Hi friends! I’m coming at you with a lighthearted read today. My hope is to lift the somber moods out there and give you something positive to read on the Internet, so here goes.
I don’t want to dance around the fact that what the world is experiencing with the COVID-19 outbreak is uncanny. It’s also scary. But, a lot of what is happening is out of our control, and the last thing we need to do is create extra stress and worry for ourselves.
SO. Let’s talk about social distancing, and how we can get through this and even use the time that we have at home to our advantage!

We’re doing our best to get outside for fresh air and walks with Roadie at least twice a day, but also mandating space away from each other in opposite parts of the apartment for a chance to be productive. Just like everything else, it’s all about that balance, right?
If you find yourself nervous or unsettled during this time of uncertainty, here is a list of things that I would encourage you to focus on instead.
- soak in the quality time we don’t always get to have
I can vividly think back to less than a month ago when I barely got to talk to Scott on video chat while he was on a trip for work, much less see him. While it’s incredibly frustrating for him to be at home and unable to pursue his business at this time, we are trying to focus on the added-in family time that we now have. Sometimes things are out of your control, so at least there is a silver lining like togetherness that we can grab ahold of.
- keep moving with at-home workouts
All gyms are officially closed in New York City, and talks of a shelter-in-place status are swarming. This means that working out can be a little more challenging, but definitely doable. In fact, my workout routine only consisted of at-home circuits paired with running outside after the first few months of moving here.
There are an abundance of at-home resources available, now more than ever. (Here’s my latest!) Fitness studios and professionals are showing up in a big way by offering free streaming trials and workout shares on their pages. I think it’s important, however, to remember that the workouts people share are what works for them, and may or may not be the best workout for you.

Make sure to be cleared by a doctor before starting a new type of fitness routine, and always modify things when needed.
- take everything one day at a time
Okay, let’s talk about this one. I have a feeling that those in a panic state are not taking everything day by day. Some are looking six months into the future and assuming the worst. Of course this will cause panic and drastic decision-making! We are in a pandemic, but this crisis is temporary and is being controlled.
Just like any challenge that comes up in our lives, we are taking this one a day and one week at a time. We have access to food. We have a safe place to hide out for a while. The vast majority of COVID-19 cases are mild, but we do need to take action to contain the spread and protect those who are at the highest risk of contracting it.
Coronavirus isn’t the first threatening disease that’s affected the world, nor will it be the last. We are all in this together!
Right now is not the time to abandon ship and freak out. Can we please just focus on the positive and take everything one step at a time?
- pick up a new hobby or side hustle
I’ll binge watch an interesting Netflix series with the best of ’em, but I don’t think that will be the answer for what to do with all of the time we have at home together. Now would be the perfect opportunity to pick up a new hobby that you’ve been wanting to try!
Also, while we’re staying indoors, have you considered starting a side hustle or something that you can channel your nervous energy into? I know this blog and running by business with Beautycounter is helping me focus on the good and spreading positivity when we need it the most. And hey, I’ve never been so thankful for the extra income it has brought in, too.

If you’ve ever been interested in clean beauty and love helping people (while being able to work anywhere), why not sign up to get a big discount on products you use every day and make some money? In fact, if you spend about $1,000 per year on skincare and makeup, you may as well sign up for the discount alone. There’s a free enrollment offer going on through 3/31, the entire site is 10% off (which rarely happens), and you’d get 25% off of everything on the site – all the time.
Want more info? Shoot me an email at beautycounter@lifeinleggings.com and find out more about signing up here!
- FaceTime loved ones
Scott and I have been relying on video chatting with family and loved ones ever since we moved away from Orlando. I’m so thankful for the option to be able to FaceTime (for free!) and check in with everyone on a regular basis.
If you’re feeling left out of what is happening outside of your world at home, just remember that no one is doing anything anyways. And if you’re feeling down … a quick chat with a loved one might just do your soul some good.
- cook, bake, and get creative with recipes
Now is as good of a time as ever to get creative in the kitchen. I know that’s what we’ve been doing to go through some of our stored pantry and freezer items! I haven’t been making meal plans for the week for this reason, and we’re going off-the-cuff for most of our meals right now. For example, check out this completely random taco salad that used up what was left in our veggie drawer and leftover taco meat the other day.

We’re also trying new recipes like stews and casseroles that last for a few days at a time.
It’s been nice to get back in the kitchen more!
- throw expectations out the window
This rings true for anyone, but especially to the parents who are now expected to work full-time at home and/or educate their children in a homeschool type of setting. Please don’t compare yourselves and your situation to anyone else’s. Color-coded lesson plans and scheduled learning from breakfast to dinner time every day is wonderful, but it isn’t realistic for every family. And you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it.
Practice grace during this unplanned season, and do what’s best for you and your family. For me, it’s a balance of growing my businesses at home and being present as a mom, wife, family member (even virtually), and getting through it. We’re all just trying to figure it out, so remember that.
- get to those projects you “never get to”
Still haven’t done your taxes this year? (Guilty.)
Do you have a list of things that you’d like to fix around the house?
Are you holding on to items that no longer serve a purpose for you? (See below.)
- go through your closets and give away/sell things you don’t need
Slowly but surely, we’ve been going through our closets and cabinets that have been saved for “rainy days,” whatever that means. We’re creating piles to donate, sell, and organize. We’re also getting rid of clothes, toys, and items that Skyler has grown out of, which we were initially holding onto. (Don’t read into that too much.)
We’ve never had so much time to organize and purge things that we don’t need anymore, and it feels great to do so.
- spread joy to others, because they probably need it
I hope this post has served as a good distraction for you today, even if it’s just for a few minutes. I know I sure need them!

If you find yourself getting down, you’re probably not alone. Think of something positive that has helped you and reach out to a loved one. I’m sure they’d love to hear from you, and that few minutes of uplifting chatter can go farther than you think.
- practice at-home self-care services
I’m all for supporting small and local businesses! But, like some of you, I’m finding things like getting my nails done, my eyebrows shaped, and my hair colored at the lower end of my priority list right now. Quite frankly, I can’t justify the cost, and I don’t want to expose myself or my family to anything unnecessary.
I feel my best when I practice self-care, so I’m getting dressed outside of my pajamas (even if it’s into athleisure), finding quick ways to style my hair, doing my own nails, taking warm baths, and dusting off the tweezers and eyebrow trimming scissors that I haven’t seen in years.
Do what makes you feel good — whatever that means for you!
- adjust your body to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night, if you’re not already doing so
This is one that I’m reminding myself to do! I was great about averaging 7+ hours per night before all of this craziness started, but I’ve been staying up later, which is throwing everything off from my normal routine.
If you’re feeling tired and could use some extra sleep, this would be a great time to check in with what routine you’re getting your body accustomed to and change it, if needed!
You can read more about this and tips for staying on a routine in a recent post I shared about increasing your productivity.
And finally, remember that this is all temporary. While I am all for being smart and cautious, I’ve also heard a lot of panic in voices from loved ones.
Is it scary? Yes. It is nerve-wracking not knowing what the future holds, or how long we will be living in an isolated world? Absolutely. But we haven’t been this way for long, and it all just started. Remember that. Just like our lives were totally different two weeks ago, they could be just as different two weeks from now. There’s no need to stress about what the next six months will look like, because nobody knows.
Do yourself the biggest favor today and breathe. Stay positive, take time to decompress, and most of all, give yourself the grace you deserve during this unpredictable time. I know I am also talking to myself to do the same, and it isn’t always easy!

We’re all in this together, friends.
Let’s lean on each other with support and positivity!

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