Happy Friday! I apologize for the delay in getting this post live for all of you lovelies to link up earlier. I went to bed feeling a little under the weather last night, and I woke up feeling worse this morning.
Whatever is trying to take me down better take a back seat because I’ve got exciting plans this weekend! I am joining a group of girls for a few nights away to surprise a very special bride-to-be. We will be celebrating her bachelorette party throughout the weekend, and I will be back with the highlights (and destination reveal) next week!
For now, let’s kick things off with this week’s edition of Friday Favorites. Below is what made me smile this week. As always, I invite you to share some things you have been loving at the bottom by utilizing the comments section and link up tool!
Friday Favorites #105: Week of 9/4
• Yes To Grapefruit daily facial scrub
Longtime readers already know I how much I love the Yes To line. You might even remember my full (video) review I posted a few years ago.
Yes To is a natural line of paraben-free shampoos, conditioners, body butters, daily skin care, and lip balms. Every product is made with organic fruits and vegetables, and categorized into five different sub-brands: Carrots, Tomatoes, Blueberries, Cucumbers, and Grapefruit.
One of my favorite products I continue to buy (even years later) is the Yes To Grapefruit . It has a gentle exfoliator that is soft enough to use on a daily basis. I keep it in my shower and use it as my main scrub every night! You can find it at Ulta or other major retailers like Target, CVS, Walgreens, etc.
• salad chopper
Chopped salads are where it’s at y’all. Scott completely agrees with me, so I was pumped when he brought this chop scoop tool home from the store a few months ago.
I don’t know why it took us so long to use it. You can chop your salad all together in a big serving bowl or even use it right in the bowls or containers of individual sized portions. I’m not positive where he got it from, but I would guess Meijer or Walmart, and you can find this Prepara green salad chopper online and here.
It’s sharp enough to chop all of your vegetables, doesn’t chip your bowls or surfaces, and is super easy and convenient!
• the beginning of fall
As much as I want to hang onto the summer weather, I can’t help but to get a little excited to see the very beginning signs of fall. I saw this tree on one of my runs through the trails this week and had to stop and take a picture. Is that weird?
So I love fall foliage, and it might just be my favorite time of the year to be in Michigan.
I’m sure I’m not alone!
• crafts
I have been diving face first into crafting this week in preparation for the weekend ahead!
I’ll give more details on what the final products turned out like next week. For now, all I can say is that I forgot how much I love to tie bows and use a glue gun. Haha! Please don’t make fun of me. Okay, fine… you can. I would too.
• these throwback ballet knit cover-ups
This one is totally random… but where my dancers at? You know you had these (or similar) pants to cover up your leotard and tights in ballet class at some point in your life.
I’m pretty sure these were purchased from a dance store and handed down to me, but you can find similar ones here.
Considering they are going on 15 years now, I should put them in my giveaway pile when I go through my closet, but I just can’t part with them. In an effort to justify keeping them, I have been wearing them around the house at night and can’t get enough of them. They’re so great!
• dippin’ veggie chips
Oh my gosh.
Have you guys ever seen Dippin’ Chips? Our friend Adam brought these Dippin’ Veggie (Kale, Carrot & Spinach) Chips over a few days ago and I am so addicted. He got this ginormous bag of them from Costco!
Since I’m not a Costco member, I might just order them in bulk . The bags are now Non-GMO, gluten-free, and only use certified organic ingredients you can actually pronounce. What a great find!
• Big Brother
I wasn’t sure this season was going to be good, but I have to admit that I have been loving Big Brother this summer. I don’t watch many reality shows, but Big Brother is one I will always enjoy watching while pretending to play along at home.
Scott got me hooked on it about five seasons ago, and now I am ridiculously into it.
And how great is Zingbot?
To those who have been watching this season: are you on board with the Austwins (Austin and the twins)? I can’t believe no one has made a move to take them out yet! We shall see how the season unfolds…
• favorite LIL posts
» 3 Ingredient Strawberry Ice Pops (Dairy-Free)
» Weekly Workouts & Healthy Meal Ideas #2
» Holloway Sportswear Giveaway
• Friday funnies
Today I’m dedicating this entire section to BatDad Blake.
I can totally feel his wife’s pain with him constantly giving her a hard time. The videos with his kids are hilarious! (And Ben just might be my favorite.)
And THIS one. This video literally explains what it’s like to be (a victim of scares and entertainment) in my household, minus the mask and children. Although I’m sure both will arrive in due time…
You’re a(n annoyingly) funny one, BatDad. No matter how hard I fight it, I can’t stop laughing out loud every time I watch a video!
Your Turn
Grab The New Friday Favorites Button

Have a great (long holiday) weekend!
Disclaimer: Friday Favorites is a series of posts that features items I genuinely want to share with you. While #FFavorites isn’t sponsored, affiliate links may appear from time to time. As always, any support is much appreciated! <3

Good morning Heather! I’m sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well! But perhaps the excitement of the weekend will give you a quick recovery. And I don’t mind that you were late with posting today, so us West Coasters can get up on top of the link-up hahaha! As far as your dance pants, I think I want some of those. They look really comfy. And I am ready for fall, and am hoping it comes sooner rather than later out here. Happy Friday!!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Friday Favorites: Back to business
Haha, well in that case, you’re welcome! 😉 I wish I had two pairs of these pants… I’d send you one. Have a great weekend!
I’m usually all about big brother and was so excited for this season to start- and I hate it!! I had to give up watching a few weeks ago…I just can’t stand the contestants or the stupid “takeover” twist that lasted 3 episodes. I just don’t like it and I HATE zingbot lol!!
Gretchen // Gretchruns recently posted…Top Five Friday #25
Oh no! I don’t like that Zingbot takes forever to say a sentence, but I think he’s hilarious. Mean, but funny… 😉 Here’s hoping a good player takes home the prize!
That’s exactly what annoys me about him…speak faster! Lol
Gretchen // Gretchruns recently posted…Top Five Friday #25
I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well, Heather! I hope you can take it easy this weekend and rest up. I stop ALL THE TIME to take photos of pretty trees that I see on my runs, so I don’t think it’s weird. 🙂 I’ve seen a few trees changing by me in the Chicago suburbs already. So excited for the fall colors to really start popping through. Bring it on, fall! 😀
Beth @ Running with the Sunrise recently posted…Friday Favorites #49
It’s good to hear I’m not the only weirdo around the neighborhood. 😉 I’m pretty sure my neighbors think I’m insane at this point.
that salad looks delish!! And Bat Dad is riot, we’re loving him at our house; i can’t stop calling squats, SQWATZZZ
Meredith recently posted…Friday Favorites
Hahahaha, so great. Get SWOLE! 😉
I love Yes To Coconut Hand & Cuticle Cream! It got me through Chicago winter without super-dry hands and smells completely amazing. And that salad chopper is genius. Salads just taste better chopped! I hope you get to feeling better and have fun celebrating at your friend’s bachelorette party! 🙂
Ellen recently posted…Five Friday Favorites 09/04/15
Yes, I love that one too! I have to keep hand cream in my purse at all times. Especially in the winter!
I am both incredibly confused and incredibly intrigued by that chopped salad thing. I’m pretty neurotic with salads and like to have a bite of everything all at once (drives my husband insane) so I love them.
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood recently posted…Friday Favorites #19
I’m the same way, lol. I will spend a good 5 minutes chopping up my salad if it’s not already cut up. Scott’s usually halfway done with dinner before I even take my first bite. Ha!
Hope you feel better! I just realized there is Hobby Lobby right down the hill from me. This could be dangerous considering I have a few craft projects I would love to do. Can’t wait for the cooler weather…fall is definitely my favorite season. 🙂
Daisy @ Fit Wanderlust Runner recently posted…Things I Am Loving Lately
Thanks Daisy! Oh, that would be dangerous. There’s just something about the fall season that makes me want to bust out the craft supplies!
ugh! i spent a month looking for a salad chopper while i was visiting the states (i live overseas normally) and couldn’t find one! oh how i wish i had known about this before!
also i can’t stop laughing at batdad. love the little funny gifs and videos you have on your friday favorites! i always look forward to them. 🙂
hope you feel better soon!
Haha, I’m so glad you can appreciate them. And man, I bet the “Jen” video is even more annoying/funny to you!
I’m so sorry to hear you’re not feeling well going in to the weekend! Drink LOTS of water and down some Vit C and then tell your body that it’s fine haha. Hope you feel better soon and can enjoy the time off!
Alexandra @ My Urban Family recently posted…Friday Favorites – Week 5
I’m a huge big brother fan. I cannot believe no one has went after Austin & the twins, they are letting them win this game.
Also, that salad chopper is genius. I absolutely need one.
Pretty Little Grub recently posted…MAC products
I KNOW. It’s so frustrating, lol. Let me in there to play! 😉 Happy Weekend!
My boyfriend used to always make fun of me for being so addicted to Big Brother but now I’ve got him hooked too! And I was so mad last night during the double eviction. How they have let the twins and Austin go this far in the game I will never understand. They will always pick each other over the other house guests! (I’m getting heated all over again, haha!)
Right? It’s so frustrating. Now it’s pretty much 3 against 3. We’ll see who ends up on top!
Keep the pants! I love all my old dance stuff. I still have a pink knit coverup sweater (with super long sleeves) that I wear to yoga class. I haven’t danced regularly since college, but I still love it.
Kelly @ Kelly Runs For Food recently posted…Friday Favorites 9.4.15
Oh I totally had one of those too. I ended up giving that away, but I kind of regret it now. So comfy!
I wonder if you have allergies?? Mine are going crazy right now and as a result I feel very bleh. It’s hard to get out of bed!! I feel ya!
I’m interested to see what you’re doing with that pretty gold stuff! I’m getting back into crafting and creative things lately so I can relate to geeking out over things like glue guns!
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut recently posted…Frozen Banana Pops Covered in Chocolate Taste Like Dilly Bars
Not that I know of… but who knows? Maybe I’ve acquired some. I’m crossing my fingers everything turns out!
Feel better sweetheart! Drink TONSSSS of water and flush everything out!
I love the Yes To products every since I first learned about them from YOU!
And yay for throw-back clothes! They look super comfy 😉
Rebecca – Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 9/4/15
Oh fun! I’m glad I passed on the obsession to you. 😉 Thanks girl, have a great (long) weekend!
Hope you feel better soon!! Love those clothes you posted about in the giveaway—so cute!
Annette@FitnessPerks recently posted…Friday Favorites {9/4/15}
Thanks Annette, Happy Weekend!
I LOVE Big Brother! It’s one of those shows that I probably wouldn’t watch during the fall/ winter when all the regular shows are on TV, but it is a great summer show to watch casually. I just still can’t believe Vanessa is in the game!! As much as I hope she gets out sooner (rather than later), I have to admit that she has a good game!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie recently posted…{Friday Favorites} 9/4
I know, me either. I still want to know what happened when Becky was HOH and why the house flipped? They never really addressed that. My guess is she’ll end up winning the whole game!
Crafting is my favorite!! Hope you have a fabulous girls weekend 🙂
Jamie recently posted…Last Weekend Standing
Thanks Jamie, you too! 🙂
I love your photo of the tree – I love that fall is finally here and I really think your photo says September like nothing else! 🙂
Heidi Kokborg recently posted…September goals and updates on my august goals
I can’t wait until all of the trees are shades of orange, yellow, and red. It’s SO pretty here in the fall! I’m sure I’ll post an obnoxious amount of photos… hehe.
I hope you are feeling better! The change in the seasons can be rough on us. We are having a bit of heat wave this week, of course in time for the one race that i am scheduled to run this summer, lol. Typical.
Batman Dad is amazing. He cracks me up so hard.
Have a great Weekend!
SuzLyfe recently posted…Labor Day Weekend, Default Running Outfit, and more! Friday Favorites
Thanks Susie! I’m much better than this morning. Thank goodness! Thanks for linking up, and I hope you have a great (long) weekend!
I love Yes To products! So great on my sensitive skin! Happy Friday girly! I hope you feel better for your fun weekend!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul recently posted…Friday Five
I love Big Brother! I really want John to win, and they were crazy for not taking out one of the twins this week. Feel better soon!
Jen @ SavedbytheKale recently posted…5 Things Making Me Happy #17
I knowwwww. I can’t stand it! Have a great weekend Jen!
I am sorry to hear that you were feeling bad this morning! We have been battling a cold for the past two weeks, but I refuse to let it win! I hope you have so much fun this weekend!! How awesome is a destination bachelorette party! Also, if I had comfy pants like those, I am pretty sure I would live in them.
hmtroupe recently posted…Friday Favorites: #?
The salad chopper looks so cool! I’m terrible at making salads, maybe I’ll need to look into getting one of those!
Those leggings look super comfy!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Runners Survey – My Favorite Things
Love Big Brother, but I can’t stand the Austwins. Mostly because Austin so weird. Definitely rooting for Johnny Mac!
Have a fun weekend 🙂
Julie recently posted…Friday Favorites: Peaches and Protein
Girl, we need to talk Big Brother. I am NOT on board with the Austwins…why didn’t they take Julia out last time she was up against Meg?! That was their chance! I am totally on team Johnny Mac. He’s hilarious! And I think he’ll go far. Vanessa can also just leave now, she’s been in way too much drama. Zingbot is hilarious!
We love Big Brother! I especially love that I can get my fix 3 times a week! And double eviction days are always fun to watch. I also love the Dippin’ Chips. I’ve found them at Super Target’s a few times, but unfortunately it’s hit or miss. Bulk ordering sounds like a good idea. So jealous that you have the beginnings of fall foliage already. It will be at least another month before we get even a glimpse. Darn Alabama heat!
Kristian recently posted…Meals and Moves { Week 3 }
Ah man I miss those old-school dance cover ups! Might have to get myself a new set for after long winter runs!
I love your blog, Heather! I’m so glad someone else is obsessed with Big Brother…I am so over the AusTwins and am team Vanessa or Johnny Mack!