Hey hey everybody! First, I want to apologize for being pretty under the radar with my blog lately. Yesterday was moving day out of our condo in Orlando, and in fact, it is still going on at this very moment (and do I have some stories for you…).
Second, I want to THANK YOU for coming back and hanging with me through the craziness of our move! I genuinely appreciate every sweet comment and message I receive.
Third, I want to share that I have big plans for the future of Housewife Glamour. It has been a serious challenge trying to keep up with my every day responsibilities on top of going through a move across the country, and I can not wait to settle into another home, set up shop, and get to work!
Believe you me… there are tons of ideas, recipes, and workouts flowing over here. I promise to provide more than farewell stories in the months to come! Until then, thank you for being patient. 🙂
I do not have much time to write, so let’s get to it! Here are a few updates on what is going on this week.
1. We officially moved out of the condo!
Crazy right? After an incredibly long twelve hour day (and a few more hours this morning) we are no longer official residents of Orlando. Let the reality set in…
Okay, we’re back. And now the countdown is 9 8 days until the drive up. Besides the stories and advice I have to share about moving in general (full post to come!), I regretfully share that I dropped Aspen and Cali off at my sister’s house Tuesday night.
Since we adopted them at a very young age, they have not been outside of our condo other than going on short trips to the vets and back. Needless to say, they were not pleased.
They will live.
Roadie is staying with me at my parents’ house for the next week. We pick Scott up from the airport next Thursday and all load into his truck for the drive up the day after that. So close!
2. Today is my last day at the barre studio.
Super sad face. I absolutely loved teaching barre workouts, and my studios could not have been a more perfect environment for me.
I have grown to love my co-workers and simply adore all of our hard working, amazing clients.
I just wrapped up my last class… ever… in Orlando… and I would be lying if I said I didn’t tear up a time or two. Sigh. I have been asked several times if I will try to find a barre studio up there, and my only answer is we will see. I would love too! Once we settle in, I will have a better idea of what comes next.
3. Trips up to Jacksonville.
I celebrated my Grandaddy’s 89th Birthday in St. Augustine with my family this past weekend!
It was really my last chance to say goodbye to that side of my family, and I had a fantastic time relaxing with them at my aunt’s ranch.
It still doesn’t seem real that we are leaving…
I am heading back up to the Jacksonville area later today with a friend of mine to see another for her birthday! Stay tuned for a few more farewell posts to come.
4. Missy’s Wedding!
Do you remember Missy’s Bachelorette Cruise just a few weeks ago? Her wedding is this weekend! I can not believe how much time has flown by, and that we are already here. Ahhh!
Her wedding is this Sunday, and I will have just a few more days after that at home before Scott and I head into the frozen tundra of Michigan.
I am so excited to share this last special event with my closest friends and will be sure to post all about it when we get settled in.
5. Day Before Moving Day Video
Well… I had a video for you. As I was finishing up the loose ends around the condo filming the craziness of moving, I thought it would be fun to document part of it and show you around. Right after I finished editing and finalizing it, my Internet shut off before I could upload it to YouTube. Alas, I am now having to work from my laptop (A.K.A. the dinosaur) to publish any kind of post for the next few weeks.
I will try my best to upload and share it, but it just might be a little bit of a wait on that one. Sorry friends!
I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your week. I will keep you posted and plan to share many more exciting things to come! 🙂

I need clarification, are the kitties staying in FL?!?!
Goodness, No! I could never do that! They are staying with my sister for the next week and then they will ride up with us to MI 🙂