Hi friends! I hope you had a great weekend. We enjoyed some time outside at the park, and finally ventured out for a few long walks after a week of staying inside for potty training.
(By the way, that’s going well! I’ll be back to share more updates on what we’ve been doing and what has and hasn’t been working when we’re further into the process.)
I’m coming to you today during Skyler’s nap time, and I wanted to share a few things that I’ve been thinking in a real-time style! It’s crazy to think that I used to blog like this every day, and sometimes twice a day. Times have certainly changed.
Now grab a cup of coffee (or iced beverage? It’s hot out) and let’s catch up!
Father’s Day 2020
We kept things simple with Father’s Day this year, and much like Mother’s Day, we had plenty of quality time as a family with a casual outing.
Skyler and I are very blessed with who we call “Dada” around here. Scott has been all-in with fatherhood from the early days, and it’s been a treat to have him around as much as he has been during quarantine.

We agreed to skip presents this year, and we aimed to take the day at a relaxing pace to see where it took us. With almost everything still closed (we just moved into Phase 2 of reopening today), our biggest outings have been easy trips to the park!
We made a few stops on our way over and picked up his favorite to-go sandwich, a muffuletta from a local market, then grabbed a round of frozen adult beverages for good measure.

We found the perfect spot to set up our monkey mat under a tree for shade, and we spent the next several hours hanging out, kicking a soccer ball, picnic-ing, and video chatting with family. It doesn’t sound very eventful, but we all had a great time!
Full from a late lunch, Scott requested an easy plate of fruit and vegetables for dinner, so that’s exactly what we had.

We all got in our pajamas, watched The Jungle Book, and turned in early.
(Does anyone else get totally wiped out after a day in the sun?)

I do! So that was our day. We love you, Daddy Shark!
5 Quick Things To Simplify Your Life
Now, this could be the topic of a completely separate blog post, but I’m keeping this list short with quick explanations of each. I was thinking about all of them on my run earlier this morning, and I started wondering if anyone else does these things.
I’d love to know more about your life-hacks, too!
automatic Amazon deliveries
I know this could go without saying, but you’d be surprised to find out how many people still haven’t tried Amazon Prime, or ordering anything online for that matter. Well, we order as much as we can, and this includes a semi-regular grocery delivery when I don’t feel like making the haul to Trader Joe’s.
Other than that, we order almost everything we possibly can online, and have set up a few automatic Amazon deliveries to come without thinking about it at all. Included on this list are things that we use every day, items that would be a pain to walk home, and all are probably cheaper this way versus finding them in the city.
- paper towels
- toilet paper
- tissues
- tampons (I was so surprised at the quality in these, I love them, and a 36-count is only $6!)
- baby wipes (these have been my favorite so far, and is the best value for the price that I’ve found.)
- cleaning supplies
- garbage bags
- you name it
We start building a cart whenever we think of something we need and checkout when it makes sense, usually with free 2-day shipping. It’s the best!
Chewy (pet supplies deliveries)
This section is not sponsored in any way, and simply deserves a shout out!
Speaking of automatic shipments, I need to highlight Chewy. It’s been our go-to for ordering pet supplies since we moved to Brooklyn. You can find anything you need, most likely cheaper than at a retail store, and you get free, speedy delivery.
Plus, Chewy has the best customer service. They’ve come through in so many different ways for us, most recently refunding the last case of cat food we ordered for Aspen (and Cali’s!) because I let them know why we cancelled it for future monthly orders.
I’ve never been disappointed in my deliveries with them, and it’s so easy to set up how often you’d like specific products to come. You can control the orders via email, on an app on your phone, or call support for them to walk you through it. Love, love, love Chewy!
prepping your produce after you buy it
This is usually the only type of food prep I will be doing most weekends for the week ahead.
This is my process. Before I get a new batch of groceries, I go through my refrigerator and make sure I get rid of anything I don’t need anymore. I give the shelves a wipe down and tidy the jars, bottles, and tubs. Once I get the new groceries, I put everything away except for the produce. I wash and cut whatever I can (unless it will cause it to spoil faster … like strawberries), and put the prepped fruits and veggies in glass containers to easily see and grab as the week goes by.
If I see it, I’m more likely to grab it in a hurry, instead of letting a week go by without touching it. (When was the last time you had to throw away a bag of celery you didn’t touch? It’s maddening.) One of my favorite snacks is veggies with a side of hummus, and having things like celery, peppers, carrots, and more ready in a pinch is so helpful.
Anyways, my biggest tip here is to wash, chop, and visibly store produce whenever you can! It will save you time when you’re looking for a quick and healthy snack throughout the week.
having a go-to brand for beauty & skincare products
I know this one is going to sound like a plug, but it really is a game-changer. After finally having a brand that I go to for almost anything I need in my makeup bag and on my skincare shelf, I have to point out that it all works together for better overall results. And it couldn’t be easier.
In the past, I would have to make a trip to a local drugstore when I was running out of something I needed like a face wash, concealer, or body lotion. That works, but you’re probably not getting the cleanest products, and who knows what you’re using when for what purpose … and does it even work together?
After switching over to Beautycounter, I realized the importance of removing harmful, toxic chemicals in the products I use every day, and I also found out how easy it could be to make sure that I have everything I need before I run out of it. (Read more about my journey to safer here.)
If you’re looking for anything from mascara to baby shampoo, you can find it on the site, order it through the app, or simply text me to do it for you. Any time. This is the advantage of having help from a consultant, and I can easliy notify you when you might be running low of something, if this is something you’d like.
It feels amazing to know that I can turn to one brand for so many products I use every day, and ordering has never been easier.
(And by the way the Friends & Family Sale ends tomorrow. Shop for 15-30% off while you can!)
packing anything I can the night before a busy day
When I used to work full time, I would always have a set of gym clothes in a small bag to throw in whatever bag I’m taking, and it made it easier to pop in for a workout, if needed. I also used to prep my coffee maker to automatically turn on and make coffee in the morning, without having to press a button. I would pre-make my lunches and snacks, and even get breakfast ready the night before if I was on top of my game.
I haven’t done a lot of these tasks in a while, thanks to quarantine. But, when I’m on a usual schedule of being on-the-go with a toddler, it definitely helps to pack some things ahead when I can. And now that we’re potty training, I have a few “just in case” outfits in Ziploc bags ready to throw in my bag in a moment’s notice. I’m sure they will be needed!
And there you have my random thoughts from a run earlier today.

I would love to hear about some of the simple things you do to simplify your days, too! Please leave your tips in the comments section, and I’ll catch you back here later this week.
Have a great rest of your day!

Thanks for the article. It was really an informative article.