Today is the first day in a long time that I woke up knowing it’s just going to be me these guys for the next 12 days.
Oh…wait, there’s another one.
Since Roadie and I dropped Scott off at the airport last night, things have been pretty quiet around here.
I woke up earlier than normal today feeling well rested, energized and ready to take on the day. I don’t know how that happened, but it was quite refreshing.
Maybe it was because I put myself in a food coma by eating an entire row (or maybe even more…) of these funfetti brownies Scott made and unfortunately left behind.
That chocolate high turned into a chocolate crash about 9:30pm and I decided that was my cue to turn in early. Going to bed before 10pm is almost unheard of in the Hesington household, and as much as I would love to say I get 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night, that just isn’t the case.
Night Owls
I used to work as a server in a breakfast place and I can count on one hand the nights I got 8 hours of sleep before waking up for a full work day. More times than not I would get to bed around 1 or even 2am, then wake up at 5:30am for a full day of work, usually followed by practice for my night job. WHAT?
You see, being home as much as I am now is a completely new experience for me. Ever since I can remember, I went from school to dance which eventually turned into college class to work to dance, then finally turned into going from work to work.
A normal day for me included leaving for work at 6 or 6:30 in the morning, coming home for 15 minutes to change into workout clothes, go to the gym, workout, change into practice clothes, then practice for 4 hours, getting home around 10:30pm.
Was I crazy? Maybe.
If I wasn’t completely and utterly exhausted by the time I came home (which, I have been known to fall asleep fully dressed a time or two), I would get a second wind and stay up. Talking to Scott, watching TV, surfing the computer…you name it, I would be doing anything else but getting the sleep I needed.
Since I left serving last December and no longer have a consistent night job, I’ve tried to get back into a “normal” healthier sleeping routine.
My only problem with this? This guy…
He’s definitely a night owl and would stay up until 6am playing video games if I let him.
Scott is one of those rare breeds that thinks he doesn’t need sleep to function. I say thinks because he would tell you himself he doesn’t, but we all know everyone needs sleep.
Early Bird
It will be interesting to see what my sleeping habits turn into while Scott’s in Australia. So far, I’ve gone to bed by 10:30pm 2 nights in a row and it feels great.
I really liked waking up today feeling like I didn’t have to have coffee. Around 7am, I decided to put on my running shoes and catch the sunrise.
Those are always my favorite runs.
When I got home I still made a pot of coffee, but it was more for comfort than a need. I had built up quite the appetite after burning off all those brownies I ate the night before (yeah right, I wish!) and made breakfast.
Into a small skillet went 3 egg whites, deli turkey, a sprinkle of low-fat shredded Monterey & Jack cheese and black olives.
Less than 5 minutes later I had a great scramble to wrap inside a La Tortilla Low Carb & High Fiber whole wheat tortilla.
I really like working out in the morning. I’ve found if I go for a run, take a morning fitness class, or even go to the gym early in the morning I actually have more energy during the day.
I think I’m going to try this early to bed early to rise routine out a few more times while Scott’s gone and see how it goes.
Are you a Night Owl or an Early Bird?
I love my mornings! Unfortunately since I started working from home, I realize that I stay up way too late working on projects – so when I go to bed at 2 AM and naturally wake up at 7, it’s a rough day!
I completely know what you mean! Seems like if I start a project or anything after 9pm I’m up until the wee hours…I try to avoid doing that these days by cutting off my blog/freelance time at 6pm.