Every now and then, I will receive a message asking what my normal weekly workout routine looks like. Just like a “typical day of eating”, this is answer varies from week to week and can fluctuate a lot depending on what is going on in my life.
Generally, I try to complete some kind of class, circuit, or strength training workout 3-4 days a week and get in at least a couple of long (3+ mile) runs for cardio. There was point in time where I went the gym to exercise 4-5 days a week and completed a long training run (8+ miles) on the weekends, but that hasn’t been what I’ve been up to in quite some time.
Along with my workouts, there are a handful of meals I don’t find a post or place to share with you, either. I thought they would fit nicely into this weekly recap series and hope you enjoy the inspiration to try something new!
• Weekly Workouts & Getting Back to the Barre
• Weekly Workouts & Running Bench Workout
• Weekly Workouts & Interval Bike Workout
• Weekly Workouts & Total Body Gym Workout
• Weekly Workouts & Healthy Meal Ideas #7
• Weekly Workouts & Healthy Meal Ideas #6
• Weekly Workouts & Stability Ball & Dumbbell Circuit Workout
• Weekly Workouts & EMOM/Tabata Gym Workout
• Weekly Workouts & 12 Minute Core Strength Workout