.
After letting it sit overnight, I sprinkled a handful of blackberries on top and enjoyed it the next morning.
I wasn’t sure when I would be eating again, since I planned to spend the entire day with this guy. Overnight oats always do a great job of filling me up!
Oh, that’s Scott singing in the car, which is pretty standard.
We were on our way to Ann Arbor, which is just a little over an hour west from us. We left around 11 a.m., so I came prepared with snacks to hold me throughout the day, just in case lunch didn’t happen. I brought extra grapes for Scott.
(I spy a Special K chewy bar! Yum.)
We arrived in Ann Arbor around 12:30 p.m. and set up camp in the practice gym at the Crisler Center.
I was traveling with the Pistons Flight Crew, who performed the halftime show at the Michigan vs. Illinois Basketball game!
While they were practicing, I met a friend who came to see the game upstairs and made a lap on the concourse to see if there was anything remotely interesting to order for lunch.
I don’t expect much at sports events, so I was pleasantly surprised to see a veggie burger on the menu.
I got rid of the top part of the bun and enjoyed the generous side of kettle chips instead. It was pretty good!
I walked around for a while and helped run music and random tasks to help the boys get ready for their show. The game kicked off right at 3 p.m. and it was an exciting one!
(Notice the Governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, sitting court side?)
Not only were the stands completely full, but this is the University of Michigan basketball game that made history by introducing the team’s new football coach (and former start U of M quarterback), Jim Harbaugh.
To say the crowd was pumped for the formal introduction at halftime would be a serious understatement. That was the loudest I’ve heard a crowd get in a long time. The guys fed off the energy and had a great show!
It was really fun to be a part of that day in school history.
Welcome home, Coach Harbaugh!
We loaded up the equipment and hit the road right around sunset. Half way home, we stopped at a gas station and I was delighted to see a Subway connected to it. Scott wanted dinner, so I hopped out and got us a couple of six inch subs. I also got myself a hot tea.
(Turkey and American cheese on wheat, toasted, with all the veggies minus jalapenos and onions, black pepper, and oil and vinegar for dressing.)
(That’s exactly how I order it!)
We arrived home right around 7 p.m. and both had a craving for something sweet an hour later. We took Roadie for a ride to the grocery store and made sure to pick up some kind of ice cream. Roadie’s request, obviously.
Have y’all ever tried Breyers Gelato? The tiramisu was really good and super fancy.
As usual, I also downed a tall glass of dark chocolate almond milk before bed too. Every time!
I like to stick to covering Tuesdays for WIAW because I never really know what I will be up to. Sometimes I will be at home, other times I will have to pack my lunch and snacks to work at the gym, and occasionally I will tag along on Scott’s work events and away from the house for the entire day. I guess that’s the point though, right? Spontaneity.
I eat what I eat and here it is, folks!
I hope you all have a great morning and afternoon getting ready for the turning of a new year. I am about to head out to the gym and do my very first consultation!
I plan to check back in this afternoon, so hopefully I will see you then.
Happy Hump Day!
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Question of the Morning
• Any plans for the ball drop tonight?
We are laying low and having a couple of friends over to watch the ball drop over appedizers. Nothing crazy! I would love to hear your plans. Are you getting dressed up? Going out on the town? Maybe I can live vicariously through you.

I think you did well eating especially with a full day of being on the road! We are either going to do dinner and a movie or a local festival in downtown Austin. It’s more family-friendly with fireworks at 10pm so nothing crazy. Happy NYE – have fun!
Thanks, Lauren. And that sounds fun! Enjoy the celebrations! xo
Great planning for a full day on the road! I always travel with a million snacks too, lol. Happy New Year 🙂
I’m not a very pleasant person if I don’t… 😉
My husband is a HUGE SF 49 ers fan (I am not, Go Seahawks). Funny that on your blog I hear confirmation of Harbaughs move to U of M. Who needs ESPN. :-). Here’s to healthy eating on 2015! Please keep motivating us with your home workouts as well as those at the gym. We are staying home this year instead of our annual party at friends because my other half is sick.
Ha, Scott’s a big Seahwaks fan too! Thank you so much for your readership! I will for sure be focusing on more fitness-related posts in this coming year. 😉
What a cool game to be at! My parents and I streamed the press conference yesterday on our road trip.
I also love having overnight oats when I don’t know the next time I’ll eat. It really sticks to your bones.
Happy New Year!
Yeah, we really lucked out for them being able to perform at that game!
I love veggie burgers! What yummy eats. Have a great NYE!
You too, Erin! 🙂
Sounds like a fun day! And stadium food is definitely not ideal, but you did a good job there with your lunch. NYE will be low-key for us here in San Francisco, which I’m looking forward to. Have a great day! 🙂
I don’t have any complaints about our low-key Christmas at home. Why not continue on through the New Year? 😉 Hope you have a great night!
I’d say you ate pretty well for being on the road all day! Nice job! Happy New Year’s Eve! We’re not doing much. Initially we planned to have a few of our couple friends over, but all the kids have been getting sick, so we may just make it a lazy night at home or head over to my parents’ house…depends on Hunter! Hope you have a fun evening!
Thanks! I’m sure your NYE will be fun. Sometimes low-key holidays are the best kinds of holidays. <3
What a cool experience!! Happy New Year! I’m whole30 right now and all your delicious photos are making me miss sugar 🙂
Oh no, sorry about that! 😉 I’ve heard great things about whole30! Good for you for giving it a try!
I’d say you did a pretty great job of eating healthy without preparation! Happy New Years to you guys <3
That gelato is fantastic! And I’ve tried overnight oats before… I just can’t ever get over the texture. Maybe I’m doing something wrong 🙁
Midwest Darling
Yeah, I can see how some people wouldn’t like it. Do you like regular oatmeal? Maybe it’s the chia seeds. I really like them but Scott isn’t really much of a fan either.
Good for you for being healthy on the road! You inspired me to make overnight oats for breakfast tomorrow. It’s been awhile since I’ve had that. And you were in my neck of the woods yesterday! Not a drop of snow in Ann Arbor. Cool pics of the game and of town. Happy New Year! 🙂
I always go through phases of eating overnight oats day after day, then go months without making them. I’m the same way with regular oatmeal! I know… I’ve seen flurries for two days now but no snow! Crazy.
For the first year I’ll actually be near NYC for New Years, and could potentially go and watch the ball drop in person! However, I’m flying and in transit all day, plus I’ve been up since 3:50 am (yuck) so I am thinking that 1) my bed is looking more appealing, and 2) there will be other NYE’s.
Do you add chocolate to your almond milk to give it the flavour, or do you buy it ready made? It sounds good! Happy New Year!
Wow, that’s on both Scott and I’s bucket list! But I can see how it would be totally overwhelming too. Whatever you end up doing, Happy NYE! To answer your question: I always buy the dark chocolate almond milk as is, but sometimes I will mix it with regular skim or almond milk to mix things up!
I’m actually jealous of your chill-in plans. Hoping that works out for me next year. However, as a single lady, I feel obligated to leave my apartment. Some friends are taking me out dancing with them. Should be nothing short of hilarious! Happy New Year : )
Aw, that sounds like a blast! Enjoy the time out Jess!!
Dude that is such an awesome day and experience- Nice one!
For a day without expectations, you ate some pretty good food and that ice cream…damn, Australia!