It has been two weeks since I became virtually acquainted with Cathe Fendrich. In just fourteen days, I have grown to love and despise the woman. Isn’t that how we feel about all of our favorite fitness instructors or trainers?
If you keep up around here, then you already know I started a 30 Day Cardio + Strength Training Program that is part of her new XTrain workout series. Here is how how Week 1 went.
I have not been on a scheduled or planned type of workout situation in quite some time. In fact, the last time I remember having everything drawn out for me thirty days in advance was back when I was training for my half marathon.
(Sidenote: I am counting down the weeks and days until the weather warms up here. Momma needs a new pair of running shoes and to get back outside on a consistent basis!)
In the meantime, I have replaced training for a race with a mixture of cardio and strength training at home, via Cathe.
Both my husband and I find it challenging to keep up with any type of structured workout program. I have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time, and usually like to mix up workouts with all different types of group classes, cardio machines, running, and use of equipment.
I think any of us can become stuck in our own fitness routine ways, and it can be hard or overwhelming to throw something new into it.
During the ten weeks of training for the half together, Scott and I ended up skipping a few days. I was upset about it, but life went on. After it was all said and done, I learned that sometimes my best effort is not perfect, and that is okay.
It may seem a little redundant to have a check in every week on how this specific program has been going, but I decided to include this on the blog to track and show any differences I experience in attitude, struggles, and pure execution of sticking to a home workout DVD series.
XTrain Workouts : Week 2 Check-In
Week 2 was not an easy one. With a crazy (and physically demanding) dance schedule, there are days where I feel like my body can not get through an hour or so of additional workout. Saturday was one of those days. Then Tuesday became one of those days.
Once Wednesday rolled around, I felt really down on myself for missing two out of six workout days, and claimed Tuesday as my rest day. Today was supposed to be my scheduled rest day, but instead I made up Tuesday’s HIIT workout this morning.
See what I mean? #ibutcherscheduledworkouts
When the week is over, I just have to realize that I did my best, and am still proud of myself for completing every workout I did get through. To me, getting fit and feeling good about myself is what these programs are all about.
It is no secret that I am sneaking my way through the program with the bare minimum of home workout equipment by my side. Remember my awesome/incredibly ghetto step? Ha!
I am still doing fine improvising what I have, with the exception of using a real step and riser set for inclined dumbbell chest and triceps exercises. I know my range of motion is dramatically shortened when lying flat on the floor, but I have gotten over it.
As for the rest of it goes, I do wish I had more variety in my free weight selection. In an ideal world, I would own a set of eights, twelves, fifteens, and even twenties to really get the most out of the exercises.
(By the way, I do not think I am The Hulk all of the sudden… I would use the twenties one weight at a time!) 😉
This week I actually went back upstairs to grab and use Dixie cups. I skipped it before, but included them this time around by using them to mark my distances in side-to-side jump lunges.
My makeshift paper plate gliders and resistance bands are still going strong!
Workout Variations
You already know my new love for Tabata and HIIT training. If you are lost on what those are, you can read both descriptions in my Week 1 Check-In.
This week’s program did not require any “new” workouts, but instead more variations of what I did last week. I like that.
I still think Tabata days are the hardest, and look forward to cardio kick boxing mid-week.
Week 2 Thoughts – Halfway Mark
Overall, I am enjoying the series and I actually do feel stronger. Particularly in my arms.
I have always included working my arms out into my gym time, but have never done the amount of reps these videos push me to complete in one day. Each workout day focuses on a different set of muscles and completely burns that muscle out. The next day moves onto a new one. I am beginning to see a difference in my arm strength and shape as a result!
I do have to admit that my leg workouts are not so appreciated. I have always liked having toned legs, but they are starting to bulk up a little too much for my taste. I notice a difference when I put on a pair skinny jeans or leggings, and I have just never wanted to lose that long and lean dancer’s type of body.
Cathe knows what she is doing. She does a great job of keeping me motivated, providing needed rest and water breaks, and most importantly stretching at the end of each video.
I am officially half way done.
Whooo hooo!
Question of the Day
• Do you have a hard time sticking to a structured workout program, or does it push you even harder to complete them?
*Disclaimer: The XTrain Workout Series DVDs were provided to me, free of charge, from through my ambassadorship with FitFluential. I was not compensated in any way for this review, and simply exchanged sharing workout experience for product. As always, all thoughts and opinions in this series of reviews are my own. Please see my full dislaimer before starting any kind of new workout routine.

Love your blog!! Just found it through Peas and Crayons! I also live in a city just outside of Detroit with my family, but currently am in Ann Arbor going to Umich!
And I definitely do NOT stick to a regimented workout plan – I have tried and it lasted a few days hahaha…I just like to do my own thing depedning on how my body feels, but I find that incorporating workouts from specific programs into my own routine has been my key to success!
Hi Natasha, thank you so much! Looks like we are pretty close 🙂 Yes… it is SO hard for me to dedicate myself to one specific program at a time. When I am done with this one, it will be nice to turn on a cardio workout of cathe’s every now and then though.