Today was my Bridal Shower!
I can’t believe this day snuck up on me like it did & I know the wedding is going to do exactly the same thing. I think I’m finally starting to be ready for it to get here already! 😉
A shower celebrating Scott and I getting married was a very exciting one for me. I had a great group of family & friends there to help cheer me on and shower me with gifts and love. What’s not to love? It was nice to take a break from all of the planning and nonsense a Bride-to-Be goes through at this stage in planning…THANK YOU everyone for a great afternoon!
I know I’ll have MUCH more to share in a following post about this special day, but I just couldn’t wait to share this hilarious video. My friend, Jaclyn made a video of another friend Megan interviewing Scott with a series of questions for me to also answer at the shower. Whatever questions I answered differently than Scott, I had to stick a piece of double bubble in my mouth…and man did THAT get sticky!
Let’s just say I only answered half of the questions correctly so my mouth was full with 7 pieces of double bubble! (Which really is like…14 since it’s double, right?!)
I’m sure some of you have heard of this game before, but I can GUARANTEE you have never seen a video answer reel quite like this one. Leave it to Scott to be a little bit “different”, ridiculous, & borderline embarrassing…
Even so, I’d rather in be fun than boring, wouldn’t you?

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