Good Morning! I have a very exciting list of little things for you. Don’t worry, you will understand why I phrased it that way in a minute…
I think I need to start buying stock in iTunes. Since I spend the majority of my workdays sitting at the computer at home, I play music in the background ninety-nine percent of the time. I can honestly say that I like all types of music. From alternative to country, you can find me jamming out to pretty much anything out there.
Today I wanted to share my latest playlist that has motivated me to get out and go for a run. I have also used it at the gym and think you might like to hear and possibly even break a sweat to it as well.
Winter 2012-13 Workout Playlist
Here are my latest favorites for the season. As always, I threw in a slow jam at the end to make sure you include a cool down and stretch. <- Please take time to do it!
I have made this playlist available for you to listen online, however, this time there was a good amount I had to leave off.
Either I could not find the clean versions, or the program did not like the song I was requesting… so here are links to the ones that are missing.
• Va Va Voom – Nicki Minaj
• Tonight Is The Night – Outasight
• Scream & Shout – ft. Britney Spears
• Heart Attack – Trey Songz
• Finally Found You – Enrique Iglesias
• Workout – J Cole
• Pound The Alarm – Nicki Minaj
• Little Things – One Direction
(WHOO! Is that it?)
*Please note to download the clean versions, or don’t say the recommendations were from me! 😉
Recent HWG Playlists:
• Fall 2012 Running + Workout Playlist
• Summer 2012 Running + Workout Playlist
• Training Week 9 + 10 Playlist
Hope this puts a little pep in your step, as it does for me. Happy Listening!

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