It’s Wednesdayyyyy, and I know you are excited to see the final edition of…
At the beginning of March, I started taking part in What I Ate Wednesdays, hosted by Jenn. Each moth has a specific focus, and March’s was going green by adding more green (or fruity…or “vegeteable-y” things) into your meals.
As a lot of you already know, I have never really had the nine to five type of work schedule, and my daily responsibilities vary day by day. Some days I am able to work home the entire day, while others I am on-the-go running around from early morning to late at night. I just never know!
WIAW#4 : Eating On-The-Go
I mentioned from the beginning that I would highlight different types of days in this series, and here is my first one spent almost entirely away from home.
Last Thursday was not a game day, or even a practice day, but instead a day full of running around with the treat of a date night afterwards! 🙂
When I know I am not going to have much time to make breakfast in the morning, I like to make some type of overnight oats concoction the night before. I introduced them in last week’s WIAW, and you here is my favorite and general type of overnight oats recipe by Julie.
This time I made chocolate banana overnight oats and it was fantastic!
I always eyeball everything, but if I had to measure it out I would stick to her recipe starting with a 6 oz. container of low-fat Banana Chobani Greek yogurt, then adding 1/2 cup rolled oats, 2 Tbsp. chia seeds, and 2/3 cup light chocolate Silk soy milk. After letting it sit overnight, I sliced a banana on top and enjoyed the yummy banana-chocolatey goodness the next morning!
There are so many ways you can play with this recipe, and you better believe that I will be featuring a lot more of these in the future. Overnight Oats = Genius.
By the time I finished horsing around with HOOPER, (<-ha. I think I am so clever.) I worked up an appetite for lunch and popped into Subway on the way to my next stop.
Although I was craving a sub, I was craving a vegetable loaded chopped salad even more and did just that… ordered a salad and loaded it up!
The guy went a little nuts with the salt and pepper, but under that you will find every vegetable option possible, with the exception of raw onions. I wasn’t too keen on sporting onion breath for the rest of the day.
I started by ordering turkey with American cheese, and as always mixed the base with lettuce and spinach. I then asked for “the works” (including jalapenos, excluding onions) and got regular oil and vinegar for dressing, then salt and pepper topped it off.
I just love chopped salads! I am one of those people who will literally sit there for five minutes cutting everything up into small pieces before taking a bite. True story. (Is that weird?)
This time, Subway did it for me!
I felt content after practically scarfing the salad down, and enjoyed a bag of Cheddar & Sour Cream Baked Ruffles later on between errands.
Okay, I admit it. I have a chips obsession. Ain’t no shame in my game!
I got home a few hours later, worked a bit on the computer, and snuck in an XTrain workout before Scott got home from work.
Date Night Dinner
Since Scott has been a little travel bug this month, we named Thursday night as that week’s date night. We try to treat ourselves to a dinner out (with just the two of us) once a week, and we have been set on trying a new restaurant in our area until we have visited all we are interested in!
This time, my craving for Italian pushed us to East Side Mario’s. There are only two locations, and one is less than five minutes away from where we live.
*Disclaimer: Date nights are usually my excuse for a cheat meal. I always try to order healthy, but at the same time am not afraid to indulge in a glass of wine (or two), bread, and/or dessert! I am a firm believer that everyone deserves meals like this every once in a while.
With that said, this picture sums up the deliciousness of our Italian dinner date.
When ordering, I was looking for some type of chicken and vegetable pasta and went with what they called a Hell’s Kitchen Chicken.
You probably can’t make it out, but under that big pile of spicy mushrooms, chili peppers and Arrabbiata sauce is a large seasoned chicken. Fresh seasonal vegetables were served on the side, as well as spaghetti with Primavera sauce.
(Sorry about the poor quality on these. Romantic dinner lighting does not exactly make for the best food photos!)
A few bites in, I made Scott cringe by mixing everything on my plate together.
He laughed and said I ruined it, while I explained I made my chicken and vegetable pasta I was looking for all along. It was spicy, full of flavor, and I ended up taking half of it home to enjoy for lunch the next day!
While I usually end my night with some kind of low calorie dessert, I was still pretty full when we got home and opted out. Just this night, though. 😉
From this post, I hope that you gather a few things:
• Clean (and green) eating can be done practically anywhere – at home and on-the-go!
• Everyone has cheat meals, and I am not afraid to share mine with you!
• Healthy eating is a lifestyle any one of you can embrace. It just takes an open mind (and set of open taste buds!) to transition into.
Don’t be afraid to love your veggies and join the WIAW party by linking up your own.
Have a great rest of your Wednesday!