Hello! I hope you all had a great weekend. Ours was very low key… or, I should say mine was. Scott, on the other hand, was pretty flipping busy.
Between Friday night to Sunday night, he had a dunk show, two Pistons home games, and practices to keep him occupied for the majority of the weekend. I was sad that I wasn’t able to spend much time with him, but I really did need to dive into some projects and catch up on life. It was kind of nice to have the excuse for some solo time.
Understanding this, Scott wasn’t bothered by me missing the games, and I deemed this my “catch up and prepare” weekend. Friday night started with a trip back to the gym to take a small group strength training class. It kicked my booty (just as I expected it to) and I spent around fifteen minutes foam rolling and stretching afterwards.
I took a hot bath when I got home and felt like a million bucks. You guys should all try that combo: strength training, stretching, soaking. Trust me!
Scott got home as soon as I put sweatpants on and asked if I wanted to go to dinner. Sure… in my sweat pants. Don’t judge me. We kept it casual and drove over to a nearby Italian spot called East Side Mario’s.
Both Scott and I had a craving for pasta and shared a ton of food!
He ordered his own pasta dish, so we both had plenty to take home.
Scott left for work around lunch time on Saturday, and I didn’t see him again until late that night. I had one huge goal for my day, and that was to create and organize my own personal training folder.
I needed a system of organization for all of the templates and documents I have acquired at the gym over the past week, so I put my love for office supplies to use and gave them all a category and place to call home. I know… #dorkalert
Since I took my CPT test close to two months ago, I know I could use some brushing up on formulas, terms, fitness testing procedures, and anatomy.
It took about three hours, and I made copies of specific pages from my NASM book, my , and also created my own word document filled with information I could easily need and reference down the road. It was very time consuming, but well worth it.
Plus, I got to hang on the floor and play with this guy…
He’s a great distraction working buddy.
I spent the rest of my Saturday night finishing up the Christmas decorations and cleaning the house. I know, I know… so glamorous. I’m getting old. It’s fine.
Scott let me know he would be on his way home around 11 p.m. (they went into overtime!) and I knew he would be hungry. I kept snacking throughout the night to hold me over and heated up our pasta leftovers (with the addition of marinara sauce) for dinner as soon as he walked in the door.
Pre-made Italian + Shark Tank sounds like a fantastic Saturday night to me.
Sunday wasn’t much different! Scott left for work in the morning and I streamed our normal church service online. I caught up on a lot of emails, projects, and spent a lot of my day working on the new site. (Ahhh! I am excited for the progress and really can’t wait for it to be done!)
I left the house mid-afternoon to grab groceries and randomly got the urge to get some Christmas shopping done.
That pretty much consumed the rest of my day. It happens.
I returned home around sunset on a mission to make a new soup recipe!
It’s a hearty Italian tortellini soup that I will be sure to share with you tomorrow. It’s hearty, healthy, and so, so good!
I spent the rest of my night wrapping presents, working on the new site (again), prepping posts for the week, and watching all the Christmas and Toy Story movies in the background.
I feel super lame for barely leaving the house this weekend, but I also feel very pleased with my productivity. I got a lot done, y’all. Don’t you just need weekends like this every once in a while?
Scott and I have two holiday parties to attend tonight, so I am looking forward to spending some time (outside of sweat pants) with him later on.
I better run. See you back later this afternoon with a post all about getting Z’s. Happy Monday!
>> Linking up my Weekend Snapshots with Katie and Erin.
Questions of the Morning
• Any holiday parties on your radar?
• What are you wearing?
(Going for the ugly Christmas sweater and Santa hat, or keeping it dressy with the classic holiday party attire?)

No judgement on the sweat pants! 🙂 We all needs weekends like this once in a while for sure. Do you ever add epsom salts to your bath? They are awesome for recovery. Have a great Monday!
I have before but it’s been a while! Thanks for the reminder. Happy Monday to you too! 🙂
I go to dinner nearly every Friday night in my gym clothes after teaching an evening class. You gotta do what you gotta do. And my personal training binder is a mess. It needs some attention. Have a great day, glad your weekend was productive!
Ha, glad to hear I’m not the only one! Thanks, have a great day Ashley!
Every so often I’ll treat myself to a weekend in and I never regret it. I’m usually super busy on weekends, so taking the time to catch up and relax is perfect!
Exactly! 😉
Scott has such a crazy schedule but I love that you two make it work with seeing each other and meals! I have yet to do holiday shopping and know it will be the day before and me scrambling around!
That’s usually how I roll! Trying my best to avoid that stress this year 😉
Sweat pants is the way to ho sometimes so no judging here. Love weekends where you just chill out and with kids that’s impossible so I’m jealous. Love your blog and looking forward to the tortellini recipe 🙂
Thanks!! I’m sure chilling out is much different with little ones around. Thank you so much for reading!
I love Shark Tank! That is one of my favorite shows. We have my husbands Christmas party that I am suppose to attend. Most are buying new dresses. I am trying to figure out how I can wear something from my closet and make it look Christmas-y http://www.eatallovertheworld.weebly.com
I do that all the time! If you get stuck, go for a classic black or black and white look and add a pop of red in the shoes and/or lipstick!
Looking forward to the soup recipe! I’m also a HUGE fan of Shark Tank. 🙂 Oh, and I actually liked the fact that you share low-key and what might seem to others as kinda mundane weekends because it just shows you are human and need some low-key time too! I love weekends without many plans to just catch up on tasks and do whatever feels right in the heat of the moment for making plans. 🙂
I always wonder if I should share these types of weekends. I mean, they sound pretty boring to me. But, I’m glad to hear you enjoy reading them 🙂
First- I think that sweatpants are (or should be) totally acceptable for going out to dinner. And I have a couple holiday things going on with my mom’s group and kid’s school, but adult party for my husband and I? Nothing. Here’s to next year. Haha.
Haha glad I’m not alone there. Aw have fun at your mom’s and school’s party!
I usually always have a few holiday parties and this year I have none so far 🙁 My work always does their holiday party after Christmas – I think it is because venues are cheaper
Wow, that’s interesting to hear! But hey… better late than never right? 🙂
I am dying for a weekend like that and definitely will be more so after the holidays! my fiance and I are hosting holiday dinner parties this Friday, next Friday, and Christmas Eve is at our house too! It will be tons of fun but I can see a weekend at home doing nothing in my future. 🙂
Wow – sounds like you will be a busy bee! Enjoy the time with friends and family. <3
Oh yeah! I need a good weekend like this every now and then to rest up and get all those little things I keep putting off done. It’s fun to do stuff too, but sometimes a lazy weekend is good for the soul too!
I think–ahh, who am I kidding–I know I prefer a sweatpants and leftovers weekend way more often than a busy one. For the most part, it usually comes down to company