Good morning!
I’m in a bit of a rush to get out the door today. As soon as I publish this post, I’m getting some things packed to leave for Up North. Scott (Roadie) and I will be driving up to Grayling, Michigan to spend today and tomorrow with my dad and grandma!
She’s packing up her house for the winter and heading back Down South with my dad just before the cold really hits. She’s a smart woman. We’re sneaking in one last trip before they leave, and we are really looking forward to the drive up. I bet the colors on the leaves are gorgeous!
I’ve got to get going, so I’ll leave you with this week’s edition of Friday Favorites.
If you are a blogger, make sure to look for the blue Inlinkz button at the bottom and link up your own #FFavorites posts, too!
Friday Favorites #112: Week of 10/23
• fall foliage in Michigan
There’s no doubt that this is my favorite time of the year to live in Michigan. I could do without the colder temperatures, but the beautiful fall foliage makes up for those chilly mornings and nights in a big way.
I quickly snapped this picture on a run around the neighborhood this week because I just felt like I had to take one. I can’t get enough of the yellows, reds, oranges, and even dark purples surrounding our area!
• Pumpkin Spice almonds
I actually found this container of Pumpkin Spice Blue Diamond Almonds at a Fry’s grocery store in Arizona. Being the pumpkin freak that I am, I practically needed to add them to my cart, and I’m so glad I did. You guys! Each and every almond tastes like a little piece of pumpkin pie.
They’re so good and addicting!
I passed them around our cabin and my friends became instantly hooked as well. There’s some pumpkin spice flavorings out there that are just okay, and then there’s these. If you happen to see them, grab them!
• Back to the Future Day!
Did everyone get the memo that Back to the Future Day happened this week?
It’s so crazy to think that the futuristic year that seemed so far away in the movie has now come and gone! As an 80s baby, I grew up with older siblings watching Back to the Future all the time. It was fun to go back and see pictures, clips, and even reunions come about in celebration of the thirty year anniversary. I love it!
Fun articles to read about the subject:
– ‘Back to the Future Day’ Comes To Life via Fox News
– Back to the Future Day: Michael J. Fox, Lea Thompson, Christopher Lloyd Reunite via US Weekly
– 15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About ‘Back to the Future’ via USA Today
• this water bottle from The North Face
Scott brought this water bottle home after winning a contest at his rock climbing gym, and I have been completely obsessed with it. You can’t really tell in this photo, but there are little rubber grippy dots on the outside under the rim.
I couldn’t find it on the website, but I did find it for $12. I don’t have many other details besides it’s plastic (that feels super flexible and durable) and reusable, but it’s been my jam lately. I take it everywhere including on my hikes through the mountains in Arizona!
• sandwiches
This seems like a random favorite for the week, but I have been all about sandwiches. Scott has too, so sandwiches have really been working out for lunch around our household.
This one is a similar version of what we typically like to throw together with turkey, Havarti dill cheese (so good!), lettuce, tomato, pickles, and just a little smear of mayonnaise on marble rye bread. I prefer to substitute avocado for the mayo, but we didn’t have any in the house.
When is the last time you threw it back to a good ‘ol sandwich?
• more Scottsdale eats
I recapped our first day in Scottsdale with a lot of great eats. There were a few other stops during my time in the city, and another favorite was Flower Child.
Flower Child has a mission to serve healthy food for a happy world. What that means is the company exclusively works with ranchers who respect, protect and love their animals – and our food supply. The proteins is raised naturally, and all produce is organic.
I got a zen and comforting vibe as soon as we walked in!
You order your food at the front of this restaurant, grab a number, and then they bring it out to you at your table. I didn’t have too much time to look over the menu, but it all looked fabulous!
I ordered a bowl of the chicken soup and a side of cauliflower quinoa tabouleh. My friends ordered similar with an addition of gluten-free macaroni and cheese. Everything was delicious, and I am hoping to try Flower Child again sooner than later.
• time with my fellow 3 Musketeers (and little ones!)
It wouldn’t be right to end this group of favorites without the very best part about this week… a reunion with two of my life-long friends! We met when we were three years old and named ourselves the “3 Musketeers” pretty early on.
This was my first time visiting my friend Brittany since she moved to Arizona, and more importantly, it was my first time meeting her youngest daughter, Blake, face to face! The glasses she is wearing is part of her Halloween costume. Isn’t she precious?
I absolutely loved my days away, and I was so happy to finally spend time with all of my girls in person. More details covering the rest of our weekend are coming soon!
• favorite LIL posts
» Weekly Workouts & (New) Interval Bike Workout
» Scenes From Scottsdale, Arizona
» Have you entered this giveaway yet?
• Friday funnies
All fall-themed, of course…
This is me every morning when it’s breezy but not cold.
Exactly how I feel any time it snows in Michigan.
Eh, what’cha gonna do?
Your Turn

Have a wonderful weekend!
Disclaimer: Friday Favorites is a series of posts that features items I genuinely want to share with you. While #FFavorites isn’t sponsored, affiliate links may appear from time to time. As always, any support is much appreciated! <3

I need to check out that restaurant when I’m in Arizona in February! It looks amazing!
Happy Friday!
Bri recently posted…{Friday Favourites} 8 great books to read this fall
You should! The pictures definitely don’t do the food justice. I wanted to try everything!
Pumpkin spice almonds?? I need! I laughed at the Southerners with snow pic, that is definitely me! If it ever snows, it needs to stay OFF the roads!
Kelly @ Kelly Runs for Food recently posted…Friday Favorites 10.23.15
Haha I still feel that way! 😉
Those almonds sound awesome – I’ll definitely keep an eye out for those. And I totally agree that living in the Midwest during fall is kind of the best. Chilly, sure, but stunningly gorgeous! Have a great weekend!
Ellen @ My Uncommon Everyday recently posted…Five Friday Favorites 10/23/15
There SO good! I need to find more, and if I do I’ll be sure to share where!
Your trip sounds like it was so fun & wonderful! I’ve never been to AZ but I’ve always wanted to go 🙂
Annette@FitnessPerks recently posted…Friday Favorites {10/23/15}
It’s great for hiking! It’s crazy how you feel like you’re in the middle of the desert, but two hours north of Scottsdale looks like the Carolinas!
Seriously, in my opinion, there is nothing better than a classic sandwich! My husband does NOT do cold cuts, which I think is a crime, though, so I don’t eat them as often as I’d like!!
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood recently posted…Friday Favorites #26
I’m not a huge fan of regular ham or turkey, but I love flavored versions! We used cracked pepper turkey 🙂
I hope you have a wonderful trip! Please blow up my Instagram feed with all of the gorgeous fall colors you see! And ZOMG I had no idea Pumpkin Spice Almonds existed but now I have to search every grocery store in my town until I find some. Those must get in my life (and in my tummy). So glad you had an awesome time in Arizona! Getting together with old friends is the best. 🙂
Beth @ Sublimely Fit recently posted…Friday Favorites #55
I’ll try! They might have to be later grams though, I don’t really get service at her cottage… which is kind of nice 😉 Those almonds are money!!
Another trip? Good for you, Heather! 🙂 Hope you guys have a fun and relaxing time. And as far as your favorites are concerned — YES to the girl time. And YES to those pretty fall colors. Love it!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Friday Favorites: Food, beauty and more
Yes! This one is to get in some much needed family time, and I’m looking forward to unplugging for a day or so 😉 Have a great weekend Ashley, thanks for linking up!!
I have an unhealthy addiction to Blue Diamond flavored almonds… I can’t buy them because I have been known to eat a whole can in one sitting…
They’re seriously SO good!! It’s hard for me to stop eating them once I start 🙂
Happy Friday! Hope you have a good time on your trip! You always seem to be on the move. Also, it is so strange that back to the future is now all set in the past…
Alexandra @ My Urban Family recently posted…Friday Favorites Week 12
Yes, this summer and fall has been a busy one! I’m glad you can appreciate the ‘Back to the Future’ flashbacks too!
Wow! That picture of the leaves is just beautiful. We do not get fall and I want to spend year in a place where we get to see the leaves change. Enjoy Michigan! 🙂
Samantha recently posted…Friday Favorites #20
Growing up in Florida, I definitely appreciate the change of the seasons. It will, however, get cold and wintery before we know it!! Brrr.
I think I need to recreate those almond myself! Yum!
Rebecca – Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 10/23/15
I bet you could! Great idea!
That sandwich looks so yummy! Happy Friday!
Lauren Gaskill | Making Life Sweet recently posted…A Minneapolis Love Letter {And Some Pretty Big News!}
Havarti dill cheese… omg my favorite to go on a sandwich! I fist fell in love with is when I had lunch at a deli in Fenwick Island called Surf’s Edge 🙂
Justine @ Charm City Ciemny’s
Omg that be a pumpkin drawing. The cuteness!!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul recently posted…Friday Five
Have fun on your trip! it’s the perfect time to do some fall leaf watching!
Renee recently posted…The Busy Person Workout
Oh dang, I’m totally going to be on the look out for those almonds when I’m in the US next week. YUM!
Ange @ Cowgirl Runs recently posted…FabFitFun Fall Box – Review
I didn’t know that it was Back to the Future Day!! How fun! I loved those movies!
Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…Friday Favorites
Wow, pumpkin spice nuts sounds intriguing!
Enjoy the weekend up north; you’ll be so close to my old stomping grounds! I grew up in Gaylord. 🙂
Allison Keskimaki recently posted…Programming Club
The trees in Indiana have been amazing too… I wish we had pretty colors like this all year round. I’m not looking forward to the gross lack of color that winter brings!
Kristin recently posted…Pep Talks – Pepper Jones Book 4
Those trees are mesmerizing! I’m lamenting the lack of seasonal change here in San Diego right now.
Julia @ Lord Still Loves Me recently posted…Book Review: The Book Thief
I have been stopping a lot during runs lately to snap pics of all the pretty Fall leaves – it’s perfect out lately!
Janelle @ WhollyHealthy recently posted…5 Reasons Why Runners Annoy the Hell Out Of Non-Runners Trying to Get Them to Run
Pumpkin spice almonds sound so good!
Heidi Kokborg recently posted…Why I do not weigh myself
I laughed so hard when I saw that picture of the snow. I am from Pennsylvania (Erie) I live in the south now, and I always joke around about the people making French toast when it snows here. Milk, eggs, bread. I really enjoyed reading this. Have a great day