Good morning! How are you doing out there?
It’s been a pretty great week over here, all things considered. Skyler started preschool yesterday and will be attending twice a week, and everything went really well! We just got back from his 2.5-year-old doctor’s appointment, and I’ll be back to share more updates on him soon. (All is good, just the fun stuff!)
Today I have a new workout to share with you, and it left me sweaty very quickly yesterday. You will want to take your time with these circuits, but you could totally finish the full workout in 25 minutes if you hustle along.
There are several bouts of cardio in these moves, and the workout has a total body focus. You’ll be working different muscle groups at once from head to toe.
I took this one for a test run yesterday, and I woke up today with sore abs to show for it. It may go by quick, but it isn’t an easy one!
Let’s get to it and, as always, please reach out with any questions at all.

The following workout is split into three different circuits of three exercises each. Complete the set of three moves in a row for three total rounds of 12-15 reps each. Rest, and then move onto the next circuit. You might need to rest a lot more than in between circuits, however, and that’s okay.
All you need for this one is your bodyweight and a mat, so you can do this workout at home, on the road or anywhere you’d like!

Make sure to check out my video breakdown demonstrating each exercise that I posted on social, and grab a bottle of water while you’re at it.
Happy Sweating!
Exercise Breakdown
- squat jacks
Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, in a squat with your feet slightly turned out. Put your arms in front of you with your elbows bent. Keeping your core engaged, jump your feet in together, then jump your feet apart and lower your body back into the starting position to complete one rep. You can keep your hands where they are or intensify the movement by lifting them to a clap above your head on each jump (mimicking a jumping jack). You can also advance the movement my jumping your feet together off of the floor instead of just jumping them together. This will get your heart pumping very quickly!
- butterfly crunch combo
Start by lying on your back and bring your legs into into a butterfly (or diamond) shape by pressing the soles of your feet together and keeping your knees wide. Reach and extend your arms overhead with your elbows wide.

Exhale and bring your hands and knees towards your lower body, performing a crunch. If you can, lift your feet off of the ground for a full body crunch. Lower back down and then repeat by rotating to the right lifting the right leg, down, then to the left lifting the left leg, then down for a full set.

For this workout, each crunch counts as one rep, so the pattern of center, right, left is three total reps. You can modify by lowering your feet and placing them hip-width apart to the floor and performing regular crunches or opt for crunches with reaches. (See video.)
- plank with leg lifts
Get into a plank position on your elbows and toes. Make sure your hips are in line with your shoulders, your elbows are under your shoulders, your legs are straight, and your core is tight. Hold this position tight without letting your back round or arch.

Brace your abs and clench your glutes to keep your body straight and in line. With this position in mind, slowly raise your right leg and hold that position for one second. Lower, then alternate and raise your left leg.

This pattern equals one full rep. You can always drop your knees to modify, do donkey kicks from all fours, or just do a plank hold for 30-60 seconds.
- rotational push-ups
Get on the floor and position your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Raise up on your toes, or modify by dropping your knees. Keep your body in a straight line from your head to toe without dropping your middle or arching your back. Before you begin the push-up, contract your abs and keep your core tight. Think of pulling your belly button towards your spine, then lower and lift. Then rotate to your right hand, rotating your torso until it’s parallel to the wall and your left fingertips are pointing to the ceiling.

Rotate back to the starting position and do another push-up followed by a rotation on your left hand on the opposite side. For this workout, each rotation is one rep so your are doing 12-15 total push-ups.
See the video on variations of straight and bent knees!
- pull-up supermans
Start lying face down on the floor with your arms extended in front of you and your legs extended behind you. Engage your lower back and shoulders to lift your chest and arms off the floor. (You can also lift your toes, or choose to keep them stationary on the floor.) Once lifted, engage your lats and draw your elbows down towards your sides like you’re doing a pull-up. Then extend your arms up again for one rep.
See video for variations.
- surrenders
This one works way more than just your legs! Make sure you have a mat or padded surface for your knees, then start standing with your feet under your hips and hands behind your head with your elbows wide. Keeping your core tight, slowly lower your right knee to the ground, followed by your left knee so you are kneeling. Keep your chest up and squeeze your glutes for stability.

Then lift your right foot up and in front of you, followed by the left to resume your starting squat position. This is one rep. Start the next rep by bringing your left knee to the floor and alternate sides for 12-15 reps.

- triceps dips
Start with your hands directly under your shoulders, feet hip width apart, knees bent, ankles under your knees, and shoulders back. Don’t let your shoulders slouch, and keep your chest lifted throughout the entire exercise. Tighten your core and focus on moving your arms, not your hips.
Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body until it’s a couple of inches off the floor. Once your reach the bottom of the movement, push yourself back up using your arms only. Be careful not to swing your hips up and down! Remember, this is an upper body exercise that targets the back of the arms. Repeat for 12-15 reps.
- climber knee taps
Start in a straight arm plank position on the hands and toes. Bend your left knee in towards your chest, hovering your toe off of the floor. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side. Add a knee tap for an extra challenge by tapping your right hand to your left knee, then left hand to right knee. This is one rep. Repeat for 12-15 reps.
- curtsey lunge combo
Curtsey lunges are also called cross back lunges and target your quads and glutes. I love this combo with a squat that makes it extra spicy!
Start with your feet hip-width apart, and your hands straight down or on your hips. Take a big step back with your right leg, crossing it behind your left. Bend your knees and lower your hips until your left thigh is almost parallel to the floor. Keep your torso upright and your hips and shoulders as square to the front as possible. Return to starting position and then lower into an air squat for one rep. Alternate between sides or stay on one side and modify by taking out the squat. You can always choose to do (stationary) if you feel uncomfortable jumping.

And please, make sure to take some time to warm-up, foam roll/stretch, and cool down before and after your workout.
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Thanks for checking in today, and I plan to keep this #WorkoutWednesday pattern going every other week with a new workout post throughout the year. I’ll also see you later this week for a Friday Favorites!
Here’s to a great rest of the day!
Disclaimer: Although I am a certified personal trainer, I am not necessarily your personal trainer. The workouts I post are what work best for me and might not be the right type of exercises for you. I always recommend consulting a doctor or health professional before making changes to your diet and/or fitness routines.

Thanks for posting this article it is very useful information for to keep body fit.