It’s Friday, Friday, Friday and I am about to jump out of here and head to the gym! In case you are wondering… yes, I am in fact truly excited about that statement.
After a pretty loungy Valentines Day full of relaxation, wine, and an absorbent amount of chocolate, I am ready to get back into an active environment surrounded by motivated people. Working from home can be wonderful, but can also be a challenge to stay focused on what needs to get done. After a few days of catching up on some rest and taking a break from a structured workout, I am more than ready to get out the door and back to it!
Earlier this afternoon, I made a salad I have become slightly obsessed with. I call it the Southwest Salad.
I shared the same salad via Instagram a few days ago, and am still making it for lunch two days later. It is that scrumptious.
Below you will see a mixture of romaine lettuce, spinach, Cajun turkey (Boars Head brand from the deli), diced tomatoes, black beans, corn, black olives, shredded cheese, and a drizzle of light ranch dressing all topped off with a little pepper.
Mmmmm. I just can’t get enough of my Southwestern inspired meals lately… Corn? Black Beans? Tomatoes and/or salsa? Bring it on!!!
Speaking of salsa, I have been on quite the kick of it lately. After devouring my new favorite greens and veggies, I finished lunch off with a few handfuls of Garden of Eatin’ Red Hot Blues Corn Tortilla Chips and salsa.
When seeing them at the store, I completely missed the “red hot” part of the advertising on the bag and found my first bite to be surprisingly spicy! Hello…. chili powder.
Fortunately for me, I love spicy and will still enjoy them for days to come.
Say Yes To Products
This week I opened a very large and particularly awesome package full of new products to sample. They came from Yes To™ Natural Skin & Hair Products, the company that created the Say Yes to Carrots, Say Yes to Cucumbers, Say Yes to Tomatoes, Say Yes to Blueberries and NEW Say Yes to Grapefruit brands.
After getting to know the background of their company better, I am really excited to share the Yes To™ mission with you.
All products are 95% natural, all packaging is recyclable, and they give back to communities through their Yes to Seed Fund. Just from posting one photo of a few items via Instagram this week, I have already received a lot of positive feedback on both the products and the brands. That type of thing gets me pumped up to get started and try everything out!
To me, the best part about these products is that these lines are affordable and easy to find!
On your next shopping trip to Target, Whole Foods, Walgreens, CVS or even Wal-mart, walk on over to the health and beauty department to see some of their shining stars! You can find a full list of merchandisers here.
Today’s regime included a combination of a few brands. I tried the same combination yesterday, and purposely repeated it this morning to enable a good judge of each product.
I started with the Yes to Cucumbers Daily Gentle Cleanser. I really like the soothing component of the cucumber line, as well as the smell. It gives off the effect of something you might experience or purchase at a spa.
After cleansing, I went to the new Grapefruit line and applied a thin layer of the Dark Spot Correcting Serum. I am usually intrigued by anything with “correcting” in it, and have to admit that I have a few trouble spots on my cheeks to test it out on. I will be sure to keep you posted on the progress as time goes by.
This one left my skin a little tight, which is where the Blueberry Daily Repairing Moisturizer came in. I liked the way my skin felt after I applied it, but was not prepared for it to be as thick as it came out. Next time I will be sure to only squeeze a dab!
Feeling refreshed, I went downstairs to grab one more thing… the berry baies lip butter.
I am a huge fan of chap stick, and after moving up north I can be found with about ten on me at all times. I really liked the texture of this balm, and am looking forward to trying out the other flavors.
When I first learned about the Yes To™ brand, I was very quick to jump on board after reading that all of their products are made from organic fruits, vegetables, and other natural ingredients.
I have only tried a handful of products so far, and I still have a long way to go… but I guess you could say I am saying yes to Yes To already!
With a final application of lip butter, I am off and ready to get out of the house and off to the gym. I hope you all have a great weekend and also enjoy a little R&R time!
Question of the Day
• Have you ever tried a Yes To™ hair or skincare product? How do you like the feeling of fruit + veggie infused flavors?

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