Hello friends! Well… I mentioned earlier that I dropped the kitties off at the vets to have a dental cleaning. Is that crazy?
Before moving here, we never even considered putting the girls down under anesthesia for a simple teeth cleaning. But, after their last two exams, two different vets expressed a need and concern for it, especially with Aspen. Both kitties are just around four years old and have never had one, so I guess the tartar was starting to build up.
Cali came out clean as a whistle, while Aspen had some inflammation and a bit of an infected area in the back.
Knowing a cleaning a year could help save their gums and prevent further dental problems (and infections), Scott and I decided to purchase a PAWS plan where we pay a monthly amount to cover their vet fees. At first, it sounded unnecessary, but in the end we actually saved money by doing so with annual check-ups, shots, and cleanings.
I’m sure leaving your pets at the vets is not an easy thing for anyone to do. I can’t even imagine how parents feel taking their little ones to the doctors! All I could do was drop them off early and drive back home hoping everything would turn out okay.
Super Troupers, or Troopers, or TrooPAWS
I got a call a few hours later, telling me all about how they did. The responded great, and were complete troopers!
I had to make an appointment to pick them up so I could go over their after care and results of the cleaning (mostly for Aspen) with the vet, and received two adorable “Super Trooper” certificates for their bravery.
Is that not the cutest?
Going into the day, I knew it was kind of a big deal since they were going to be put under anesthesia, but I had no idea that also involved IVs and such. I was assured they did just fine, and would be completely back to normal within a day’s time.
I arrived at the vets around 1:30 p.m. and left about fifteen minutes later with a couple of grumpy meowing kitties.
I guess I would be more than perturbed if I had to go without breakfast, get poked and prodded, then have to come home with this thing on my arm too!
(For the newbies, Cali is white on top and Aspen is grey on bottom)
(Aw… Hi, Winkie!)
I am happy to report that as of now, they both seem to be doing a-okay.
I was instructed to only give them a small portion of their food when they got home, and then am only allowed to give about half of their normal day amount at 8 p.m. They’ll be okay, and in the mean time I will be sure to provide extra snuggles.
Speaking of food, I forgot to mention this beautiful (bright!) bowl of greens I threw together for lunch before I left.
More on that for tomorrow’s What I Ate Wednesday, but I have a feeling it might also pop back up as part of dinner.
As soon as I got home and made sure the girls were settled, I couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous the weather was outside. Finally!
Knowing both Roadie and I could use some fresh air, I hooked him up on his leash and set out for a long walk around the neighborhood.
Before I knew it, we were all the way to the trails and half way through our 4 mile running loop. I made a special effort to remain calm around strangers, and he seemed to react a lot better!
I figured we might as well finish it, and about an hour and ten minutes later I had a very happy and tired pup on my hands.
I just love when he gets all smiley! 😀
I guess he is somewhat of a super troopaw too. Okay, now I’m off to start thinking about dinner. See you in the morning!
Questions of the Day
• Have you ever taken a pet in for a dental cleaning?
• What’s the weather like in your neck of the woods?
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West
I just had two nights at home in Southwest Florida with my parents (I’m actually writing this from the airport now on my way back to San Francisco), and the first two days were gorgeous. Clear blue skies and sunny weather. But today was ugly, dark and rainy, so it’s a good thing I’m on the way out. I’m glad your neck of the woods is beginning to get better for outdoor play. 🙂
Aren’t visits home the best? Ahhh I could use some FL weather in my life right about now. Luckily, it’s finally starting to warm up here!
Rainy but I feel spring coming on down here in Virginia. I have never taken a pet in for a teeth cleaning, but I feel it is in my dog, Roscoe’s future. I try to brush his teeth myself at least every other night, but he is getting more issues as he ages. Even though I have a 2 year old boy, Roscoe is also forever my baby too! 🙂
Those certificates are just too cute. And I bet mister roadie is very happy to have the nice weather! 🙂
Ohhhhh yeah. It really is helping him become less anxious! I can’t wait for it to get even warmer! 🙂
Chrissy @Pinkpolishandrunningshoes
Awww those certificates are adorable. My kitten is 9 mo old so his one year check up will be coming up soon. No dental visits yet, but I have a feeling he won’t like it at all.
Aw, I love kittens! Enjoy that first year 🙂
So glad you got their teeth cleaned!! Our cat was a stray and already an adult when we got him, and he went several years with no cleanings. He had so much inflammation and bad teeth that we had to get several removed! 🙁 Luckily, he’s more than fine now! It definitely it worth it to be proactive with their vet visits!
I have two cats and a dog like you, and I don’t think I’ve ever gotten any of their teeth cleaned! :/ The last time I took my oldest cat in, the vet said a teeth cleaning would help prevent heart problems down the road (they detected a heart murmur of some kind). The problem was, I couldn’t afford what they were going to charge! Since she’s eighteen years old, she would have to be put on antibiotics before going under anesthesia, and it was just too much. That was a few years ago, and she’s still doing fine. After reading this, though, it makes me wonder if I could have been a little more proactive earlier on. I should probably take my other cat in – she’s only 10 years old. Thanks for giving me something to think about! I’ll have to look into that PAWS program, too.
Erin (@girlgoneveggie)
I love the super trooper awards! What brave kitties. My heart breaks every time we have to take Punkin to the vet. He hates car rides and gets so scared. I’m usually the one cringing/ trying not to cry in the corner while Josh is calming Punkin and being helpful.
BCP Veterinary Pharmacy
Such lovely guys 🙂
Aca Baranton
Your cats are really cute and brave and completely deserve super troopers award! I wonder how roadie get along with the two cats, are they friends?
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