It’s Friday! Fall is here, and I am ready to get the weekend started to get out and enjoy it. You too? We’re almost there friends!
Sometimes my weeks tend to go by faster when I keep a mental note of things I want to share with you at the end of it. This is super convenient now that I’ve created a platform for me to do so each and every week. I hope you are enjoying reading these Friday Favorites posts as much as I enjoy putting them together!
Friday Favorites #4: Week of 9/27
• Monogrammed Chevron iPhone Case
I feel like I am always looking for a new phone cover. I am usually drawn to chevron patterns and when I found the Simply Monogram Shop on Etsy I fell in love. (Note, this specific shop only makes cases for the iPhone 4/4S, 5 and Sprint Galaxy S3).
There are so many different colors, patterns and varieties, and the majority of them cost $16.99, which isn’t too bad for a personalized item.
After going back and forth on several, I finally decided on this light blue coral design with rubber sides. I often take my case off to put my phone in an arm strap when I go for long runs, so knew the soft sides would be easier to handle. I have been using this case for about a month and absolutely adore it!
• Sweet Potato Chips
I whipped up a batch of these bad boys the other day and can’t keep my hands off them.
Just kidding.
I can’t take any type of credit for them because they’re from the grocery store.
I have mentioned this on the blog before, but Simple Truth is Kroger’s organic line. While picking up a few essentials this week, I saw these Natural Sweet Potato Chips for the first time and had to get them.
A total of seventeen chips equals one serving for only 160 calories! Match that with the fact that they are made from real sweet potatoes, and they’ve sold me.
• Hot Vinyasa Yoga
I shared my desire to get back into yoga again a few weeks ago. I think it’s safe to say I am finally there. Over the past week I have taken three classes, all of which have been the Hot Vinyasa Flow practice.
There may be a point in the class where I think it’s a bit annoying (those dang pushup hovers), but 95% of the time I am loving it! After each class, I leave feeling a sense of inner peace and calmness.
Plus, I have noticed a significant decrease in my lower back pain. I have a feeling I will be going to this class on a regular basis.
• #Hasthtag (and other shenanigans) with Jimmy Fallon + JT
I stumbled upon this video the other day, watched it, and immediately posted it on my personal Facebook page. Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake (swoon) have to be the best comedic duo ever.
It all started with the History of Rap segments on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. (Am I right here? That’s the first time I noticed them together). Since then, they have performed tons of other musical treats and skits on his show.
This one, however, was new to me and I literally can’t stop watching it.
It’s SO great!
And, for the record, I am a hashtagging fool. I don’t really “say” hashtag whatever, but I certainly use them on an every day basis. #oops #sorryimnotsorry #sexyghostforthewin
Right after I posted that video, a friend of mine brought my attention towards this article/video.
Apparently, my favorite combo created a series of NFL end zone dances and challenged all players to do one during a game. If they did, Fallon promised to counter any fines ($10K) with a donation to their charity of choice. Well, well what do ya know… Detroit Lions (woot woot!) Rookie Joseph Fauria came through. I’m so proud!
P.S. I’ve never seen the “Worm On A Leash” before. That’s a move I’ve got down and may or may not be pulling it out when the time seems appropriate. 😉
• Feeling Okay About Eating Chocolate
I saw this image pop up on my Facebook newsfeed this week, via FitFluential… via Brad Gouthro Fitness.
Just like many of you, I hold a special place in my heart for chocolate and I have never been able to cut it out of my diet. Good news… you don’t have to!
I have known about the “it’s okay to eat chocolate, as long as it’s dark” rule for a while, but I enjoyed Brad’s post (and watching his video – kinda funny!) about why. Lots of helpful tips there!
• Roadie Snuggles
This guy. He kills me.
If there is even an ounce of space left on the couch, he will find a way to crawl up to it and lay… on whoever. Scott and I often joke that Roadie must think he is a cat for some of the poses he gets himself into. I mean, half the time his lower half is even hanging off of the couch.
Sometimes I wonder if he really thinks he is a cat, or even a small dog for that matter. Judging from his behavior (snuggling and jumping everywhere including the very top part of the couch), I would guess the answer to this question is yes. Gotta love ’em!
Have a great Friday, everyone! 😀
Previous FF Posts:
• Friday Favorites #1: Week of 9/6
• Friday Favorites #2: Week of 9/13
• Friday Favorites #3: Week of 9/20
What are some of your favorite finds this week?

LOVE sweet potato chips! Heck, I love anything sweet potato related!
Ahhh I watched that clip the other day….too funny! I have a serious crush on JT so when this came out it just made me love him even more.
It’s SO wonderful.
Sweet potato chips (fries, tater tots, etc) are my absolute favorite. I am also a sucker for anything JT 🙂
Ohhhhh sweet potato fries. I die!!
Haha, I was about to say, dang those are good looking chips for them to be homemade! I love sweet potato chips. They’re the perfect sweet/salty snack that’s still kind of healthy.
Exactly! And… hehe. 😉
I love sweet potato chips too! And that video of JT and Jimmy is absolutely hilarious- those two are the funniest! TGIF!!!
I want to personally be friends with them. I might actually die laughing. 😀
Oooo, those sweet potato chips look awesome! And my dog does the same thing…he’s 65 pounds and sometimes I can’t believe the places he can fit himself into. 🙂
It’s hilarious!
JT and Jimmy Fallon- love! It was love at first history of rap. They have yet to disappoint me.
I love “it was love at first history of rap!” 😉
I definitely had that video on my blog today too, haha, so funny! I love that your dog is a cuddler. I never mind when my pets want to curl up on me!
They can definitely make any bad day instantly better! 😉
Aw, Roadie is so cute… my pug likes to do the same thing. Dogs are the best.
He says thank you! Oh my gosh, I just love pugs. The faces they make kill me.
That hashtag thing was hilarious. I heard it replayed on the radio and I was dying. Those two together are so funny! I am loving the Friday favorites and I almost can’t stand it anymore…I think I have to start doing some version of a “favorites” segment on my blog because everyone has so much fun with them!! Hope you have a great weekend!
I know right? To everything you said. 😉 That’s hilarious that you heard in on the radio! Hope you have a great weekend!