We got back to our first day of FitBloggin’ in the afternoon, just in time to get ready for a special discussion, led by our friends at Reebok.
(Huge shout out and THANK YOU to their team for sponsoring us on behalf of FitFluential, and supplying us with some adorable fitness gear for the entire conference!)
The subject was how to find the perfect shoe for you, and if you find yourself overwhelmed by all the different types of fitness shoes to pick from, check out yesterday’s post for a full play-by-play on the class.
Also, in case you are curious to find more detailed information on all the sessions offered, go on over to the FitBloggin’ website and explore the Live Blog posts. <- tons of useful information for bloggers!
After the discussion on shoes, we swung by a few of the sponsor booths to say hello and rack in on some free samples from brands including SOYJOY, The Laughing Cow, Blue Diamond, and REFUEL Chocolate Milk to name a handful.
Before we knew it, Day 1 of FitBloggin’ had come to a close and it was time to get upstairs to change for dinner.
Noble Rot Wine Bar
Without taking much time (thanks to an afternoon shower), a group of us met downstairs for happy hour conversations with a small group of sweet women from a PR agency called Porter Novelli: responsible for managing accounts including The Laughing Cow, SOYJOY, and Nature Made.
They invited us to Noble Rot, a swanky wine bar just across the bridge.
We hung out in the cocktail area inside, and I had a delicious glass of Pinot Noir. Everyone had a great time!
(This adorable photo was snapped from Tina.)
(This one was borrowed from Bobbi‘s Instagram.)
From left to right: Bobbi, Charissa, me, Gina, and Tina.
We are a group who likes to share the love around here!
Before we left, I had to get a shot of the breathtaking view of the Portland from the outside deck.
Gorgeous, fun place to visit!
Dinner at Meriwether’s
After we left the wine bar, we split into different groups for dinner. Taking a local friend of Ericka’s suggestion, we made our way to Meriwether’s Restaurant for dinner.
We had heard great things about this place, but weren’t necessarily taken back by the “unique dining” buzz… until we stepped outside, that is.
Hello, Secret Garden!
We had about a thirty minute wait inside, so when it came time to get seated, we were all taken by surprise of the serene environment. We sat right behind this big fountain and it put us all in the best mood.
The menu was a bit limited, but did not in any way disappoint. Everything was delicious, according to my table. I got the Dungeness Crab Risotto and finished every single bite.
(So did Bobbi and Charissa. It was a table favorite!)
From left to right: Charissa, Kasey, me, Ericka, and Bobbi.
FitBloggin’ 2013: Day 2
Day 2 of our conference started bright and early, but it was easy to get up for. I was very excited for the events to come, and to put on this fun outfit, courtesy of Reebok!
Pictured above: Who Made The Rules Yoga Pocket Tank, PWR Legging, Dance Short Bra (newer version?), and CrossFit Nano 2.0 sneakers. I am completely obsessed with everything in that picture.
Everyone who attended the conference got a pair of these pretty purple CrossFit Nano’s in their welcome bag. Talk about some serious swag!
The shoes are extremely comfortable, very flexible, and great for any kind of cross training workout where you complete exercises like lunges, squats, and weight lifting. (Read more about cross training sneakers here.)
We met downstairs at 7:30 a.m. for the same breakfast as the previous day consisting of scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit salad, and seasoned potatoes. After eating a full plate and downing both coffee and water, I was a bit worried about how my body was going to react to a trampoline fitness class.
I didn’t care. I was SO pumped for it! We had seen the JumpSport Fitness booth set up and had all taken turns bouncing on the trampolines. I didn’t know exactly what to expect from a full hour class of cardio on trampolines, but knew I would be having a blast.
Jeff was our instructor, and I wanted to bottle him up and take him with me to all of my workouts. He was hilarious, played Backstreet Boy’s “Everybody” and pulled out some fantastic dance moves!
You may have caught me post a sneak peek video (<-second row if you are so inclined) of the class on Instagram. Needless to say, we all acted like giddy children bouncing around and worked up quite the sweat in the process.
Everyone had a partner for the class, and the majority of it was spent trading off sets of exercises with them: one on the trampoline, on on the floor. We did everything from low squat bounces, core rolls, spins and side to side movements on the trampolines and a ton of plyometric exercises on the floor including push ups, burpees, lunges, and kicks.
Even on the thirty second breaks, I couldn’t help but to keep bouncing. SO. MUCH. FUN!
We all left class with sweaty outfits and whooped booties, and I was thankful for a thirty minute break to recover.
Pictured left to right: Anne, Gina, Katie, Julie, Tina, and me.
At 9 a.m. sharp, we began our CrossFit WOD, sponsored by Reebok. I have never actually taken a CrossFit workout before, so I was a bit nervous.
I wasn’t sure what to expect in a convention setting, but I know classes in normal gyms can get intense.
The majority of the ballroom was new to the workout, so I felt better knowing I was not alone in lack of experience. We started in columns and were taken through a series of warm-up exercises.
Our teacher (Matt? He’s super new and officially starts with the company today!) was great and took some time to explain the movements and a few key core and strength conditioning exercises.
We only did one 4-minute official CrossFit workout, but it wasn’t easy. For four minutes straight, we went at our own (fastest) pace to complete 5 push ups, 7 full sit ups, and 9 air squats.
When we finished, I looked around like “that was it?” Intimidation gone.
Before I get too cocky over here… believe me, I know CrossFit is hard. I understand this was just a sample of one workout, and it has lit a fire under me to get out and try a whole class up here for myself.
I will give you one guess as to where we went for lunch after two workout classes. Yup… Kure Juice Bar it was!
Our entire group has fallen in love with the fresh produce combinations of their juices and smoothies, and Gina and I were dying to have their acai bowls.
(Thanks for the photo, Gina!)
I got the Sunnyside Bowl that had a base of Sabazon acai berries, strawberries, banana, Vanilla VEGA protein, apple juice and ice. Fresh toppings included banana, local seasonal berries, chopped hazelnuts, goji berries, hemp seeds granola, shredded coconut, cinnamon, and agave nectar.
Did you get all that? WHEW!!!
So unbelievably delicious.
We Have Some Giveaway Winners!
More of FitBloggin’ Day 2 to come, but I wanted to close this post by announcing the lucky giveaway winners this week.
Thank you to ALL of you who entered! I loved reading all of your Reebok Wish Lists and choice of Designer Whey protein powders.
• Entry #205 Laurin @ Be Well Body Blog! You won by following @hwglamour on Twitter and will receive a Designer Whey Sustained Energy canister of your choice!
• Entry #104 Laura Flan! You won by sharing what’s on your Reebok wish list and will receive a $100 Reebok Gift Card very soon!
Please email me at hwglamour@gmail.com with your full name, address, and Sustained Energy Protein Powder flavor of choice (Laurin) to claim your prizes! You have 48 hours to contact me, and if I don’t hear form you will have to move on and pick another winner.
Have a fabulous Monday, everyone!!!

It looks like you had a blast at Fitbloggin. You are so photogenic in all of these pictures. Even jumping on the trampoline!
Oh man, it seriously looks like such a blast. Love reading about the recaps.
And I would very much like to recreate that acai bowl!
It looks so amazing.
Glad you had a blast:)
Found you on Instagram yesterday, so here I am following your blog and everything else today! Please feel free to do the same. Love your site – thanks!
I absolutely love your workout outfit! I’ve never seen a sports bra quite like that, but it looks awesome. And I’m always a fan of purple shoes.
Fitbloggin’ looks absolutely incredible!
that sports bra is awesome! I must get it!
Loving your recaps. I already told my husband to plan on me being away at this conference next year! Here’s hoping I make it.
Thank you! Hope to see you there 🙂
I will be putting this danlzizg insight to good use in no time.
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I think you have to hint enough of the secret to make me want to read it. So maybe half-tell the secret or just enough of the slip showing to arouse the reader. Your one line summary does raise my interest but without knowing more I’d have to hear a recommendation from someone who’d read it or be confident that you are a fabulous writer whose style I love. So, I suppose that means I would want to read it because I love your style, but you might have to give more to the masses.High concept is still fuzzy to me. I’m all about plain old excellent writing.