Happy Friday! I can’t believe we are well into September already.
Fall is most certainly in the air up here and it makes me want to go pick a pumpkin out from a patch or visit a cider mill. All in due time, I suppose.
As usual, I have complied a list of things I have enjoyed this week for Friday Favorites. New around here? Come on and join the party!
I started this link up almost fifty weeks ago (!!!) because I found myself clicking on any type of favorites post that popped up in my reader on Fridays. They’re entertaining to read, and if I like to creep on other people’s favorites, chances are that you do too.
Whether it’s fitness, food, or fashion related (or just plain funny!) feel free to share a list of things you’ve been loving lately through the widget (blue button) at the bottom of the post. If you are not a blogger, I still welcome you to take part in the fun by sharing some of yours in the comments!
Friday Favorites #55: Week of 9/19
• the beginning of fall
I have come across patches of autumn colored leaves here and there, but I finally saw a predominately yellow tree on my run yesterday.
I guess I can tolerate the chilly weather in exchange for views like this.
I love this time of year!
• Yes To Carrots anti-frizz serum
I have mentioned the Yes To Carrots organic hair and skincare line a couple of times on the blog, but I can’t recall if I have highlighted this specific item yet.
I have been using this anti-frizz serum on my wet hair and it has worked wonderfully for scrunching and naturally shaping my curls while it air dries!
To be fair, I already have naturally curly hair, but I really didn’t expect it it tame the frizz as much as it did. It’s been nice to occasionally go au naturel.
• Ed Sheeran concert
Remember that concert I was dying to go to on Wednesday? We got to go!
Ed Sheeran is AMAZING in concert, you guys. He sounds even better live than on his albums and seriously impressed me with his unexpected guitar playing and rapping skills.
I have been a lover of his music since I heard his first track years ago, but can’t seem to get off of his Pandora and Spotify stations lately. I found out he was coming to our home arena and flipped out. I’m so thankful that Scott found a way for us to get there!
It was the best date night we’ve had in a while!
• headband hack trick
Speaking of the concert, I got word we were going without much time to get ready and decided to throw my hair on top of my head and make it work. Like my headband?
Ha! That’s not a headband. It’s a belt from one of my jackets tied around like a scarf with some kind of makeshift bow I created while tying it.
I literally don’t even know how it came together and stayed, but it worked on the first try and is something I will surely attempt again! Next time you’re in need of a cute headband, get creative with your fabric belts. Who knew?
• Nature’s Way Alive multi-vitamin gummies
I first discovered vitamin gummies back in January. They might not be as good as taking a supplement in the form of a capsule is for you, but they are the only type of vitamin I actually end up taking on a daily basis.
On a trip to the grocery store a couple of weeks ago, I picked up these Nature’s Way Alive Muti-Vitamin adult gummies from the organic aisle. They’re gelatin-free and so, so good!
Scott and I both take two every morning and we have already gone through an entire bottle. Time to get more!
• the Friends episode that squeaked by?
This is somewhat embarrassing, but I am going to go against my better judgement and share it anyways.
Most of you all already know that I have been a fan of the show Friends since it premiered in 1994. Seriously. I’ve seen every episode at least twenty times and record the re-runs to have on a rainy day or for when I need something to listen to in the background while I’m cleaning the house or folding laundry. Scott thinks I’m ridiculous.
With that being said, I watched an episode that I didn’t know every line to the other day. The One With Rachel’s Dream, the maple candy, and Phoebe’s “classy” singing outfits? How did I completely miss that one throughout all of these years?!
It sounds silly, but the fact that I had no idea that one episode existed blew my mind. Has this ever happened to you? #theonethatgotaway
• Every Man Jack body wash
In need of a body wash refill this week, I decided to try something new.
I picked up a bottle of Aveeno for me and this bottle of Every Man Jack body wash for Scott. The Sandalwood scent is absolutely dreamy.
He loves it and I really can’t get enough of the smell on ’em!
• The no-cut lip dub of a fraternity singing “Shake It Off” and this article explaining how they came up with it.
And this marks me mentioning this jam three Friday Favorites in a row.
I can’t help it. Haters gonna hate, ya’ll.
I still can’t believe how synchronized and planned out it all was! Nice work, Delta Sigma Phi – Beta Mu. (<- say that three times fast.)
• favorite HWG posts
>> Half-Marathon Training: Week 1
>> PUMA Fitness Fashion + Strength Exercises For Runners
And to leave you with a laugh…
• a Friday funny!
Because you know you do it.
Tee hee!
Your Turn

Have a wonderful weekend! xo
*Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post, and merely features items I genuinely want to share with you. Please understand, however, that affiliate links may pop up on occasion. I always, always appreciate your support!

Yes to FALL NOT winter, thankyouverymuch. I dread what is to come but I am loving what we have right now! Happy Friday!
Totally. Fall = YES, Winter = GO AWAY. FOREVER! Ha. Right there with you lady!
I need to get that anti-frizz stuff!!
It’s easily becoming on of my go-to’s!
I wanted to go to the Ed Sheeran concert so bad in Chicago but sadly it did not work out. I am obsessed. Glad it was a good concert 🙂
He is SO GOOD!!! I’m sorry you didn’t get to go! I’m sure he’ll be touring again!
Omg the fabric belt worked out SO cute! I need to try that!!
Ha, thank you! Now if I could just make that happen again… 😉
One of my favorite HWG posts of the week was the Half Marathon Training Week 1 too!
Oh, that’s great to hear! I plan on doing one a week until the race is here. Thanks so much for reading!
I love that picture of the tree! And yes to fall weather!! We’re kind of getting some fall-ish weather over here in California haha it rained yesterday! But then was muggy the rest of the day.
I’ve been dying to try out Say Yes to Carrots!! Happy to hear that you like the product, makes me a little less skeptical on whether it will work or not,
Love Ed Sheeran!! Maybe one day I’ll make it to one of his concerts!
And Oh Em Gee, that Last Picture is too funny and too true hahaha
Have a good weekend 🙂
Thank you, I couldn’t help but snap a photo of it yesterday. Fall is here! I was skeptical at first too, and to be honest, used the serum because I ran out of what I normally use. Come to find out, it works much better!!
I love the Yes to Carrots line – I am going to have to pick up the serum on my next shopping trip! The concert looks like a blast. Glad you had a great time!
Thank you for hosting the link up and enjoy the weekend!
Me too! Ahhh it was the BEST. Definitely one of my favorites and best I’ve been to see. Thank you for linking up! Happy Weekend! xo
Your makeshift headband is adorable!! I’m loving the look with the heavy eyeliner and red lipstick too. Very cute.
I’m intrigued by that Yes to Carrots hair serum! I have frizzy and naturally wavy hair, so it sounds like it’d be nice for those days that I don’t feel like doing much to it.
Ha, it still makes me laugh because it took me all of two seconds to somehow look acceptable for public. I probably couldn’t recreate it if I tried for an hour! 😉 And thanks, I’ve always been a lover of red lips and winged eyeliner. I need to start doing it more often!
Happy Friday! Thank you for hosting. It looks like you had a fun week and great time at the concert. The headband definitely works! Have a great weekend.
Woo hoo, thank you for joining in! Have a great weekend! xo
It has been crazy humid here lately. I need that anti frizz serum!!
It’s great stuff! <3
I totally know what you mean about the friends episodes. It usually seems like they repeat a lot of the same ones over and over. So when you see one that you’ve only seen about 5 times its so exciting!
I secretly feel like they went back in time and added a new one just for me. 😉 #notreally #butkindof haha!
Ed Sheeran?!? I am so jealous right know! The belt idea is genius and it looks so great. Will definitely copy that! I actually think trees are prettier just before their leaves fall out so I am loving it!
The trees are absolutely gorgeous right now! Can’t wait to see what they look like next week. I’m sure I’ll post a picture! Ha. 😉
Thank you for continuing to host the link up, Heather! 🙂
The Ed Sheeran concert looks like so much fun, I’m glad you were able to go! I love the experience of seeing and hearing a performer live, especially if its someone I’ve been listening to for awhile. I still remember the magic of my first ever concert, N*SYNC 😉 Haha. Have a great weekend!
Thank you so much for participating! Aw, N*SYNC! The good ‘ol days. I’m pretty sure my first concert was Britney Spears! 😉
So I feel like I missed the memo. Everyone is talking about Ed Sheeran’s concert and although I have his cd I was unaware of his tour! Thanks for the link up!
I honestly didn’t know he was touring until I saw it on a billboard at our arena two days before. It really was a last minute opportunity, but I’m so glad we ended up going!
Hahahah that is a hilarious video!! Thanks so much for sharing.. very much enhanced my day 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Hehe, so glad you enjoyed it! Hope you’re having a great weekend!
I love Ed Sheeran! He’s such an amazing talent. I saw him last summer when he opened for Taylor Swift and he was fantastic. I’ve gotta see him on his own tour! Also, I love your creativity with the belt/headband! So cute!
The Closet by Christie
Oh I bet that was an awesome show! I love both of them! Thanks 🙂