This week’s training went pretty smoothly, except for getting caught running 5 miles in the rain. Although I was tempted to call a friend for a ride home, I think the rain motivated me to knock it out as quick as possible, since Day 14 is one of my best paces yet.
At this point, I’m confident that I can get through the rest of my training program and the race, which is a good feeling. My body has been starting to question my motives, however, and I’ve been trying to stretch, ice and soak in hot baths as much as possible.
First, have you caught up on last week’s Training Re-cap?
Great… glad to see we’re on the same pace page. 😉
Day 13
Monday: January 16, 2012
Today was an easier run. I usually enjoy Monday mornings with the goal of 3 miles…ha. It’s funny how that seems like a piece of cake these days. On the way in from the neighborhood I noticed some Fall leaves in Florida, which was a pleasant surprise.
Miles: 3
Time: 25:23
Speed: 7.1mi/h
Pace: 8:28min/mi
Post-Run Meal:
I made another version of healthy, happy waffles using Kashi 7-Grain Waffles. This time I topped them with fresh blueberries, drizzled them with all-natural honey and finished it off with some chia seeds. The smiley is made from one of my favorites: Jennie-O Extra Lean Turkey Bacon.
Day 14
Wednesday: January 18, 2012
I started working on some articles and posts early Wednesday morning and didn’t stop until everything for the day was finished, which meant around 3:30pm.
What do you know...this is just about the time of day that is notorious for rain showers in Florida.
Scott and I decided to face the rain anyways, since we had 5 miles to knock out. It finally started letting up on our way back inside, and unfortunately I think we both caught more than this picture… a cold.
I guess that’s what you get for running in the rain!
Miles: 5
Time: 42:22
Speed: 7.1mi/h
Pace: 8:28min/mi
Post-Run Meal:
Can you tell I’m trying to use up that Jennie-O Extra Lean Turkey Bacon? Even though it was the afternoon, I made a power sandwich scrambling eggbeaters with turkey bacon, cherry tomatoes and low-fat shredded cheese on whole wheat toast.
Day 15
Thursday: January 19, 2012
Thursday was another exciting day for me at barre. Scott came to class and for the first time I taught the warm-up through three thigh exercises. Let’s just say he has a new found respect for what I do. 😉
*In case you missed it, I pitched a Get Active & Stay Active in 2012 challenge this week.
Oh look…there’s a guy in that picture!
Miles: 3
Time: 25:37
Speed: 7.0mi/h
Pace: 8:34min/mi
Post-Run Meal Snack:
Since I had to run later in the afternoon, I just needed a light snack to hold me until dinner. I have been in a very Strawberry mood lately and satisfied my cravings with a Strawberry Citrus Drink Chia! and a small side of fresh strawberries.
Day 16
Friday: January 20, 2012
*NOTE: I ran the dreaded 8 miles last night (which is supposed to be a rest day) instead of today because I have a full day of barre training ahead of me and wouldn’t get to run until late.
At the last minute before getting ready for a bowling party, I decided to go ahead and knock out my long run of the week at sunset. I really like running during a sunrise or sunset. I wouldn’t say running 8 miles was enjoyable, but at least there was a view.
Miles: 8
Time: 1:16:22
Speed: 6.3mi/h
Pace: 9:28min/mi
Post-Run Meal:
You might have noticed my paced slowed down an entire minute for this run. For 8+ miles I’m going to try to stay somewhere in the 9:10-9:30 range for now, until I feel completely comfortable running that long of a distance at once.
When I got home I needed something quick, filling and easy. Luckily, I had leftovers saved from my Lean Beef Burrito Bowl I made the day before. YUM.
What I’ve learned this week:
- Healthy leftovers really come in handy after a long run or intense workout.
- Running in the rain isn’t the best idea. *Crossing my fingers* it doesn’t rain on race day!
- Although the distance isn’t long, I think Thursdays have been challenging for me because my muscles are already sore from barre training and classes in the morning.
- Stretch, stretch and stretch some more….then ice, ice and ice some more.
Goals for next week:
By some GU Chomps and/or GU Gel packs for next weekend’s run.
I’ve heard those really help keep you fueled and give you energy for long distances. Other goal?
Tackle the 10 mile run next Saturday. I feel if I can do that, I can do 13.1!
Training Week 4 Playlist coming soon… 🙂

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