Hello! I was tagged by Tricia to share ten random things you all might not know about me.
Since the title of the survey is Would You Still Be My Friend If You Knew… I’m guessing these should be more on the embarrassing and unexpected side than traditional “I love organizing” confessions.
Since my thoughts are doing anything but focusing while working at home this afternoon, I thought it would be a great time to answer the tag and share my confessions.
I hope you enjoy the survey!
So tell me…
Would You Still Be My Friend If I Told You…
• I talk, sing, and make up songs about Roadie the majority of the time I’m at home alone with him.
Before my days became filled with trips back and forth to the gym, Roadie was one of my only co-workers and “people” I interacted with on a daily basis. Literally every task or thing I do turns into a song when I’m home alone and he’s around.
“Roooooadie, Roooooadie, Ooooodie, Ooooodie, Ooooodie” is just one of many ridiculous examples. Anddd, I’m slowly regretting my decision to share this post…
• I’ve never read a Harry Potter book or watched an entire Harry Potter movie.
I know. I’m such a minority here. I did, however, get tricked with Harry Potter jelly beans in high school, which pretty much ruined the entire concept for me.
Some of those flavors are seriously disturbing. You totally got me with the horse radish as a pass for vanilla, sneaky friends. Thanks for completely turning me off to everything Harry Potter. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.
And while we’re on the subject…
• I will never understand Star Wars or Lord of the Rings movie quotes, either.
I’m so sorry. I have never been able to get into either series! I know, you officially hate me.
• I don’t eat fish or raw tuna.
Theoretically. If you invite me over for dinner and serve fish, I will eat it. But, you’ll never see me order it for myself or make it at home. Both give me the heebie jeebies.
• I have applied to be on a couple of different reality television shows before…
… and there is still one I’m going to keep re-applying for until I get on.
I will tell you that it’s not The Bachelor. I’m not knocking it, as I know it provides plenty of entertainment for the masses. I’m just saying, it’s not The Bachelor.
• I eat ALL THE PUMPKIN things, all the time, all year long.
Really though. I do. Especially skinny pumpkin things.
Now, excuse me while I go to pretend and make all of them.
• I have seen every single episode of Friends, own the entire 10-season series on DVD, and still record reruns on our DVR.
You know, just in case I need a quick pick-me-up when I’m upstairs.
Seriously. I need an intervention.
• I have turned down a night out with friends to spend quality time with my pets at home before.
Well, that and… sweatpants.
Gosh, that’s embarrassing. But so true.
• I plan on wearing printed leggings well into my 30s and 40s?
I’m sorry, but it’s going to happen. You can jump on board or roll your eyes. Either way, I’ll be over here like…
Hey guys… I’m in leggings again. This is my life… in leggings.
I love leggings.
• I will most likely suggest a night in with Netflix, snacks, and wine as a “girl’s night out?”
Because… that’s pretty much what will happen fifty percent of the time. #truestory
Well, that was fun, right?
I tag anyone who wants to complete this survey and all of you to share at least one random slash embarrassing thing about yourselves in the comments section.
Have a great rest of your night!
Tricia Johnson
I love all of your answers! I will be wearing leggings well into my 30’s and 40’s too and I have also turned down spending time with friends to bond with my dog in sweats, so you’re not alone in either of those! Now, I just need to figure out what reality show you keep applying for! 🙂
Hehe, I might just share one day… we’ll see!
Catherine Vincent
My husband and I make up songs about our dog too!!! Endless fun. We frequently change the lyrics to Christmas songs about our chocolate lab. It’s pretty fabulous. Or nerdy… I’m not sure which. 😉
Aw, chocolate labs are so cute! I used to beg my mom for one all the time while growing up!
All of my made up songs are to the tune of Christmas songs!
Colleen Willett
I haven’t seen or read Harry Potter, either. And PSH! Leggings until the retirement home! I’m all for staying in with the comfy pants and wine…and snacks…and more wine and snacks 😉 I guess if I had to confess anything, it’s that I’m one of those people that are always dancing. Doing laundry? Turn the music up and dance it out. Grocery shopping? Dance behind that cart! Shopping with my kid for clothes? Yep, embarrass the heck out of her and Carlton by the camis. LOL!
Hi Colleen! Haha at leggings until the retirement home. Love it! Also, dancing while doing chores is always the best was to go! 😉
I would completely still be your friend, and I am pretty sure I would help create new songs about Roadie. I do the same thing for my kitty when I am back home with the family. It’s a natural way to show affection for them. 😉 Now, while I have not watched the Harry Potter movies either, I have read the books, and I must recommend that you give them a shot. I know you probably hear that constantly, but I promise, they are worth it. I have not seen the Star Wars or Lord of the Rings movies either!
Aw, kitty! I am definitely guilty of making songs up for the girls too. Glad to hear it’s not just me! 😉
I have never watched Lord of the Rings or Star Wars. I have no interest in whatever genre they fall into. I can quote Friends all day long though ;). I still watch the re-runs on TV anytime they are on and watch episodes on Netflix whenever I am doing things around the house. Annnd that sounds like the perfect girls night “out” to me!
Wow, I really thought I was one of the only ones out there who hasn’t at least seen one of them! Friends will always be my favorite quotable series! 😉
Are you trying to say that there’s a timeline for when wearing cute printed leggings becomes way too young for you!? I plan on being decked out in the cutest workout clothes until I die. Boring black leggings < printed ones!
Not at all, Jillie! I say keep them coming until you don’t feel like wearing them anymore. I should have replace “into my 30s and 40s” with for life. Ha!
Are you trying to get on Amazing Race or Survivor? You would be awesome on those!
Hehe, well… Amazing Race was the other show I’ve applied for. It would be so fun to race around the world! I would most likely make it a couple of hours on Survivor. I don’t do the woods, unless I’m just hiking through. Ha!
As a reader in my 40s, I just want to tell you that printed leggings in your 40s is totally ok!!! I wear printed leggings AND have my teenage daughters’ approval to do so 😉 — maybe because they get the benefit of wearing them too!
While I know that not every fashion trend can extend from 16-40+, I’m a true believer in wearing what works for you no matter what numerical age you are!!!
That’s awesome Rhonda! I say go for it… I should have added 50s and 60s to my list, I say rock them as long as you want! 🙂
Jess @hellotofit
Mmm, I love anything pumpkin-flavored, as well! Such spice-y goodness.
Pumpkin spice. Yes!!
Shelly Janac
Totally with ya on the Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings stuff…I just don’t get it. And lordy I sure hope being in my 40’s doesn’t mean I can no longer wear fun leggings….I would be breaking rules I didn’t know existed!!
Oh no, hehe, there are NO rules to that. I should have definitely clarified… I will most likely be wearing mine until they aren’t comfortable anymore… (i.e. never) 😉
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries
I’m with you on pretty much all of these. I knew I liked you. 😉
Hehe, I’m definitely excited for the day we finally get to meet. #blends <3
Amy M4gic
I’m so curious about what reality show you keep applying to! I’ve definitely considered applying for Survivor before… Oh, and the Friends love, I’m with you there!
I would definitely not make it on Survivor. I wish I could tolerate half the things those cast members go through!
Christina @ The Beautiful Balance
And this is why we would be best friends! Um, I sing to my dog all the time and talk to her. My boyfriend and I even have a voice for puma and we talk for her. No shame! And I’m pretty sure I can’t talk to any of my friends, sister, or cousin without referencing friends every 5 mins or so. PIVOT! My boyfriend and I have applied to be on reality shows and know that our time is coming soon. It has to be, the masses need us!
Haha, love all of it. And Puma is such a cute name! PIVOT, PIVOT… Never gets old 😉
Loved this post! 🙂 SO can relate to some of these, ha!