At First Orlando, our pastor challenged us (as he does every year) with the following question: “What’s your Word for 2012?”
Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
From that passage alone, can you guess what my word is? Anyone?
How about a picture?
Good job…you’re completely right.
Now let’s break it down:
For about six months now, I have had the creative itch. I’ve adopted a completely different view of blogging and I have some exciting things on deck to share with you. For now, all I can say is to keep a look out and ask that you give me all the (positive and negative) feedback I can get.
Writing, editing and creating has become a new passion for me, and I’m hoping to expand my tips and storytelling beyond a personal blog in 2012. But, being creative isn’t necessarily just about reading, writing & the arts…
I want to create a new home environment for Scott and I.
I don’t want us to just live in a house I want to create an environment that’s hard to leave.
I want to create a platform for myself to market who I am and what I do.
I want to create a site where anyone can read, follow and feel inspired to live life to their fullest potential.
I want to create and maintain a consistent, healthy and active lifestyle, for keeps.
And finally, I want to pro-create…as in start a Hesington Family. I’m not going to say when or where (we could be living on the other side of the world for all I know at the end of 2012), but I’m saying it: we want to start a family this year.
I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am today without all of you, and I’m forever thankful for you reading, commenting and believing in what I do. You have created and sparked a fire in me to keep on keepin’ on. So…
If you had a Word of the Year, what would it be?
REALLY! I want do hear from you on this one: send me your WOY…
Facebook me: Health, Beauty & Sweet Homelife
Tweet me: @hbshesingon

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