Hello, hello! How’s Thursday shaping up for you?
Mine has been, well… eventful, but not really at all.
This morning started off with with a lot of cinnamon. And when I say a lot, I mean on pretty much everything consumed.
I haven’t had these Van’s gluten-free french toast sticks in quite a while, and I couldn’t tell you why.
Topped in a couple of spoonfuls of almond butter, a heavy drizzle of agave nectar, and a generous sprinkle of cinnamon, this was one of my favorite, effortless breakfasts I’ve made in a long time.
In an attempt to stay healthy and ignore any type of cough or nasty something-or-other that’s insisting on trying to enter my body, I also took breakfast with a side of Emergen-C.
Gotta love all that Vitamin C in a glass!
I woke up with big plans of studying in between working on a couple of blogging projects today. The fact that it’s cloudy and rainy out makes it easier to stay inside, which could be great for the books.
Either that, or I’ll be fighting the urge to take a nap or curl up with a fictional book all day. Aren’t rainy days the coziest?
I’m coming to you on my lunch break and have already transitioned into thinking about getting into some green things.
After that, you can find me with my nose in this book studying everything having to do with the muscular system. #alldayeveryday
The great part about this adventure with NASM is that it’s a wonderful motivator to apply what I’m learning and put together new workouts.
Since it’s raining and Scott took the car today, I’ll be coming up with some kind of at-home workout to break a sweat later this afternoon, so I’ll be sure to share anything interesting.
See ya in just a bit!
Question of the Day
• Rainy days – love or hate them?
While living in Florida, I thought rainy days were most annoying thing ever. In Orlando, you can expect it to rain – even if it’s just for ten minutes – almost every single afternoon, and it always seemed to catch me on a walk or something having to do with me being outside.
Since we moved, however, we don’t walk outside too much unless it’s with Roadie, and since I’ve been working at home I find the rain to be very comforting. It’s funny how life activities can affect your thoughts on the weather!

I have not seen those french toast sticks! They look delish!!! I grew up in Oregon (now I live in SoCal) so I loovveee a good rain day! We get them like once a year in SoCal so I enjoy them when I can.
SoCal – you lucky duck! 🙂
I love rainy days every now and then, but too many of them depress me. I need the sunshine in my life 🙂
That’s probably what I miss the most about Florida. Non-stop sunshine!
I love rainy days as long as I don’t have to go out in them! I think it’s peaceful to read or get work done while it’s raining. I just hate having to go out in it because my hair gets so poofy!