I spent a lot of my weekend with a friend named Amanda. She came to my jewelry party, then I stayed over at her house the next night and we enjoyed cooking breakfast and watching our church service streamed online.
Hey, it is okay to go to church in your pajamas every now and then… right?
Breakfast was wonderful. I have been trying to make protein, or oatmeal and egg pancakes for quite some time now. Until this time, I had not been successful. With Amanda’s help, I finally figured out a vital step of mixing everything in a small bowl before hand, to get the right texture going. Hellooooo, Captain Obvious <- me.
My mouth drools every time I see someone post a photo of a healthy pancake concoction, especially Kasey from Powercakes. She is an inspiring healthy food and fitness blogger to follow, and I plan to try out a handful of her powercakes in the future. While we were cooking our cakes, I couldn’t help but wonder if ours would turn out half as good as hers look.
They did! These oatmeal and egg cakes topped with pumpkin goodness hit the spot. And then some.
Scroll for the recipe… but first we interupt this post with a quick message from the weather channel, er from me at my computer desk.
Tropical Storm Debby
If you live anywhere near Florida, you have experienced typical Florida rainy weather for a solid four days. Of course, this time it is to an extreme and it is not fun.
Well, maybe it is if you are there. 😉
She has lessened into a Tropical Depression, but the threat of flooding is still very much real possibility from Debby.
As thankful as I am that our place and area is safe, I have to admit I am just about over the wind, rain and stormy weather. My evening run on Sunday quickly turned into treadmill intervals at the gym downstairs in our condo, which was fine, but I am ready to get outdoors again.
I’m not sure if it is because Scott is out of town, or because the weather is so bad, but our pets have been incredibly needy lately. Roadie has been under my feet, on my lap or snuggled up against me at all times. He just lays down, lets out a big sigh and continuously stares outside, hopeless.
Yesterday was the first time since Saturday that I could take him outside for more than thirty seconds at a time. Before that, we sprinted to the grassy area by the pool, I encouraged him to do his business (which worked about half of the time), and we ran back upstairs – drenched.
Thirty seconds in pouring down rain and wind equals one wet pup, over and over again.
As for the other one in the photo, Aspen keeps popping up everywhere. She is literally laying next to the keyboard as I type and keeps giving me the “hi I’m here, adore me” look.
Not like that’s different from the one she gave me earlier…
Do you want to go outside too or something?
Cali is in her own world, sleeping the days away. With all of this rainy day feeling in the air, it’s hard to fight the urge to lounge on my downtime.
Oops. You caught me. I too have been affected by the rainy day blues.
I can’t control the rain, but I can share a very basic recipe to start what I hope to expand on with different varieties and recipes to come. Using a few key ingredients, you can get creative when making your own healthy pancakes, and this time Amanda and I chose to give it a pumpkin and applesauce topping.
Healthy Oatmeal and Egg Pancakes – for one
1/2 cup oats
1 real egg (can substitute egg whites and/or add more)
splash of milk (also try almond milk)
pumpkin pie spice
vanilla extract (all to taste)
1/2 cup pumpkin
1/2 cup applesauce
pumpkin pie spice (to taste)
cinnamon (to taste)
agave nectar (to drizzle on top)
Combine your cake ingredients of choice in a small mixing bowl. Add enough milk to liquify, but not enough to make it runny. Mix well.
In a small skillet, spread mixture into a pancake-like shape on stove top on low-medium heat.
Cook all the way through by flipping once or twice. This process should take less than five minutes and while you’re waiting mix up the topping.
You can then remove the cake from the heat or spread the topping on while it’s still in the skillet. We chose to the latter to warm up the pumpkin.
Spread evenly and remove from heat when ready.
Drizzle with agave nectar or honey for extra sweetness.
Voila! You now have a power oats and eggs healthy pancake breakfast.
Question of the Day
Have you ever made a power or protein pancake?
The next one I want to try will incorporate protein powder and cocoa powder. YUM.

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