Today we hit the 5 month mark and boy does the time keep flying by! I know I am going to say this each month, but REALLY….the time seems to go by faster and faster!
Since today hits another reality check in my brain that we really are getting married, I wanted to share a few updates by video. I normally do a Monthly Focus video at the beginning of the month, but in lieu of doing 2 similar videos pretty close to one another (boring), I combined the March focus video AND the 5 month update into one video update.
You can thank me later for not wasting your time…. 😉
I’m sure you’ve gotten the basic ideas of what’s been going on in the last month and what we’re hoping to get done in the crazy month ahead! The challenge for Scott and I will definitely be staying productive even though we will be traveling a lot of the month. Regardless of what we DO or DON’T get done, I’m getting to the point of truly enjoying this entire process.
We’ve gotten a lot of the headaches out of the way and I’m so excited to do some of the TO-DOs for next month, especially register for our wedding gifts and pick out our wedding bands…it’s almost like getting the best double birthday present(s) ever!
And as far as the wedding dress hanger goes (purchased from my favorite handmade accessory website), I’m happy to report that it’s finally here!!!! 🙂
As I mentioned in the video, I hired a company called Weddings in the City to help the day of our wedding day run as smooth as possible. WITC is well known in Orlando and know exactly how to help you organize how you’re going to get everything done for your big day! My friend Britt had Ashlie Shea as her wedding coordinator, and after I met her and went through Britt’s wedding day with her I knew I didn’t need to look any further…
By now you know I am trying to be as organized as possible. Well, what can I say? I’m a planner. 😉

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