Good Morning! Today, I am bringing back a series I started writing weekly on my first blog called Words of Wisdom Wednesdays. It is not Wednesday, and by no means will this be a weekly thing, but every once in a while when I am looking for a little peace, inspiration, or advice, you will probably see me turn to …well… the Word.
I think it is funny (and a tad frightening) to go back to some of the first posts I ever wrote on my blog. When I first started, my focus was all over the place and I pretty much wrote about whatever, whenever. Today, I try to keep a little more structure to the blog, and aim to stay on track in the Healthy Living category.
On track, yes, but still a little wiggle room to share my every day shenanigans.
Today, I am revisiting a post I wrote back in October of 2011. For where Scott and I are right now (which is a roller coaster of decision making about the future) I think it fits exactly what we are going through, still today.
We are a few life changing decisions away from a new life, most likely in a new city. Are we scared? Of course. Are we worried? No. We have faith the right plan is out there for us. For the first time in our marriage, we are not trying to control our own paths, but trust that God has is figured out for us. It is just a matter of time before we are let in on what it is…
If you aren’t a believer, I still encourage you to read on. There is a lot of wisdom to be learned, and here is one of the first ways I have shared it.
Originally posted October 12, 2011
(with a new appearance by a special someone)
Ohhh, we’re half way there, oh-OH Livin’ on a… prayer plan?
Last week was a busy one and I never got to share a Word of Wisdom with you. When this week rolled around I became anxious the get back to sharing the Word this Wednesday. My last WOW: Peace Out post, was all about finding peace in any situation you get into or stumble upon. This week, I wanted to take that idea a step further and go from accepting the situation to trusting in God’s plan for us.
I’m a planner. I always have been and I always will be. I’m the girl people always copied notes from in school because I have a complex about everything looking exactly the right way, circled, highlighted and mapped things out for future use. Don’t even get me started about planning our wedding…did you SEE my Wedding Notebook? Maybe I should consider wedding planning as a career? Maybe not…been there, done that, blogged about it… 😉
But what happens in life when you don’t have a notebook to go by? For the first time in my life, I am happy to share we are accepting that God will be planning it from here on out.
Proverbs 16:9
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.
My plans? Well, what they entailed is pretty much out the window. Six months ago we had the next year ahead completely mapped out. I was going to leave my part-time job, we were going to finally look for a house and I was going to spend the year getting it set up while completing my final season as a dancer for the NBA.
The big finale of our year’s plan? Starting a family. Yup, we had literally planned out what month and day we would start trying, which happened to be around my birthday in April of 2012.
Where are we now? Still happy and optimistic, but not doing any of the things I just listed. THAT is just so frustrating to me. With Scott looking for a new job, the possibilities of where we will end up are endless…and bit overwhelming.
If there’s anything I’ve learned from our world being turned upside down, it’s that everything does happen for a reason. I know, I know…that sounds so cliche, but it is simply the more common version of “God has a plan for you.” I’ve always told people that bit of advice, but never truly believed it myself until the last few years. Everything happens for a reason and falls into place when it’s supposed to.
So when you’re asking yourself “why?!” or “why now?”…trust in the Lord, He knows what He’s doing.
And for all of the planners out there like me…don’t worry. You can still keep your beautiful, color-coded planners.
Just pencil some of those plans in, will you?

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