I started putting together a Photo Shoot Tips + Tricks post today. The more I typed, the more I wanted to spend a decent amount time and effort on it and not just throw it together. With that said, keep a lookout for a post on that subject later in the week!
For now, I thought you might enjoy some random occurrences that have happened in my life lately that may or may not be worth a laugh.
You Know What’s Funny?
• At this moment in time I have zero fruit in the house. I wanted to top my cereal this morning with something colorful and came to the conclusion that gummy bears just aren’t the same. Needless to say, I had my first bowl of basic cereal and milk in ages. Like, probably years.
(Cascadian Farm Organic Cinnamon Crunch)
• Speaking of basic…. I feel like I shouldn’t be sharing this, but I just can’t with this You Tube video. #sorryimnotsorry
• This article I read this morning on Y Generation Yuppies (most of you reading this!) and why most of them (us) are unhappy. I found myself relating to a lot of it all too well and thought you might have a chuckle too.
• I was practically begging for cooler weather last week and it’s definitely here. Now that we are officially running the heat in our house and I am wearing sweats to bed, I think I might have jumped the gun on that one.
• The air conditioning repair man came over a week ago to fix our unit (yes, when it was still hot outside JUST a week ago) and in doing so Scott removed all of these boxes from our basement storage to give him a path.
Even though I cleaned the house yesterday, the boxes are still there. I actually vacuumed around them.
• I feel like the type of music I listen to lately completely affects my mood. I’ve been drawn to the slow jams with deep lyrics, but after an hour or so with it on the background I feel almost too mellow. Just kind of blah. I’m not sure if that’s the best “let’s get the day going!” motivation.
(Note to self: less emo, more Spice Girls Radio <- so wonderful.)
• We had a few people over last night and Aspen was all about hanging downstairs with the group, soaking in as much attention as she could get. Cali, on the other hand, was chillin’ upstairs on her own and gets really overwhelmed by house guests.
While Aspen loves petting, she hates to be held. Cali will sit calmly and let you hold her for hours. I think it’s interesting how each pet handles company in their own way and how different cats and pets in general can be.
• I haven’t had any motivation to make salads at home lately. I have been enjoying them at restaurants and while out running errands, but haven’t made a good monster salad in close to two weeks. That’s just weird.
• It’s no secret that I am allowing myself a day or two of splurging after eating extremely clean for my photo shoot over the weekend. I think it’s funny that my first “big cheat meal” was ordered off of the light menu, and I even went out of my way to substitute the regular spaghetti for the Barilla Plus penne pasta.
For what it’s worth, it was delicious.
• And last, but certainly not least, this.
The fact that my husband feels the need to change into something ridiculous when people come over is beyond me. Although I was mostly embarrassed about it, the cut off plaid paired with the jorts and fuzzy slippers make me laugh a little.
I hope these random fun facts about my latest happenings provided you with some kind of comic relief on this Tuesday afternoon. I am leaving you today actually excited to go to the grocery store to stock up on produce and get the rest of my day going. I promise there will be more inspirational material to read later this week. For now, I’m curious…
What’s a “You Know What’s Funny” moment of yours?

I’ve been seeign the Yuppie article around and finally read it. Hilarious! We still have our AC blasting…I wish we had some cooler temps!
Be careful what you wish for! 😉
Don’t you just love the midwest bipolar weather? Last week it was record breaking high temps and this week it was cold enough that I actually decorated for fall. I’m not complaining though, I love the fall weather. Have fun grocery shopping!
It’s so bizarre. But I’m not complaining just yet. I’m actually thankful that my run in about an hour will be a chilly one!
wow…what a very interesting article. I can relate to a lot of it…darn Facebook lol. Thanks for posting it!
I know right? Interesting, nonetheless.
You know what’s funny? I’m not sorry I like this video.
OOOOOOOMG. I don’t even know what to say to that. Freaking hilarious! There are so many things I could reply with on this one I don’t even know where to start. Thank you for bringing this into my life! 😉
I just added the Spice Girls Radio to my Pandora! I can’t believe I wasn’t on my list before!
Isn’t it an instant mood enhancer?
Don’t you LOVE that cereal?? It is like a “healthy” version of Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
It’s SO good!
Haha those slippers are awesome!
haha… yes… slash embarrassing and wrong.
Shut up with that video! That’s hilarious.
Haha, it’s so wrong, but so great on so many levels!
Ah, I couldn’t live without cereal! Nothing sweet though 4-6g of sugar at the max for the cereals I will eat!
I went through a period where I didn’t eat it and now I am back on the train again. Love it!
That article is fantastic. I absolutely related to a bunch of it. Turns out I’m a Generation Y Yuppie haha 🙂 Thanks for the laugh!
Glad I’m not the only one who can relate!
I’m definitely not wishing for any cooler temperatures yet! I know that if that happens, it will totally come true and I’ll regret that one.
And how did I not know about this spice girls radio. That is just amazing.
Haha, that is definitely an interesting article. Can relate to a few of those for sure.
I’m already regretting it. Haha. I guess it’s true what they say about that grass being greener… 😉
Haha, your husband is hilarious! A wise woman once told me, in the end when you are old and wrinkled the one thing that lasts is sharing a good laugh.
And how fun that you posted a picture of Aspen with a comic bobble just the same day as I posted one of my cat. Ridiculous coincidence!
Haha, well then I guess we are all good there! 😉
Finally read the Y generation article since it’s the 3rd time I’ve seen someone recommend it today. Right on with the social media aspect. Personally, I love it because I take everyone’s social updates with a grain of salt, but I have also had friends delete Facebook and things like it because they experienced such anxiety.
It’s crazy… and I can understand how people can get overwhelmed by all of the positive things happening in other people’s lives. But really, who wants to post the negative? Nobody’s perfect, so I think the only way you can have a healthy relationship with social media channels IS to take everything with a grain of salt.
I love Cascadian Farm’s Cinnamon Crunch! I also LOVE Chex’s Gluten Free Vanilla Chex cereal. SO GOOD!
Love those slippers, thats hilarious!
Oh, I’ll have to try that second one!
My best “You Know What’s Funny?” moment from the week is that I went to my first ever video game launch at midnight last night with my fiancé. I had no idea he was even that into video games or that midnight launches existed! I was one of three females out of hundreds of guys waiting in line haha.
Oh, they exist alright. I’m actually shocked Scott hasn’t coerced me into going to one yet! 😉