Hello and a Happy New Years Eve Day to you!
I bet you were all expecting another recap from Paris to come up today, and well… yes I do plan on sharing a few more of them. Later this week. Today, however, I wanted to give you a break from them and pop in for a quick hello for the time being.
(from me, HOOPER, and my mom on the right!)
That’s us at the Piston’s home game last night. Yup, that means we basically went straight from Paris to our home arena to enjoy the only game this week while my mom is up here visiting.
We strategically planned coordinating landing times at the airport, and somehow both parties made their flights and arrived in Detroit without any delays or issues. From the airport, Scott went directly to the arena, while my mom and I got home with just enough time to shower and get ready to leave again.
It was fun for me to attend a game as a spectator now that I am dancing again. It’s always interesting to see how it all looks from the crowd and to catch everything I miss while sitting on the court.
For starters, intros were great! I love when the lights go down and the arena spot lights go crazy as each player’s name is called. We don’t get to be on the court for them any more, so it was really neat to see and capture from the stands. Even after six years in the NBA, I still get chills from time to time.
This was also the first time I was able to enjoy an entire game with my mom! She came up to visit us last year during a busy three game in one week stretch, so she became well acquainted with the arena then. This time, however, I was able to go in and watch everything with her.
Although we didn’t end up pulling a win (there’s some kind of fourth quarter curse going on here), the game was a great one! Especially for a Monday night against the Wizards. Just sayin’. 😉
Slowly but surely we are getting back into a normal routine here. This morning we woke up a few hours later than normal to allow our bodies to rest and I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast soon after.
Before she arrived, my mom asked me if there’s anything specific I would like her to bring up from Florida. To some of you, it may not come as a surprise to hear that (of course) had to be Pumpkin Spice coffee from The Fresh Market.
Ohhh how I miss that orange bag of coffee ground goodness! I still have yet to find a Fresh Market close to our neck of the woods, so I will be savoring the remainder of it for sure.
Since the coffee got me in a very pumpkin-y mood, I rounded it out with a fresh batch of pumpkin oatmeal for the three of us.
This time I topped it with raisins and a scoop of almond butter for extra flavor. It was dreamy!
So, we’ve landed. We’ve caught up on sleep and controlled the jet lag (I think). And we’ve already gotten right back into our normal routine (kind of). I am looking forward to having some quality time with my mom this week and finally show her bits and pieces of where we now call home. We are still unsure of plans for tonight, but are hoping to do something fun.
Wishing you all a very safe and Happy New Year!
Catch ya in 2014! 😀

Oh my goodness… That coffee is the ONLY flavored coffee I will drink (I’ve always preferred unflavored)!! Fresh Market came into my life a little over a year ago, and I CAN’T STOP GOING BACK!!! My other weakness there… Their chocolate chip banana bread. O-M-G.
Wow look at you go! I’m impressed- I flew from Bozeman to Denver to Seattle that took about 9 hours and I was exhausted afterwards. I can’t imagine flying from Paris back to Detroit and then going to a game! Props to you!
Have a great New Years!! See you in 2014!
Happy New Year! Enjoy your time with your mama 🙂 Btw you look FANTASTIC after an international flight.